Looking Frumpalicious

22  2016-09-07 by MilesDavisRose


She's as fat as/fatter than the person that's famous for being fat.

At least she always backs up He-Man against Skeletor.


Ah yes, Ram Man

You fags are in here bashing Amy and not even talking about the whore on the left with huge tits.

Who dat bitch?

Ashley Graham.

holy shit she looks incredible after dropping the extra weight

still a bigger bitch but super hot

first thing I noticed.Its really fucking with me. Its like its in anaphylactic shock.


They look like a white trash mom and daughter posing for prom pictures while the mom is wearing her "I can be sexy too!" trashbag ho getup.

Amy is a rough looking 35; she looks like a trans female in this photo.

Ashley is fucking sexy. How are they, probably, the same weight but their bodies look completely different?

Ashley is taller, and also has much better bone structure. And probably has a fair bit of muscle on her; she has a pretty good waistline for her size.

Ashley, (((Amy))), Ashley, (((Amy))), Ashley, (((Amy))).

Centuries/Millennia of inbreeding.

Yup - they are not an attractive people, no matter how many times they dye their hair blonde.

Shame. They were so close to with almost looking white.

That's what nose jobs are for.

Not enough

Tell that to Scarjo. He rocks the shit out of that dye job.

Different species entirely.

wow its just like that scene from charlotte's web

I've always heard black was slimming. Guess that's not the case with Amy

It is, when you put it over your eyes.

Who is that large-breasted woman and why is she posing with the Michelin Man?

Ashley Graham.

I googled her and she appears to be a model who is famous for being "fat" and modeling clothes for plus-sized stores.

That's not the Michelin Man, that's the Michelin Pig.

didn't she say she's a size six or some horseshit?

That was a tent size. She wears a size six tent.

Thread over. Winner ^

Big Amy needs to learn how to dress for her body shape.

How do you dress for "amorphous?"

A tarp with pin stripes.

I was going to go with a black trash bag. She's a pile of steaming garbage.

Melissa McCarthy, that's how. I'm not disgusted by her.

Melissa McCarthy and Big Amy switched body types.

Why does she always look like someone just spilled something on her couch

You'd think Amy would put her one decent feature - her serviceable sized tits - to work to distract from the world of hurt that is the rest of her.

Got that 'bulldog chewing a wasp' Greta Van Susteren chin. Vile beast.

Whenever i look at this ugly fat bitch dressing herself up to look nice, i ask... why even try? Then i realize lena dunham goes that route and im not sure what i want.

She's horrific. If I looked like that, I'd kill myself and apologize to my family.


Where is the pic from? It looks like their arms have already been airbrushed too.


Ashley Graham.


Who's the chick next to Amy

Ashley Graham.

What's her name?


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she looks like miles o'brien

She really is awful.


Isn't that the girl that a blogger compared Amy to and said that they were both plus-size models (chick on the left is a paid plus-size model? Then Amy said she wasn't plus-size. Wow, was she wrong.

Looks like a social studies substitute teacher.

She looks so hungry.

So this was the model, who called out Amy for her insistence that she was a size 6 and not plus sized... What the hell? Ashley is beautiful. She's bigger than Amy and other comedians, but the woman is obviously stunning.

Despite following this cesspool, I don't mind Amy. Truthfully, I root for the girl, out of spite for the nasty, bitter, haters in this sub... You know which ones? The lonely, heinous, men that believe that liberals, feminists, and minorities are incapable of grasping self-deprecating jokes. But in truth, O&A was fuckin hilarious. And I miss it. Unfortunately, it took a nasty turn when Patrice passed, Obama was elected, and Anthony began that whole George Zimmerman crusade. I never cared for the show without Anthony. Compound Media stinks.

I come here to laugh at myself and everyone else. So with that said. Fuck you all. From this liberal, former Sanders and now Hillary supporter. Also I practice yoga, love organic and whole foods, believe in income based taxes (even though it means I pay more), and rescue and take in abandoned dogs. So suck it. If you have a problem with that, go inhale a big, black, veiny, dick.

What's her name?

first thing I noticed.Its really fucking with me. Its like its in anaphylactic shock.
