Is Roland a real human being?

5  2016-09-02 by LindaSpringwood


I thoroughly enjoy how Garth Brooks rightfully treats Roland like an autistic child. You can even just hear it in the tone and cadence of his speech.

"In uh new york now, uh they have uh square peesas"

If Roland was just a guy on the street who might potentially make small talk with me, Id avoid him like the plague.

Garth thought Roland was legitimately retarded.


Roland looks like that William Hootkins from "Hardware", but thats probably because they are both fat and gross.


Wow, spot on. Roland creeps me out more though.

Now THATS a reference

it's almost impossible to actually watch this

I made it to about 4 seconds before I got too embarrassed and had to stop. He is a MONSTER.

He's a queer. Has he ever even had sex?

Imagine people who went to school for broadcasting and have to wait in line behind people like this.

He's real. Just a blob that got lucky and got a good gig seemingly where no one wants to fire him because it'd be like firing a special needs adult from Taco Bell.

Yea he's like a puffy little beachball that has ridden a wave of success since it was a ripple.

Even standing makes Roland sweat.