Ant wears his own merch

12  2016-09-06 by Dennyislife


Someone has to.

What else is he going to do with a 100 shirts that no one is buying?

They're good for stopping bleeding during...incidents.

Since most of them are xxl or larger he could try using them to sew a sail for a ship or a hot air balloon

Blocked over a year ago for commenting "can we get one day without race talk?"

Blocked for asking him why he is always sick and maybe he should go see a Dr.

Blocked for asking how his plea bargain for beating and strangling a woman went.

Not the youngest pussy he's ever had.

Strange, he always seemed so finely tailored...

I love kittens.

I don't think there is anything sadder than an old single man with multiple cats.

He is a gay man

So he can write off his salary as advertising, no doubt.

Always working the guinea flim-flam!

He's the only one that would put that garbage on his body. Except for Bobo maybe

Cats are snakes with fur.

Looks like he's got a new star for his youtube channel.

I bet those t shirts are itchy

at least someone is...besides Bobo


To be fair most of his listeners are a 3xl so he should have extra

No one else buys his crap merch, so why not?

Blocked for asking him why he is always sick and maybe he should go see a Dr.