Bobo is nearly 40

0  2016-09-07 by Dennyislife


He still needs people to give him Mets Tickets and a ride to the stadium.

Maybe he should get a job instead of beg online.

Bobo is worse than a Mexican, they at least work.

I know his begging has always been obvious but going back and listening with that in mind, the piece of shit is a one track mind for freebies and favors, and he isn't even fucking grateful. And sure he's part retarded but there are full spud heads out there with good hearts, not Bobo though. Guys a self obsessed mooch.


He said he's part Spanish or something on his mom's side.

No freeloader, he is closer to nigger than mexican.

Like I said a Mexican works and expects little.

A nigger loafs at home all day, and expects free rent, free electric,gas, and food stamps, to supplement his drug dealing, so he can buy lobsters and steak and keep enough free cash around for drugs.

He's been talking for years now about getting his drivers license. Does he actually take the test & fail or does the mom just promise to take him one day, like a deadbeat promises their 5 year old to go to Disneywold

It's deleted. But by guessing by the posts I'm gonna say Bobo hasn't actually worked hard for anything except maybe tickets or met's clothes. He'll be in his mom's house until she's dead and they have to violently evict his dumbass

In dog years.