Very subtle, Tammy

49  2016-09-02 by Ant_Sucks


I admire her for being one of the very few in the stand-up world not afraid to slap that sweat hog.

Didn't she retract her statements after this whole thing blew up?

Well with all the support she got from 60,000 $ kickstarter Fugitive and rest of big amy's boy club how could she

$60,000. The dollar sign goes before the number.

$60,000 dollars.

😝60,000 PECKAHS

dont worry brotha jim will use that 60k to hire sam for a year and create the super JAM show

Amy bascially threaten her on the air.


The Progressive Mafia strike again

I'd admire her more if she was good or if her claim held up at all. It was by far the weakest of the accusations.

dont you mean 'big' and 'disgusting' sweat hog?

I don't care what she says on Twitter, I would make sweet and disappointing love to her bountiful breasts

Tammy is a good egg.

does this have something to do with the Schumer thing? I don't understand

Schumer posted that mediocre "Heckler Slam" video from Sweden and it made articles and shit. Theres a thread about it here

I think that is what OP is suggesting based on the timing of it. Her actual intentions? Who knows. I choose to believe.

The #heckler hashtag is for Schumer's thing

ah, so is pescatelli trolling Schumer or just trying to get followers?

"trolling" schumer i would think, If she was trying to solely get followers there are more despicable things that a woman could do.

I would love to cum on her tits.

I bet she eats a mean asshole.

this bitch playin chess

"This shit is chess it ain't checkers"

"King Kong ain't got shit on me." Oh wait that's Amy's line

I think Denzel washington said that training day, towards the end at the climax.

Hate how Amy bent over like a provocative pin-up girl when addressing the heckler. Belly full of hot cakes.


She recognized the greatness in that Philly show

I was there and I concur it was amazing. Fans were fucking brutal. Boo's got the first nobody comic off the stage.

That nobody comic was Dom Irrera. He's a fucking legend.

I was there too. The fans were assholes.

I wasn't referring to Dom although they boo'd him too. It was the opening comic who really was a nobody other than a cameo on Reno 911.

Wasn't it Naturman?

Mario Bosco's grandfather is a safe distance from "legend", but he's not a nobody, either.

I hope that Maldivian bricklayer rots in hell for attacking sweet Tammy.


There's a great heckler moment in one of Bill Burr's specials -- "we're talking about hitting women, sweetheart, and I think you just added another reason to!"


A broad who does a shitty podcast with a stuttering has been. But gawd her tits are Harambe level


What relevance does this have to the O and A universe?

Its a radio show that no longer exists, we gotta talk about something nigg

Then we should talk about old bits or favorite guests. We sit around like yentas talking about the goings on in the comedy world, cue doucechills

Embarrassing that "listeners" of the show are akin to clucking hens in a sewing circle

You downvote because you know its true and there's nothing you can do about it

It is, what it is.

I dont give a shit what Tammy says and i dont even get the point of this post, but im just saying theres really no point in trying to keep shit "on topic" in this sub. I agree that people should post old bits more, especially the under-appreciated ones that i havent thought of relistening to

Its not about keeping things on topic or not. It's the fact that most of the topics on r/OpieandAnthony focus on bashing the show and its hosts and the other ones are dopey Vos plugs. Its not even constructive criticism, just angry fans who never got closure. I'm a little perturbed and its obvious, just had to get that off my chest.

Put a cock in it.

Thats Louie C.K.'s line, hack

Is it? People have used it for years , my apologies. PS shut the fuck up you lil bitch

Hi hater, Bye Hater.

Hi faggot, Bye faggot

Be more funny

Me fore bunny

Of all the things that you should clean off of your chest, this post is the least of your concerns.

"Of all the dramatic things!" -Suzyn Waldman

I soon as i read "yentas" i could only imagine you saying this in a complainy jew voice.

That Bill Burr rant was from the 2006 Traveling Virus tour

Well with all the support she got from 60,000 $ kickstarter Fugitive and rest of big amy's boy club how could she


Amy bascially threaten her on the air.

I was there and I concur it was amazing. Fans were fucking brutal. Boo's got the first nobody comic off the stage.

😝60,000 PECKAHS