Kevin Smith reading some of the awful Yoga Hosers reviews.

10  2016-09-06 by CharlieWaflesBR


Oh, so he made the movie terrible on purpose. I get the joke now.

ME: That's the bit!

He's been doing this joke for 20+ years now apparently.

That Twice Baked review someone posted made a great point about how there's thousands of people out there who would give their left arm to have half a shot at getting their screenplay even looked at, people with actual passion and a story to tell.

All while this fat stoner is making objectively awful movies with his stupid daughter and playing it off like it's just a prank. I've never hated Kevin Smith before I saw what a bitchy queer he is about all this. If you wanna talk about how stupid comedies/comedians these days are that just reference obscure pop culture shit, blame Kevin Smith for making that trendy.

He fucking sucks. Clerks 2 was awful. I liked Jay and Silent Bob Strike Back but I was fucking 16.

I wish he'd just thrown his weight around as a producer and gotten decent shit greenlit instead of his own dogshit.

Clerks 2 was hilarious. "You know, sometimes I wish I'd done a little more with my life instead of hangin' out in front of places, selling weed and shit. Like maybe be an animal doctor. Why not me? I like seals and shit. Or maybe be an astronaut. Yeah. And be the first motherfucker to see a new galaxy. Or find a new alien life form... And fuck it. And people would be like "There he goes. Homeboy fucked a martian once."

The fact that you quote that like it's your The Godfather makes me want to slice you hundreds of times along your stomach.

Obviously I googled it...

Clerks 2 was great, die in a fire.

The guy's got a good heart. It's hard not to like him as a person. He just doesn't have anymore good movies left in him.

I totally agree. At least he's not an unbearable Hollywood douche, like most of the people in the business are.


This comment has been overwritten by this open source script to protect this user's privacy. Gregg Opie Cake Stomp Shock Jock Hughes would rather dox his ex fans than face up to his wife's past with Bam Margera. YOUR MOMS BOX

He had a good heart.

...twenty years, and forty-thousand cheeseburgers ago.

Well, at least he's taking it on the chins.

What's next for this hockey shirt wearing fat fuck,a winery. ....??????

Moose jaws its like jaws but with a moose. Seriously,

Is he talking about some cats that didn't dig his flick?

totally! but light a candle rather than curse the darkness and what not.

Id rather see a director do this than another ghostbusters "no its really good honest and youre a misogynist if you dont see it"

That's like saying you'd rather see Big Amy naked than...........than something even more unpleasant.

I'd rather see a good movie.

Boy that really was an awful analogy, lol.

ME: That's the bit!

So would I, but that doesn't mean Kevin doesn't deserve the criticism.

True... i just felt like saying somthing positive for once instead of screaming at SJWs or big amy or anyone who seems happier than me

Yeah. You can see how passionate he is about the movie, even if ended up being shitty. I've never liked his movies, but I've always liked the guy.

Those jerseys make him look like a fat dude in a fatsuit.

I was so excited when he made Red State. I thought he was getting his shit together and going in some cool new direction. Twas only a temporary detour. (I loved Red State)

I'd let his daughter sit on my lap and pee on me, while I whispered Bukowski passages in her ear. She is a fucking cutie.

Liked his early films when I was younger but not really a fan anymore. Still, can't help but like the guy. He can talk, seems like a good dude and doesn't take himself seriously.

When was the last time he made a watchable movie? Mallrats?



Red State and Tusk. But I've been known to do a blow or two and like creepy shit.