Shouldn't "The Jim & Sam Show" really be named "The Sam & Jim Show"?

0  2016-09-02 by Wolosocu

While Sam may be a 40 year old smarmy millennial-wannabe, he is a decent broadcaster and at least has an idea how to do a radio show. Jim is a shitty leading man.


Sam & Jim: A False Hope

the sam & jim prequel sure does stink

Shouldn't it be called "A Steaming Pile of Shit You Will Listen To Because There's Nothing Better Left"

I especially like how catchy that title is.

It must suck for Opie that a mongoloid with a muppet voice is better than him at radio.

yeah but luckily opie still sent him to nights so that pesky chemistree with jim couldnt get in the way

Sam & Jim sounds too much like Salmon Jim.

Salmon Jim? Tss why not fawkin' Herring Jim or someptin?

Herring Jim? I bet he's seein red or sumpin.

tss, fawkin green wit envy

tss tss, 3 run fawkin homah! 🤘🏻🤘🏻🤘🏻

Fucking starvin now.

Jim Salmon Dan should be the name if we include Soder. Which I would. Jimmy needs a 3rd.

I'd tune into Jim Salmon Soder every day. I might even buy a sub for that

It should.

Jammis show

It doesn't matter. The show, or the title.

It rolls off the tongue better than "Jim & Sam", but Jim is just a greedy, little, wormy, whiny piece of shit who wanted his name first.

EDIT: And he owes us 60 grand.

More famous first.

It should be Jim, Anthony, and Sam. It's the only hope for Anthony to become funny again.

He's already too far gone. I don't think the company would hire him back. Plus, how are the 3 subscribers to Compound Media and the guy that watches TACS gonna feel if he goes back?

Herring Jim? I bet he's seein red or sumpin.