I don't think we appreciate the struggle of immigrants such as Aziz Ansari's father.

27  2016-09-02 by [deleted]



the KKK's main target in the 1920s was Catholic immigrants from Europe, they also didn't like Jews or blacks, and WW1 resulted in huge anti-German sentiment that no one really acknowledges

There's no Italians in the South because the Ku Klux chased them out.

They were beat down, chased out, even lynched.

I get that the KKK did a lot of bad stuff, but I feel like we should also acknowledge the good things that they did.


Teddy Roosevelt's reaction to the lynching (in a letter to his sister).

Monday day we dined at the Camerons; various dago diplomats were present, all much wrought up by the lynching of the Italians in New Orleans. Personally I think it rather a good thing, and said so.

We all remember lil Emeril Louie Till, poor boy was mutilated and tied to a cotton gin fan for whistling at a white woman

Always went to private schools, got to dick around doing improv at NYU while other students had to have jobs. #thestruggleisreal

Aziz has the personality and mannerisms of a spoiled white woman.

The politics of one too

Who is to blame for comedians being as serious & thoughtful & unfunny off stage as possible? Is it Louis? Is it podcasts? I miss when comics just said what they had to say with jokes & then u never heard from them. That's why I like comedy

It's not new, comedy wasn't ruined by anybody. These idiots have always been there. People like to act like Tough Crowd wasn't cancelled for doing the brand of comedy we like. Colin was boxed out of the industry until 10 minutes ago, Norm Macdonald is seen as fringe, everyone's favorite comedian either was or is a bum. If Anthony Jeselnik didn't look like a model for a lynching company he wouldn't be as popular as he is. Comedy has always been full of shitheads like Aziz, the entire 90s was a writeoff. Also laughter is gay and stupid.

tss tell us how you really feel dimes

laugh? why should i laugh, what am I 5? That's for children, it doesn't get you blown.

I think a large portion of them have always been like that. It's just with the way things are now with podcasts and Twitter and everyone having to get out every single little miniscule thought they ever have instead of filtering themselves. So now we can see that comedians are mostly a bunch of self-important, self-serious shitheads.

There were like 2 or 3 comedians in the history of comedy who were important to some sort of movement or social consciousness or whatever. They then influenced a whole generation of comics/wannabe truth-tellers who want to be important and thought-provoking like those few original people. But these newer comics lack the charisma, intelligence, wit, and ability to read society that those few had. So they just spend most of their time talking about how they are down in the trenches because they have to book shitty hotels and find things to occupy all of their free time every night.

Also Indians are some of the best immigrants because they assimilate and take hard jobs and give a lot to society. Doctors etc.

A lot of them also start businesses, and use the tax shelter of recent immigration to make a shitload of money. And when the 2 years or whatever expires, they just bring in another family member!

They're fucking the hell out of the system, but I don't give a fuck, because Hindus don't want to fucking kill me.

The tax break for immigrants isn't a real thing. It's something your uncle heard and repeated it.

"And that's why we fucking NEED Trump!!" -his drunk uncle. Full disclosure: I have no idea if it's true or not.


Hindus are too busy trying to sperg their way into a five cent discount on cumin to care about SJW shit.

Everyone says it's a racist thing, but I've never heard the term "Hinduphobia". Why is that? Lol.

I love Indians. They don't make any trouble, they're polite, they have nice families, and they make awesome food. I'll take Indian neighbors over dickhead rednecks or frat bros any day.

They are not fucking polite. I live in the same town as Caterpillar's world headquarters, so we get a shit-ton(literally shit) of poo in loos here, and they're the rudest, greediest fuckers you'll ever meet. Street shitters try to haggle for everything, they're pushy, and they smell bad. They're basically kikes without the humor. I do like the food, but then again, food is literally the only positive aspect of multiculturalism. Well, food and music.

They're not either of those things. Some are horrible people, some are good.

With asians and indians you just dont have to worry about knockout game.

They also dont own banks or media, so you dont have to worry about malicious lies and hidden agendas.

They're not either of those things. Some are horrible people, some are good.

Yep. I think people forget that about 170 million of them are Muslim. There's about as many Muslims in India as there is in Pakistan.


Love Aziz. He funny and well read.

I saw this chart in The New York Times about like decision makers – the gatekeepers in every single industry – and it was like all white people,"

I looked up that article. http://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2016/02/26/us/race-of-american-power.html?_r=0 I thank Aziz for bringing this to my attention. I always rejected the idea that the Jews run everything. Now I'm not so sure.



White men are inherently evil - every minority comic ever


You don't think Aziz is funny?

You bigots are horrible, Aziz and his family have gone through a lot. Aziz has struggled probably more than Patrice or any black comedian has, I hope you all know how tough it is being a closeted Indian comic in new york

Nobody cares about Indian people.

They aren't people.

Poo in loo


unfunny one at that

Yea....He's a curry nigger





Oke buddy :)

How do you say fluid?

Maybe you are shit.

Could be, could be. Benchod shitsaly.

Racism (the modern type we know) comes straight out of Aziz' culture. White people (rich white scholarly types) didn't even co-opt that until the 1850s. But India is where the very concept and practice was mastered and is still the case.

Anyways, his dad's shitty inferior culture aside - they were luck to take what India invested and go spend it in the USA where their lives are just so improved it cannot be imagined. His father's worst day is the envy of most Indians on their best days.

So Aziz can go fuck himself and join that Arab fucker Kaepernick in coopting shitting ungrateful antiAmerican culture and hatred.

I do believe most Black Americans would happily slap the shit out of Aziz and his dad.

Dot Indians are definitely racist, but it's ludicrous to act like early European colonists didn't feel racially superior to Feather Indians.

Dot Indians are definitely racist, but it's ludicrous to act like early European colonists didn't feel racially superior to Feather Indians.

No they definitely would not have felt 'racially' superior other than the older Western sense of 'Racial' meaning 'nationalities, countries, societies'.

They didn't have the Eastern concept of different kinds of humans and those being denoted by skin color. They must not have felt they had superior ideas because they bought into that and took it back to Oxford and Cambridge as fast as they could teaching it (along with Evolutionism) as the obvious new gospel truth.

up until then Westerners had believed that all humans on Earth came from the very same family (actually a genetic bottleneck) and just about 3000 years ago. So all humans were very closely physically related.

(race in that new sense couldn't be found in their bible or their books or concepts. Again, other than 'different societies' like say the 'Irish Race' and the 'French Race' (physical appearance irrelevant)

But Aziz family are Muslims so they will be importing other ideologies.

You're saying the Spanish caste system in the New World didn't exist before 1850?

Rephrase that as a statement.

You're either a moron, or you're purposely spreading misinformation.

You're either a moron, or you're purposely spreading misinformation.

No, I'm owning you. The Spanish Casta still believed everyone was from Noah some 3000 years earlier and the peculiar categories have everything to do with social class (and actually citizenship or rights as well). Canada had some versions of this where % of native blood can determine rights and special privileges.

This is not the same concept that is imported from India where thousands (even millions, trillions) of generations of evolution evolve different 'races' of humans vastly separated and then expanded into 'negroids' and 'mongoloids' and what we know today.

I'm right about this. Deal with it you racist.

I'm owning you.

10/10 bait, you put a lot of effort in, and you got a few sentences out of me, but that's all it really takes.

and you got a few sentences out of me,

I got to drink your salty tears and teach you a lesson about bluffing, old man.

Old man?

your name makes me thirsty

for semen


Aziz's parents and their vanity casting sucked the life out of any scene they stumbled through. It really seems like he asked Eric Wareheim to cast them for him.

Aziz looks like he has fleas

Patrice had one of the funniest lines ever when he stated, I paraphrase, "I don't know what's in Indian cum that turns their women into fat unfuckable pig genies when they hit their 30's."

aziz's mom

found it

You're right...I don't.

You're right, we don't appreciate the struggle that led to us having to listen to some uppity phony sand nigger years later act like he himself lived through it.

Meh, IMHO the reason you guys don't like Aziz is because you find him threatening, here you have a dark-skinned guy who talks like a white guy, is intelligent and fucks white girls, of course /r/opieandanthony is going to hate him.

I think you guys sometimes just resent any comedian who isn't a white guy, with the obvious exception of Patrice O'neal.

You guys are in the bubble to much to see or hear it, but that's how this self post is coming off.

Okay, Aziz's dad didn't have a cross burned on his front-yard, but this was also in the 1970's, so OP's reference to the struggles that immigrants faced in the 20's isn't really relevant. In the 20's black people couldn't vote and Jim Crow was in full swing, it was a completely different nation.

I was going to do school work today while I'm at my job so I can become one of those "rich Indians", this sub loves to reference so much, until I read this bullshit.

Furthermore, Indians immigrate to the US legally, we don't come over in droves, we aren't criminals, we aren't violent, yet if there is just 1 stand up comedian who is Indian, and you guys also happen to hate him, right that's just a coincidence.

Its almost like you guys are only comfortable with Indians being doctors, IT guys and cab drivers. As soon an Indian starts engaging in social commentary he is relegated to being an SJW.

I'm Indian, and I've experienced plenty of racism in my life.

You know how many times I've been called sandnigger? Plenty.

Let me guess, that doesn't count as racism because it was only because they thought I was Muslim, so I guess that absolves the people who called me sandnigger of their offense, yeah, no that's bullshit, that counts as racism because they called me sandnigger because I'm brown, not because of what they think my religion may or may not be.

So don't tell me that Indians don't experience racism in this country cause that's complete bullshit.

Sikhs get harassed routinely and have even been murdered because dumbass rednecks can't differentiate between them and those dirty Mooslims, they hate so much.

What about the Sikh temple shooting 4 years that resulted in 6 deaths, I guess that doesn't count, does it, how convenient to your narrative. Some dumb fucking redneck who was also an Iraq war veteran, decides to shoot up a temple full of brown people, that he was sure were Muslim, except they weren't, and as soon as the MSM found out that it was an Iraq war vet the story conveniently disappeared. We can't have our veterans looking mentally deranged, racists now can we? That might be bad for recruitment, so they effectively swept the massacre under the rug.

You guys really need to get out of your bubble sometimes. Get some fresh air or something.

I welcome your downvotes.

EDIT: Grammar

I just want you to know that I didn't read this.

I support you and I hope all of my fans on this sub will upvote you because you are clearly right

Nice novel faggot. Are you doing to ask Dean Koontz to write you a foreword?

take poo to loo


Okay, what does Sanjaya from American Idol think about him?

What about that Indian guy from the Big Bang Theory, what does he think about Aziz?

Are we just trying to find out what random Indians think about Aziz now?

Besides, the only reason Russell Peters thinks that is because Russell could only become a successful comedian by making Indian jokes, by doing the Indian accent, etc. If Russell tried to be a comedian, versus an Indian comedian, he would've failed and we most likely wouldn't even know who he is. Aziz Ansari is a successful comedian, his ethnicity rarely comes up in his stand up, if ever. Aziz's act could be performed by any stand up, Russell's act could pretty much only be done by another person who is Indian.


Russell is just jealous of Aziz, because Aziz doesn't have to make curry jokes to get big applause.


Lund chuss motherchod.

I read up until the part you admitted that you're a street shitter. Poo in loo, Pajeet. Poo in loo.

White women don't fuck dot indians and I don't blame them. you're not exactly the most aesthetically pleasing race.

Even a wealthy comedian like Aziz can only pull a 4/10

yuck. I didnt read more than the first paragraph but wow youre an insecure faggot you seem to be. I used to like Aziz in the days of Human Giant and his early stand up, now his entire specials are his awful whiny voice going on about nothing but texting, and then to hear the guy that was already not funny enough break into serious guy mode and learn about how we aren't nice to everyone and the typical boring trite shit that everyone needs to get a long and us white people should take a good look at ourselves and realize that we're the problem and nothing exists at all except for white people ruining everything, sometimes immigrants can suck and someone has to say it...the world is just the way it is, deal with it or kill yourself. and please consider the latter.

Sometimes you just got to wear those downvotes as a badge of honor in this sub. A lot of us don't agree with each other's political, racial and religious views or even this bandwagon mentality of harassing and threatening comedians for speaking out on a social issue. It's can be very disturbing.

I applaud you for trying to reason with the group. Good day, sir.

Yea, FWIW I'm surprised I didn't get downvoted more, I thought I would be down to the negative 20's by now.

They don't handle dissent well in this sub.

As much as the pests here like to complain about groupthink on the left, the people here are just as guilty of it.

Aziz Ansari wrote 1 op-ed in the New York Times about fear of xenophobia and the Trump '16 campaign, and all of a sudden he's on par with the Schooms in terms of being an SJW, right, that makes sense.

There's a difference between being an SJW who spends all their time railing against perceived gender-based discrimination where there is none, and someone pointing out that a presidential candidate who is openly xenophobic could be bad for immigrants in the US.

Most of these pests have such a hardon for Trump that they can't see how credible Ansari's point is, as a voter you should always be wary when an oligarchical politician is blaming all of the country's economic problems on easily marginalized groups, like immigrants. It's a story as old as time, this way poor voters are busy fighting with poor immigrants and no one notices Trump and his oligarch cohorts running away with all the money.

You got downvoted because you're doing the longwinded redditor shtick that nobody likes.

He's a Reddit fag through and through. Look at his post history, he even took the lynching of Italians fact here and posted it in /r/todayilearned. He doesn't belong in this sub and I hope he gets food poisoning from spoiled curry.


You got downvoted because you're doing the longwinded redditor shtick that nobody likes.