Gawker & Jezebel now turning on Lena Dunham & Amy Schumer.

146  2016-09-02 by [deleted]


"I was sitting next to Odell Beckham Jr., and it was so amazing because it was like he looked at me and he determined I was not the shape of a woman by his standards. He was like, “That’s a marshmallow. That’s a child. That’s a dog.” It wasn’t mean — he just seemed confused. The vibe was very much like, “Do I want to fuck it? Is it wearing a … yep, it’s wearing a tuxedo. I’m going to go back to my cell phone.”"

Wow, so one of the best wide receivers in the NFL didn't want to bang a hard 3 in men's formal wear with a bitchy personality?

Well if the rumors are true about him being gay he was probably wondering if she was a guy.

I really hope this whole thing exposes him as gay and Dunham gets lit up for "gay shaming" or some shit.

How do you get Odell Beckham Jr to fuck Lena Dunham?

Shit in her cunt.

I just repeated this joke at dinner lol

I bet your cats loved it!

How did you know that I have two cats?!

Oh shit I didn't even consider that. Good point. Still an ugly "guy" too though.

He was thinking about exchanging fashion tips and gorging ice cream and watching a marathon of gilmore girls with her


How long have you guys been dating now?

dunham has the body of an obese 12 year old boy at fat camp, even black dudes arent that desperate for white pussy.

Nfl players aren't desperate for white girls.. The other way around maybe

I bet Lena agreed with that Tranny that made a YouTube video crying about how guys don't want to fuck her just cuz she has a dick & that's unfair & men are wrong for that


Oh I have no idea. It was just a thing that made the rounds on the internet like a year ago. A tranny was crying & saying how it's not far that guys "she" likes won't give her a chance because she's got a dick and people actually agreed. Meanwhile no one ever feels sorry for any guy over the millions of possible reasons why girls they wanna fuck won't fuck them


And if he did, and was openly assertive about it she'd have smashed him for just assuming that because a woman was dressed nicely she was trying to hook up.

Clearly the only thing he did wrong was accidentally end up in the same room as her.


Can we stop with this "hard [x]" garbage? It doesn't make you sound hip.

You sound like a "hard [DORK]"

Go careful on him jeez

At least I'm not a dweeb like you.

Edit: hard dweeb*


Hard oof*


Hard what*

0 for 6

Keep going

Soft reply*

Fawkin homerun schwoogerson! Quality yuma


You are a faggot, though.

semi-permeable faggot*

You aren't into ass-play?

(breaking character) eating freshly showered ass might be my favorite sexual's 1b at least after doggin' bitches with my HARD peckah.


Only if you promise to give up the hard C's.

People here make fun of Gavin, but he is right about how if you ignore SJWs and don't apologize they are like rats left alone in a cage. They will kill and eat each other. They don't have anything unless you give it to them. The SJWs also don't get along with stay at home mom's or women with normal values, so what market do they really have?

Edit: I could have worded that better. I just mean that the only people interested in SJWs are other SJWs, and they are just a very shrill minority. Once people just leave them alone, they cannot survive by themselves. Lol, that doesn't sound good either. Fuck it, I mean they can't make money by being whiny cunts crying wolf.

When the angry video game nerd made that video saying he wasnt going to watch the ghostbusters movie the sjw elite came down on him hard, they attacked him from every angle. He never responded back and just moved on. Everyone already forgot.


Did anyone try telling this to Kurt Metzger?

Rape victim Kurt Metzger

Hey, you worded that just fine big guy.



I think you just sexual harassmented him

No he didn't, honey cooter.

That would be a hugh mungus mistake.

That's exactly what I loved most about this article. It's two SJW's getting ripped apart by other SJW's. And although thr article tried to explain why they deserve to be, I still have no idea. It wasn't some faux pas, it wasn't an off colored joke, it was (in my mind) two SJW's talking like SJW's and getting eviscerated by other SJW's for either no reason at all or some incomprehensible reason normal people can't see. Lmfao, it makes it so much better.

I'm not going to read the article again to fact check but I think the 2 of them took a jab at jezebel? It's brilliant, "oh you're brand of SJW is different than my brand of SJW? Fuck you then you fuckin bigots" hahahahahaha.

I'm not going to read the article again to fact check but I think the 2 of them took a jab at jezebel?

There was something towards the end about Dunham's newsletter being a feminist voice without the snark of Jezebel. And that's really all I could get out of this article: Jezebel is paranoid that the new cuntrag might supplant them as top hen so they're on the offense. cluck cluck

HEY!! We're the most progressive, Fuck you.

Fuck off cunt we're the most progressive.

This can be said about every single extreme ideology. Christians fighting over who the true Christians are, conspiracy nuts fighting over who is and isn't controlled opposition, they all love to pile on their own.

Can someone explain to me why we hate Gavin? Isn't he like the anti-SJW?

People make fun of him because he started that "Proud Boys" group, but that was pretty recent. I think it's more that he does something he calls "belly-flop" speaking, it's kind of what Trump does, where you aren't careful about what you say, you don't try not to piss people off, you use generalizations, etc. So, if you do disagree with what he says, it's going to bother you even more.

As far as i was aware this sub started hating him for his antics being overplayed...and also i remember some pointing to his appearance on Joe Rogans podcast and him being exposed in the form of arguing...(i also could be thinking about Milo on that front tho)

if you ignore SJWs and don't apologize they are like rats left alone in a cage. They will kill and eat each other

Didn't work for Ant

He deserved to get fired for claiming he was a "white legal gun owner" in those tweets. The fact that he's a sandnigger who thinks he's white infuriates me.

many militant racially-preoccupied people on both sides of the racial divide are mixed and racially ambiguous. it's as if they became interested in the topic to figure out what the hell they are, and they need to reject one side or the other to ease the anxiety of some horrible existential identity crisis.

it's kind of like the thing where homophobes are often closet queers. does that mean anthony and samcro are closet niggers?

Ant got in trouble for Twitter, and couldn't stop using it. He didn't leave the rats alone. Colin Quinn actually has a funny Twitter, but it is a parody, or basically a Chip like account.

archived link

It looks like the cows have come home to graze.

It also, very strangely, projects leering and potentially misogynist thoughts onto the mind of Odell Beckham Jr., a black football player for the New York Giants.

lol so apparently feminism is to the point where it puts race above gender.

White feminists are the new out group, unless they check themselves.

About damn time.

We should at the very least be considering Sharia in the U.S.

But but but... what about my LezDom porn?


As much as I don't want to support these people I kind of do want to support them when they're eating their own. If they see this article got a lot of views they might start attacking Big Fat Amy and Lena Dumb Ham even more.

Management likes the direction of the Gawker and the Jezebel.

I'm all-in with the feminist blogs!



Aren't PiggyFace and Sister-Molester like SJW royalty?

Why do all these strong independant women hate each other so much?

SJW's always eat their own, because it's always a big meal.

Upvote if you agree. For my benefit, elaborate on why you disagree before simply downvoting.

Check out my profile every day for new comments about life, politics, and a fresh outtake on one man's life around the world!


The whole point of social justice is finding someone to hate. They tell themselves it's the opposite, of course. But it's just human DNA doing what it does. When you break it down to its basic level, it's indistinguishable from bigotry.

"Perfect...Pitch. perfect."

Dan Soder, 9/1/2016

I don't really pay attention to Milo Yiannopolous, but one thing he said that was great was "Men don't hate women, women hate everyone."

Men don't hate women

That dumb faggot doesn't speak for me.

Wait a minute...he's a poofter?!

They're women

all women hate each other, it's the basic premise of their gender

I think huge feminist find them "problematic" because they can never be happy. So their sweet spot is "feminist but not too feminist". Like, their fan base is Huffington Post readers, not Salon readers

heh heh. huge feminist.

At the end of the article the article says they dissed Jezebel, so I think they're slamming them because they talked shit about, nothing deep about it.

Because theyre still women

The full shitfest writted by Dunham:

At the very end

Lena Dunham sometimes starts to use a weird "cool dude" voice around Amy Schumer in an attempt to impress her.


It would be easy as pie to write an ode to what Amy Schumer has done for comedy over the past five years, for storytelling and for the grand old cause of feminism. She's made issues our foremothers fought in vain to bring to popular attention into an easy part of our national vocabulary, all the while causing us to spit milk from our noses with giddy laughter.

This cunt is delusional. What issues?

She is fiercely loyal, as protective as any Long Island soccer mom, as loving as a hospice nurse. She's the person holding the cup of water at the end of the marathon, because she knows what hard work and tough times look and feel like.

Like when your friend's comments are run through the outrage machine and you...immediately distance yourself and act like he wasn't even part of your life? SO LOYAL!

Soccer mom, nurse, broad holding water for others while they run the race. All occupations to aspire to. You go girl!

+1 on the loyalty bit. I hated the bit where she tried to say that he didn't write on the show anymore in an attempt to keep people from asking her about it. What does that matter?

These people have crawled so far up their own ass I don't even understand what they're upset about anymore.

sometimes reading "progressive" stuff really is a bit like trying to learn a new language. the other day i read something about "male gazing," but i didn't bother looking it up and just stopped reading.

LD: The other thing that I get really crazy about is this new world in which women aren’t just supposed to be protected from actions, they’re supposed to be protected from language. Women are so strong. My ovary has basically exploded in my stomach twice, and I was pretty chill about it. You think I can’t listen to some short comedy loser say something dumb about rape?

AS: Right.

LD: I’m not going to cry, I’m a fucking queen.

She called Kurt a comedy loser and Amy agreed lol

My ovary has basically exploded in my stomach twice, and I was pretty chill about it.

This modern writing style that mixes vast exaggeration with inappropriately casual language irritates me somewhat.

Louis CK pioneered that and everyone copies him.

yeah I downloaded "How Did You Get This Number" because it was praised on reddit and it was full of this type of hyperbole. fucking unbearable. only halfway through the book did i finally realize it was written by a broad.

Why she gotta shit on short guys? She's fat with small titties! Also, Kurt is like 6'4" I think

The much maligned "Flatso".


Amy shouldn't have agreed with that. She's always outraged

I can't believe I actually read that. I will say that LD (Larry David) actually makes a good point at the end about women not having to be protected from language. They can handle it. Good for you Larry.

Pretty, pretty good

Devoted piggy, beloved cuuuunt?!

If you follow the news from the Middle East: The Islamist factions in the Syrian Civil War, namely Al-Qaeda, Jund al-Islam, ISIS and Jabhat al-Nusra either fight each other or come together to fuck with other factions (Free Syrian Army, Kurds etc), and there is no continuity whatsoever, no friend, no foe.

SJWs are not an inch better than them.

Its about purification, sjw's also participate in the oppression Olympics, the more oppressed you are the more sacred you are. The idea of privilege is just a secular version of original sin. SJW'S hate sex, they want to ban all depictions of sexually attractive women. They are the lefts version of the evangelical right, using their ideology to control and police people. Safe spaces is segregation. Micro aggression are ways to control the way people talk.

The left has gone completely batshit insane, but since they are the establishment only the internet calls them out on it.

Nusra have rebranded recently. They're called Jabhat Fateh al-Sham now.

In Re-Code, Konner and Dunham specifically targeted Jezebel, which Konner called “almost entirely full of snark and cynicism”; Dunham responded that Lenny hoped to be “a space that’s snark-free, but where you’re still laughing.” Because we’ve somehow survived Lenny’s ascendency, and because women don’t need to be protected from language and snark after all, let us humbly and dutifully acknowledge here: This interview between two fucking queens was pretty fucking embarrassing all around.

Surprise surprise, this whole thing was just a passive aggressive bitchfest cause one woman has a vendetta against 2 others.

Typical female behavior.

Schlemiel! Schlimazel! Hypocrite Porkers Incorporated!



Absolute gold.

This conversation thread is amazing. You can't make jokes about burst ovarian cysts anymore.

There's a whole thread of Jezebel readers going back and forth about just who was objectifying who, and who they're allowed to hate. It must be exhausting being them.

Attention Jizzabel: kikes ain't white.

Exactly. These are 2 degenerate jewesses doing what they do.

Just a couple of Jews promoting race-mixing with apes to the goyim. #purecoincidence

Jews are only white when its convenient, then they turn back into the oppressed minority even though they are 2 percent of the population, make the most money, and own the media and universities. They are pretty fucking mad their pet leftists support Palestine over Israel now though


They just can't fuckin help themselves no matter what the topic is lol.

What a great way to start the weekend!

Their careers have fizzled into a repetitious farce of explaining themselves to their fans.

A feminist fan base is the worst u can ask for. They love to turn on people. It makes them cum

Unlike us right

We didn't want to turn, it was forced on us.

Dont act like we dont do it to everyone except CQ


You can't win with these cunts!

Women are supportive of other women only when they're not seen as competition, which explains why Jezebel is being catty now that Dunham has a website that's competing with Jezebel.

Why would Odell Beckham fuck Lena Dunham? It's bizarre that she would consider that a possibility.

She'd never say that about David Beckham. Lena Dunham is a racist that thinks every black man wants to fuck fat white women. She's also a sexist for thinking that the first thing a man was thinking in his head when not distracted by his phone was sex. Makes me sick.

Is this Luis J. Gomez's alt account?

ZOMG... Like it's totes the current year!!!!!

Lena Dunham was grinding her fat jew ass on Michael B Jordan...i bet he was like

"Who is diss bitch?"

Poor, bastard got sexually assaulted by someone is hideous both inside and out.

In that interview Lena Dunham was virtue signaling her sexual interest in black men, something she doesn't actually possess (she had to be shamed by her audience into casting a black guy in her HBO show a few years ago), and it completely backfired on her, making her look like an out of touch buffoon.

The price you pay for being fake is that people get mad at you for shit you didn't really mean in the first place. That's why third-wave feminism is a self-devouring beast.

It is kind of wonderful that extreme ideologies all love to cannibalize their own. Whether its religious nuts or conspiracy theorists, uber libdicks or batshit conservatives, before they're done fighting their enemies they turn around and fight themselves.

I cant believe I read the whole thing. What a worthless pile of hen shit.

Sows reap what they sow.

Oh lay off. They're a couple of chunky gals making their way in the world today, and it takes everything they've got. I'm certain having a Twinkie break from all their worries sure helps a lot.

Wouldn't you like to get away? (from them)

use archives so we dont give them click money

They're cannibals. I keep fucking telling people they're cannibals.

Wow, fuck them, for real.

Do you believe that I feel that rape victims should be shamed on the internet?” Have I built up any sort of good will?”

Where the fuck have you been lately? NO ONE is judged based on the entirety of their public career anymore. You do one thing that the SJW crowd doesn't like, and you're their sworn enemy.

And Lena Dunham honestly seems like a real piece of garbage. Her encounter with Beckham is, she saw him look at her for a second, then look back at his phone? Am I getting this right? She's badmouthing this guy from looking away from a woman who most of us see as, not only unattractive, but straight up ugly? Meanwhile she's grinding on a famous black actor, and he's being nice enough to not choke slam her to the ground. The nerve of these absolute pigs.

hypocrites always turn on themselves and each other eventually. fuck them all


Wow, I can't believe you got me to read the first paragraph of that article. Fuck you. No, seriously. Fuck. You.

"..but the conversation feels like a corollary to the ongoing concept that personal self-empowerment is equal to feminism, that feeling good about oneself in a difficult and inequitable world is enough, and that doing so absolves one’s self of having to feel empathy or understanding of others."

You CANNOT please the people.

Wow, the comments are destroying Dunham, too.

However, please be aware that Dunham started her own website to compete against Jezebel, so it's not like Jezebel is innocent in all this.

is there any site more hate-able than Jezebel?

Why do they talk about the MET Gala like they were forced to go? Isn't it a choice? Why would they have to go and what would happen if they didn't?

And Bobo wasn't invited?!

But it's not because they too liberal, it's because they're racist or something


Yes. Did you not read the article?

I thought Hogan took them down, suprised they still printing

He ripped off his shirt, puffed out his cheeks a few times, then gave them the Big Boot.

God bless the mule-faced thing that excreted this article.

Tldr: couple of fatties

I'm tired of hearing about the "bravery" of these two. It's not bravery because they're both wildly inconsistent with their beliefs. It's not social justice that's motivating them, its the limelight.

It's infuriating to hear them thought police everyone and then hide behind the shield of comedy when they say something "inappropriate."

It just highlights just how illogical this whole SJW thing is and the blinders that these idiots put on when vomiting all of this nonsense.

I swear, the whole thing is just so female and borderline. Step 1- complain about something because you're insecure. Step 2- Gossip and blow up the issue into more then it is. Step 3- Do the same thing you're bitching about. Step 4- Backtrack, deflect, use circular logic and become the victim. Step 5- Bravery

George Carlin was brave. He used his comedy to explore his beliefs and he didn't make it all about HIMSELF. He literally said, "fuck the troops." When i heard that, all of my American programming kicked in and I was momentarily uncomfortable.

Bravery in comedy is about challenging the public's perception by putting yourself out there and hoping it works out.

These two just bitch about how gross they are while pretending that they're confident. Pretending that they care about anything other than themselves.

I fucking guarantee both of them have a purse full of prescription meds and they fucking cry when they see themselves naked.


[there is an] ongoing concept that personal self-empowerment is equal to feminism, that feeling good about oneself in a difficult and inequitable world is enough, and that doing so absolves one’s self of having to feel empathy or understanding of others.

Well that's a surprisingly intelligent passage considering the source.

Maybe, but you just know they're implying a Marxist view of the world.


SJW fag.



How dare these two sows assume that male black athletes have high sexual prowess!






If you want to get filled up with a multiple week supply of hate, check out the comment section. Holy hell, these people are the worst:

"Personally, I’m exhausted by the idea that we have to accept other women’s racism/classism/cisgenderism simply because they identify themselves as “feminists” and sometimes talk about body image, abortion and equal pay. There is room for debate and discourse among women, and there needs to be space for critique of the tunnel vision thinking that’s lead feminism to be so very white, so very classist and so very exclusionary of trans women.

When I think of women tearing other women down, I think more of Tina Fey, who cannot resist getting in jabs at strippers and escorts or women who don’t have the same ideas about sex as her. Not women saying it’s fucked up to create a hierarchy of who should die in mass shootings and joking in a way that plays into myths about Black men’s hypersexuality."

"I'm not gonna cry, I'm a fucking queen." No, you're just a twat.

"I'm not gonna cry, I'm a fucking queen-sized bed in a dress."


Hahaha She assumed Odell Beckham thought she was a dog.

The liberal victim hierarchy is very difficult to keep up with. Per the article, apparently it's okay to doubt a rape accusation if the supposed rapist is black and the victim is white?

Since when do they allow you to bring your prized livestock into B&N?

This always happens with SJWs and I love watching it unfold.

They make a name for themselves and become popular by "calling people out" because all they really care about is attention and looking like a hero. Then it turns into a vicious cunty cycle when they all fight to take each other down.

Maybe, but you just know they're implying a Marxist view of the world.

Ant got in trouble for Twitter, and couldn't stop using it. He didn't leave the rats alone. Colin Quinn actually has a funny Twitter, but it is a parody, or basically a Chip like account.

He deserved to get fired for claiming he was a "white legal gun owner" in those tweets. The fact that he's a sandnigger who thinks he's white infuriates me.

Fawkin homerun schwoogerson! Quality yuma

many militant racially-preoccupied people on both sides of the racial divide are mixed and racially ambiguous. it's as if they became interested in the topic to figure out what the hell they are, and they need to reject one side or the other to ease the anxiety of some horrible existential identity crisis.

it's kind of like the thing where homophobes are often closet queers. does that mean anthony and samcro are closet niggers?