Amy Schumer Posts and Immediately Deletes Incredibly Racist Tweet

31  2016-09-06 by [deleted]



She'll be a footnote within a year, albeit a fat one.



I can't wait for the obligatory fake apology

"Gee guys it's just been such a stressful time for me and I totally didn't mean to tweet that, I'm soooo sorry"


  1. She's a pig
  2. She's right that black people catcall more

You can believe BOTH of these things, can't you?



That website is almost unreadable on desktop. Holy shit.

WTF that is such horseshit. I know a lot of websites are doing that faggy mobile structure now (which I expected to see now), but I would never have imagined such a mess. I miss the internet before all the airheaded teenage girls got their hands on iphones (and the internet) and started voicing their irrelevant opinions through twitters and indirectly by clicks.


It's time to bring the pig to slaughter. SJW's come out,come out wherever you are. ..?

Should post a warning that the link will feature her giant cabbage patch kid face filling my screen. I couldve been eating, for christsake.

Her Republican Character hacked her account.
