Bobo is being catfished again

39  2016-09-05 by Lyle_Chippers0n


Listening to Jim's rage in the old clips of Bobo used to be funny, "HOW THE FUCK CAN YOU BE SO STUPID TO KEEP FALLING FOR THAT!!?"

Its amazing Jim is so self-centered that he cant even see that Bobo will never learn because hes retarded, and then complains Bobo is retarded. Imagine getting not just angry but FUMING and SCREAMING at a retard for being taken advantage of.

Jim really is a fucking narcissist sicko.

As slow and asperberg-y and stunted as he is, he's not technically retarded. He rides the subway alone. He goes to ballgames alone. He traveled from NY to Cleveland for the road show. He goes out into the world by himself and does things actual retards would never be allowed to do unsupervised. And as such, he needs to learn to not be taken advantage of so easily. And they've said people like Travis and Paltalk Lindsay talk to him off the air and try to educate him to stop this shit, yet he keeps taking the bait. I could at least understand why that would be frustrating to tell an adult not to do something, and they just keep doing it, repeatedly harming themselves.

He's plenty retarded. Lots of tards go out in the world, riding the subway isn't that difficult.

Yeah. I was just going to say that. Mildly retarded is retarded enough to get repeatedly catfished.

Linzbella wasn't trying to help him. Get the fuck outta here with that shit.

Was that the girl who called in, calling Bobo "Dan", with that faux-slutty voice? She was irritating.

She was trying waaaaay too hard to sound sexy. "<3 Hiiiiii guuuuuuys <3" go drown in a lake you dumb twat.

Sorry, she really bothered me.

Don't apologize. She's white trash shit that abandoned her family to hang at the Compound.


"The fuck is WRONG with you???"

He's... retarded, Jim. He's a retarded man.

Did Jim do the same when his good pal Anthony was catfished as well?

I was listening to that show with Colin and Patrice where they break Bobo's heart. Who was the Australian girl that came in and pretended to be Bobo's girlfriend? Did she work for sirius at the time?

apparently some comedian whos on YKWD sometimes but i cant remember the name

"hey babe what's your password you don't love me if you don't give it to me :'("


"hey babe my grandpa is sick and I need your password to help him live can you give it to me :("

It's like shooting catfish in a barrel.

Like taking a password from a slow guy.


See! He's completely capable of spotting the tricks, it's just when fanny(pussy) is involved his desperation causes this wilful ignorance. It's not retardation that causes it, it's just blind hope.

Bobo is an ass

Oh Bradley

I can't argue with that.

Good man! Takes me back so it does.

Blocktown, USA

He really is the Carlin of our time

That's pretty clever for a Bobo.

It takes a special man to catch the elusive Alabama Asian.


Sherrod lost weight and got himself an AZN.

Can't be Sherrod, the guys tongue is inside his mouth.

She's hot in that skanky stank stripper way. I say go for it bobo

That bitch has the longest stomach I've ever seen.

jesus christ youre right

Why on earth would a guy post a pic of his broad like this?

Speaking of Bobo, what happened to him? When he first got onto the show he was pretty cool, pretty weird but he could hold a conversation. But then he changed into this desperate guy that can barely control himself. They must have switched his medication or he was seriously not well just from not being let on the show often.

This will always make me laugh

/r/opieandanthony says SHUT UP CUNTS, IT'S BOBO TIME!


she is actually hot, anyone know who she really is? name?

jim and sam talked about this on their show the other day when they discussed bobos mets game trivia fail

I wish this bitch would catfish me. Ya know, for the bit