Someone is panicking and phishing hoping to get something that will save his ass.

0  2016-09-06 by KDkidz



Someone needs to tackle you, hold you down and force the seroquel down your throat.

Like what, a bunch of tuna or something?

I swear this guy is a bot, his posts seem too weird to be a real person.

I'll indulge this asshole...


I'm just talking horseshit cuz some crazy person is shit posting.

Quit with the vagaries, what are you Erock? What the fuck does this post even mean?

I just told you shit head.

It sounds like you are talking about yourself, wanna tell me who the fuck you are talking about?

I'll be honest, honesty is now a weapon, I'm talking to other people about things that have nothing to do with what's going on in this Sub. I run open and use different forums as my messenger.

Well what are those things, who is the person that is the subject of this post, and in what way are the "phishing and panicking"? Just take a breath and answer.

Stop talking to yourself then I'll respect what you have to say.

The truth is I'm fucking with you, dummy.

Do you know me?

Who is it then? Spill the beans asshole

:D Stay on your pills but don't drink, they don't mix.

Cmon sugar lips, tell us who is doxing people in the sub.


Who do you think I believe you are?

Maybe it will weird him out and he will leave, it's probable that it same dude that's been hanging around here years now.

He/she might have some mild form of schizophrenia and if I can tap into it and bring out his paranoia then he/she might get scared away.

Don't stop keep going, I find it entertaining.

Someone advised you to shut the fuck up didn't they?

Bye, Bye Coward.

Who is it then? Spill the beans asshole

Cmon sugar lips, tell us who is doxing people in the sub.