Do we like or hate Jim?

0  2016-09-03 by AccidentalRenaissanc

I don't even know anymore


He is better than Ant or Opie, but still open to ridicule.

They really are all equally awful in their own way

I still love the little sweet boy!

I like him.

The cartoon was a massive flop, and while self-deprecating Jimmy has gotten really old, I wouldve found it really funny if he trashed himself for it, and he never really owned up to it, which was a bummer, but I still can't deny that he is hilarious on the radio when he isnt with Opie.

The best laughs I ever had were because of that little weirdo

He's great.

Jim Breuer? hate him

what day is it today?

Fuck him. I like him 25% of the time

*He stinks and I don't like him *

I want to bite his fucking face off.

If we don't like Opie, Anthony or Jimmy, if we hate all three, what the fuck, what the fuck do we even LIKE?

Cancer, killing puppies, importing drug addict slaves and military grade weapons from eastern Europe.

The usual stuff we do around here.

Importing drug addict slaves from Eastern Europe

Darko Brevic?

You know, I really can't help but think that if George Carlin were alive, this might be his favorite sub.


I Hope He Gets Cancer!

I hate you.

Do ya?


Jim has the most comedic potential of the former O&A hosts but still has far too many crutches as well as complete lack of self-awareness that also impact Opie and Anthony themselves. For every Uncle Paul or Chip Chipperson home-run on the radio there's always a 15 minute diet talk or Jim getting himself all frothed up talking about wanting to meet porn stars and transwomen.


Mentally ill men in wigs and bodies pumped full of foreign hormones*

No one has ever made me laugh as hard or as often as Jim but I sincerely hope he dies of aids tomorrow.

Still like him. I know he ripped some poor saps off with the cartoon, but I see that as people making a bad investment. I mean really what did those of you expect to give that dolt money?

In fact if he really just planned on taking the money and running all along I think I like him more.


In my dead eyes, he's just one of the Unforgiven.

I love him. I want to look him in his rapidly blinking eyes and tell him he means everything to me.

You're free to chose to hate him on your own terms. Don't let us dictate how much you hate him.

Never heard of him. Do you mean Jim Morton?

Edit. You didn't even say Norton. Fucking hell.

You really tripped over yourself to get that gem out

Please don't give me gold for it. Buy me Jim Breuers rocking album. I'm a dad but I'm also a cool dude.


People actually pay to use this site?

Gib mir dein Judengold!

Zeigen sie ihre mir papel, bitte

Go fuck Sie sich und Ihr Gold! Jim Breuer saugt Esel !