How much does Boob Kelly weigh?

0  2016-09-06 by AnthonyNiggerCumia

Does he talk about it on his show? Do you think hes in the morbidly obese categori?


Too much

he says he weighed about 250 on the Colin Quinn and sometimes Bobby Kelly podcast, that was 2007.

I think 350 is a good guess

When he was "losing weight" a few years ago (before "sex&drugs...) he said before his diet he got up to 299. So he did "no sugar no grain" & lost some weight. Then he got the Leary show & let himself go. Then from November-February he went back to "no sugar no grain" & lost a pathetic 20lbs in all that time. But then his therapist told him to "accept himself" which he took as giving him permission to go crazy & now he's fatter than ever & not even attempting to lose weight. So he's gotta be over 300lbs. The only thing is that Bobby is a lot shorter than you think so he will look a lot worse than his weight. But if he's 350lb that means he could be 200lbs overweight

No sugar no grain was such horseshit.

What a shock, he tried a fad diet and it didn't stick.

Well Bobby was saying things like "you know, sometimes you get accidental sugar, like with ketchup". Ketchup is all sugar. So I assume he did with avoiding things he assumed had sugar but was still eating sugar-filled sauces & marinades. And NSNG works to a point, but you can still consume enough calories of that shit where it doesn't work (what Bobby probably did). What Bobby should do is NSNG and calorie counting at the same time

Oh it would definitely work - it's just not realistic or feasible in the long term.

Like you said, he was probably making up for the calories in other ways so basically negating cutting out any one specific thing.

Ketchup is all sugar.

It's an ingredient in ketchup, but how do you figure it's all of ketchup?

It's essentially tomato flavored frosting

Again, what makes you think that. Being 100% serious.

Factually, ketchup is 1/4th sugar. About 25grams in a 100grams serving of ketchup is sugar. Therefore it is significantly high in sugar. The rest is exaggeration & hyperbole

Wow, I never knew that. I never regarded ketchup as "sweet", per se.

Just thought that was the flavor of it: the tomatoes, the spices, vinegar, etc.

Thanks for the info!

The NOAA Fisheries is still working on an accurate figure.


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About morbid obesity. He obviously is.

So obesity is 50lbs overweight. Morbid obesity is 100lbs+ overweight. If he's 5'7" then the highest end of "healthy" is 163lbs. He obviously weighs more than 263lbs

Bawby weighs more than all the tea in China. .....................


tss...2...MUCH! tsss!

So who will do the benefit when he drops dead clutching two eclairs?

I will, if the eclairs don't touch the floor.

And if they're filled with pastry cream, and not that disgusting yellow custard-y shit.

And they have to be cold, too.

I started this weeks YKWD & first thing he says is how they are all getting ice cream

He's about 5'7" and weighs 350lbs+, that's far beyond morbidly obese. Quite unfortunate because I really like the guy and he has a son now, but won't likely be alive in 5 years.

About .86 on the Schumer scale, give or take a chin

Factually, ketchup is 1/4th sugar. About 25grams in a 100grams serving of ketchup is sugar. Therefore it is significantly high in sugar. The rest is exaggeration & hyperbole