I introduced chip to my girl. It went as it should have

11  2016-09-02 by [deleted]



Delete this, delete this and don't show anyone

Read the title and thought there's no way chippin' someone who doesn't know who the fuck chip is couldn't be hilarious. Boy do i feel stupid now.

EDIT: Also it seems like she doesn't know that she's your girl.


I really did

it's the dude. when a girl calls you "dude" you know it's bad. any time I've been trying to make time with a girl and she calls me dude i know it's time to bail.

that's a "no sex for you" word. my theory, at least.

You definitely put it in perspective. I don't think I ever realized the weight that actually carried

The adventures of autism and the excuses made due to them

hey Kristine, when ur older you'll be Krisgrownup tss tsss

This isn't good on any level.

Is Kris-tine clipped?

Kristine is one ugly motherfucker

How do you think Kristine would feel about you posting her texts on the internet?

Posting her texts? Why not Kellogsin' 'em or sumpthin? tss sss

This is embrassing.

Why are you typing weird Chip to stuff to this tranny you found on Backpages while calling her your "girl"?

It's Backpage not Backpages stupid

Can I fuck Kristine?

I was gonna ask the same exact thing. Can I get sloppy seconds after this guy?

"Chip u there" - great stuff!

I hope she leaves you.


Nice purple hair what are ya A big fan of Barney the dinosaur or sumptin. Tss Tss

Your girl sounds like a moron.

Yeah she should be familiar with one of the ten alter egos of a comic on a show no one listens to

No, not because she's never heard of Chip. Jesus, dude.

I retract my rude remark and offer my apologies. You seem perfect for each other.

I, I think you're confused

From your phone's OS to your cell carrier to your username to your nickname, I hate everything about you.


These are always as annoying as you'd expect.

You may honestly want to look into suicide.

it's not clever if you reply to yourself, "Boags"

It's 5:30 EST man what the fuck are you doing

Writing stuff for you to respond to at 5:30 EST.

Nice DSL's!

Yo girl nasty


Besides the fact that you don't even understand how to make a chip joke, you sound like a befuddled, backpedaling faggot.


Saying "my girl" makes you sound like a man's man. Homosexual,is what i'm getting at.

What'd she have to look at again? Whether she was properly tucked?

This guy is fawkin good

When don't women ruin things?

Watch it, buddy. I'd fuck that ugly bitch kidnapper from Ransom.

To be fair so would I but I'm as desperate as they come so..

I respect your honesty on the matter.


That's surprising. Women usually are known for having excellent senses of humor.

To be honest, chip is only funny to us who have been following an obscure shock jock radio show for years.

There's a reason I dont tell people about it.

Go and punch her in the face for being a humorless cunt. Then place your testicles in a meat grinder and turn the handle until you pass out from the pain and blood loss for doing one of the worst Chip impressions ever.

Oh and tell that feminist skank that dying her hair purple does not empower her or make her brave. It just makes her look like a fool and makes guys think she gives up the pussy for a Big Mac extra value meal.

That was a bit wordy

To be fair so would I but I'm as desperate as they come so..