paul r nelson

3  2016-09-07 by georgie_best


First second of the clip, Opie's already bombing. Even after hearing the name a hundred times, he still gets it wrong.

ah shutup you one note cunt. we're here to talk about PAUL R NELSHON. not opie.

How about that Opie though, isn't he awful?

Yeh. I prefer Paul R Nelson

I'm Paul R. Johnson

I'm Paul R. Nelson

I'm Raul N. Pelson

That sounds like a goddamn illegal immigrant name to me, buddy. You know how PAUL R. NELSTHON feels about illegals.

I'm Paul R. Nelson

I'm Paul R. Nelson

I've been trying to find for the longest the o&a clip where they play fatboy slim's the rockafeller skank with the paul r nelson sample and can't find it anywhere. It's fucking hilarious. "Right about now I'm paul r nelson, check it out now I'm paul r nelson" lmao. If anyone has or can find it will be appreciated!


Would fucking love to hear that.

On an unrelated note I have a vague memory of chip singing Tom Jones, delilah, but replacing delilah with "my peckahh". Did I just dream this or did it happen?

Why why whyyy, my peckahh

