Bobo's girlfriend enjoy!

17  2016-09-05 by Justyna_A


She looks like the bitch from Gorillaz

keep BLM out of it.

I would fuck that in a second

You and every other faggot here. If they say otherwise, they're lying.

I know, everytime a girls picture gets posted here all these fags say how ugly they are knowing at least half of you are fat fucking slobs that would fuck anything

Even if you aren't fat, you are still likely a male. There's nothing wrong with her, why wouldn't you? Do people really only fuck someone after they check off everything on the list? Who HASN'T been blown by 5/10's?

I wouldnt imagine people on here talking about sex like relationship specialists do.

I'm saying I would in a heartbeat

Same here bruthahman burp



I would most certainly not fuck her

i would probably last at least 3 minutes, not be done so fast like you.

is that a lady boy?

He's friends with Anthony so whoever it is has to be a boy

Was thinking the same thing, where are "her" titties?

I was just hoping thinking there must be a penis connected to that somewhere.

Bobo found out about her from tweets sent to the @ChipChipperson twitter account. So it probably is a tranny.

She looks like a crazier, much more unattractive version of Bjork.


Because there's a 'B'? Clever.

Shirts are being printed as we speak, thanks for the positive feedback, brothaman.


Hopefully this ends the same way for Bobo as it did for Bjork's #1 fan.

She looks like someone who would die in a Rambo movie.

One of us needs to "befriend" her, find out more info. I'm hoping she has a dick, because if she does I'll chip in to fly her to NYC to meet and stay with Bobo. NOthing would make me happier than knowing 35 year old Bobo lost his virginity to a fella in a dress.

Befriend her? I just assumed it was somebody from here like it always is.

I dunno this time, one of us here would have already bragged about this shit by now.

I'm friends with her

Is it a troll is is she real make up your mind dude

"Befriend"? "Her"?!?!?!?!

Not sure about a dick, HPV and a few other std's are in the game though.

Those are just battle scars to a playa like Bobo.

What's that?

You should tweet: "Girls trying to be funny on twitter" and then attach this picture to it.


She looks a lil downzie. Perfect match....but seriously let's be honest- zero chance Bobos chewed penis comes anywhere near her in real life, this is going to end hilarious

Pre-op or post-op?


Who is dis Voldemort looking bitch?

One of Bobo's bitches

Too bad about that face

Am I the only one who thinks she's at least a 7???!!!

Or are my standards just scraping rock-bottom, after the past few days of being buried under a visual deluge of Amy & Lena's piggyish faces & asexual dough-bod's ?!

joined January 2012

This is a dedicated troll.

They only met this year

Why are random people commenting on this in imgur? I really don't get that site.


I can't wait to see Bobo on 90 Day Fiancé

Is that Luis J Gomez on a "journey"?


She's retarded, too.

so they should go together duh

Bobo is going to shave his head, paint his face red, and eat a bullet.(dot com)




They only met this year

Hopefully this ends the same way for Bobo as it did for Bjork's #1 fan.

Am I the only one who thinks she's at least a 7???!!!

Or are my standards just scraping rock-bottom, after the past few days of being buried under a visual deluge of Amy & Lena's piggyish faces & asexual dough-bod's ?!

Same here bruthahman burp