You think Amy wished she looked like this?

5  2016-09-07 by CharlieWaflesBR


I'm sure Chelsea Clinton does.

They barely let her on TV, I wonder what's wrong with her.

She isnt Bill's daughter and it really shows now.

My favourite Larry Flint quote was when asked who he'd most like to shoot, he said "Chelsea Clinton, she's 18 now?"

She gets emotional when her mom starts having seizures. It's better to have disconnected SS agents on stage who can act like she "forgot her lines."

Chelsea Clinton's teeth are bigger than Gary Bobabooyee's..She just didn't get hit with the ugly stick, she got hit with the whole fuckn tree.

Wide birthing hips. Delicious.

And Ivanka has had children. Amy looks like she's had a litter.

She's confident in her own body. Nice try with the hate tho.

She shouldn't be.

No. No she isn't

She can catch dick whenever she wants- didn't you hear?


       -I- wished she looked like that.....

What a short-fingered vulgarian.

Amy Schumer owns suits, I'll have you know.

Like what? Orange and fake hair