Another piece of big amy bullshiiiiiiiit. "Kurt Metzger is not a writer on my show because there is no show, there are no plans to do another season at this time."

4  2016-09-02 by [deleted]



Hey, I remember this from like 3 weeks ago. Good job buddy, keep up the good work!


Thanks for the news. I'll make sure to go to my office at the WTC and fax that info to Patrice O'Neal.


Rip Van Winkle finally woke up and heard about last month's gossip


Fish Flower? More like Delicate Flower.


Yay it's August again!!

I'll be by the pool tanning my butt cheeks..



Wow you invented a time machine!!! Now use it to go back and kick your dad in the jaw a second before he blows the load into your mom that resulted in you.


Actually a few days after all the Kurt shit broke loose Amy mentioned in an article or interview that there were plans to do another season but Comedy Central was being nice and working with her and letting her essentially decide when it would happen. And it was brought up on here and talked about.

So now as punishment for your ill mannered attack you must take your time machine and go back and cut your grandfathers balls off before he shoots his contaminated seed into your grandmother. End your family line 2 generations earlier.


she's gotten too big for that show

Why would she keep doing a show? She's got movie and commercial money coming in now, and she doesn't need to keep ripping people off for a weekly grind.

what does that have to do with the fact that they're doing another show

and already planned a public air date and episode count?

