I think it's clear Norton is an alcoholic and his attending AA is justified.

0  2016-09-05 by [deleted]

I'm reading a book called The Power Of Habit and there is a chapter on AA that explains how and why it works.

Basically it works as a way of using the cues an addict has that make him want to drink, and replaces the routine of drinking after that cue, with participating in AA. Essentially you become "addicted" to the AA routines in place of drinking- if it's like a cult, that's fine. But it does work.

I think the fact Norton seems to be "addicted" to addiction talk shows he does have an addictive personality- and there there's his obvious sex addiction. Just because he was a kid when he realized he had a problem doesn't make it legitimate.


If Norton wasn't an addict he wouldn't be enamored with 12-step programs- but the program serves as a substitute. It's a great book that shed some light on the programs that i was skeptical about.

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Nah, doing dumb things when youre a drunk teenager doesnt mean you were ever addicted to anything or have had time to even find out if youre an alcoholic. What he's doing is trying to fit into some type of "tortured artist" mold.

Upvote if you agree. For my benefit, elaborate on why you disagree before simply downvoting. Check out my profile every day for new comments about life, politics, and a fresh outtake on one man's life around the world! — OPIERADIO

that same strong urge i have to go and eat fast food / take drugs / drink is really just the same urge when i think about how bad i wanna go on vacation or even see a reall exciting looking new film. Unless you're going through withdrawls your not addicted.

I dont try to get in front of an audience every night to shout about vacation addiction. The fact that Jim does and that he really thinks hes some damned soul that will always be doomed to addiction even if hes 100 and hasnt touched a beer in 85 years isn't only laughable, its so sad how cults like AA trap people into delusion self-hate and further addiction.

How many times do you think bobby has went back to eating a pizza or jim a tranny and theyve thought "Well I guess this is just always the way it is because Im a fucking addict!" AAs a fucking horrible prison of self-hatred and delusion

AA is prescribed as the cure-all solution by the judicial system and doctors. When I went to the doctor for alcohol abuse they just told me to go to an AA meeting...

They couldn't prescribe you antibuse?

I think people get irked by his definition of being an addict or alcoholic. Sure, he has an addictive disposition, but calling yourself an alcoholic after thirty years of sobriety is a bit disingenuous in my book. As someone who has real problems with alcohol, I don't think a teenager who drank for a couple of years can really comprehend how debilitating a real addiction can be. It gets old when people wax on about addiction when they haven't really been in the trenches. I know, yeah yeah this sounds like an AA meeting where people one up each other, but I think there's some validity to people labeling themselves as an addict in order to get social brownie points. Most people have some kind of addiction but they feel such a significant degree of shame about it that they keep it to themselves. I don't know I'm drunk and rambling.


Jim is absolutely an addict. People on here give him shit because they are drunk losers and they think that alcoholism is separate from addiction (I agree that Jim isn't an alcoholic necessarily, just an addict who used to abuse alcohol) His addiction talk can get repetitive though. Anyway I'm about to bang this needle so imma let you go for now. Ttyl

You compromised the bit, Opie doesn't read.

OK faggot, what's next?