Why Amy Shumur is a piece of shit.

16  2016-09-04 by KDkidz

Metzger fell on the sword many times for this bitch. He sat and got lectured about lefty things while the other writers lifted shit. Shumur and her writers let his ass out to dry.


It's 5 am fella, lay off the booze and get some rest. Let your reign of shitposting finally end.

? She sucks stfu

Of course she does you dumb faggot, I wasn't talking about pig meat schumer, I was talking about OP's shitposts and comments littering the sub with idiocy. Why don't you take a look for yourself you shitkisser.

Her physical appearance alone makes her a piece of shit.

It's definitely a reason, but let's not all go jerking off Metzger. He had to defend her as his name is tied to her show as a writer.

Sir, you're preaching to the choir. We get it already. Good lord, talk about beating a dead horse.

Do you want us to shed tears for a grown ass man, who chooses to remain loyal to his boss/friend? He knows where his bread is buttered! Do you want us to nurse him and cradle him in our arms too?

How about you bring attention to hilarious comedians that are not yet recognized by a larger audience. Because there are greater injustices in the world. Who cares?! Are you in love with Metzger? Is he your father or financially supporting your lifestyle? If not, move on.

I think we should make a list of every writer for that season with all the stolen sketches, and interrogate them to find out who did it. Bad Cop\Worse Cop

Schindlers list 2: who's line is it anyway

Looked like it was mainly Kyle Dunnigan.

Tell me I'm wrong.

You're wrong. Schumer is a piece of shit because she's an unattractive cunt who stinks of pig meat.

I mean, neither of you two are wrong.



Don't make excuses for a man who already admitted guilt. Kurt has been an ass and right before the stealing of sketches came out and they were getting awards Kurt was walking around basically saying he was a head writer and was very heavily involved in the show so he shares responsibility in letting it happen. I think Amy Shumer somehow threatens you or triggers something. The same thing Leslie Jones triggers.

Wow what an original thought. Boy, isn't it surprising that no one had this exact thing to say literally weeks ago when that shitshow happened.

She is a Fake .Big Amy Fugazzy.....

"Ramone, fetch me my Amy Schumer T shirt, her face does an excellent job soaking up hemorrhoid blood."



they are the "special ones"; play by a separate set of rules then EVERYONE ELSE.......literally view themselves as a higher evolved species of human

Sounds more like, "Why Kurt Metzger is a contemptible cuck."