Marc Maron fucking stinks

192  2016-09-02 by PaulHarghis57

I've grown tired of this bland C-level comedian.

He thinks he's Lenny Bruce with all his non-conformist, holy than thou "sit back and let me tell you whats what" podcast monologues, in between fifteen minutes of ads that bookend each episode. He interviews one or two A-List celebrities a year with the rest being shitty 90s alternative musicians or unknown movie producers.

His stances on issues or events are always predictable; Big Amy accused of stealing jokes? Calls the accusers unfuckable hate nerds. Opinion on Trump? He's evil! A celebrity dies? Crocodile tears while he talks about how important they were to him. Has the president on? Softballs for 90 minutes.

And worst of all, he's just so unfunny. I could almost forgive him for everything else but he's just so goddamn unfunny. His standup, his podcast and his show all fucking suck. His body of work is a bastion of mediocrity that is somehow praised by people like Worm Norton.


He's one of those comedians where you can't think of one time he's ever made you laugh

Are you saying you don't like his neurotic preachy self loathing Jew character?

lol @ "character"

I thought everyone liked Seinfeld?

Seinfeld isn't preachy

"Not that there's anything wrong with that."

The self hating/neurotic Jew thing has been done multiple times (and much better) in the past.

He isn't breaking any ground. He's obnoxious.

Thanks so much for reiterating triangle dimes point! It wasn't already crystal clear when he made it.

Back in the 90's I'd see him at Luna Lounge on monday nights and he was pretty funny. Louis Ck came in one monday and told a 15 minute story about shitting his pants. It was good times.

Agreed. I quite like his TV show but I don't think I've ever actually laughed out loud from it.

I'd give him a pass for that if he ever made me think. He has never done that either.

I sometimes wonder how whiney a bitch with a penis could be when I listen to him.

I guess some people are highly resistant to thinking?

We should call these comedians "The Kindlers"

Good idea. I'll start assembling a "Kindlers List."

The answer is never

Some of his best stand-up was when he made fun of himself...

I never liked him and that was before he called me an unfuckable hate nerd which he was right about.

I don't like how he says I'm unfuckable like I'm incapable of rape. I'm not an idiot, Maron.

That's pretty much the only thing of his I've ever encountered that has entertained me.

He's a boring pseudo-intellectual "comedian".

you get the award for best description in the fewest amount of words

This is not about Joe Rogan

Rogan is more "bro science".

But that's what we call the Jim Norton

Norton doesn't even attempt to be psuedo-intellectual


Norton isn't boring though. I mean, don't get me wrong, hearing about prostitutes shit on his chest or he made an oopsie with a tranny can get a bit repetitive, but at least that's better than self loathing Maron. He's a fucking bore.

yeah just look at my shirt!! i am a yuck!!

"We share the commonality of language"

apologize cock, time to reset it gang

10 shitty documentary about "oppressed comics"

apologize cock


le trump hate pandering

NSA and paparazzi

buying coffee from babu = supporting terrorist

I loved when col said norton does a silent movie version of an intelligent person qhen hes trying to be smart

but how can we tell hes sucking in air heavily and switch to a smart jim voice in a silent movie

Norm pretty much told him to his face that he thinks Maron is a better interviewer than he is comedian

That wasn't an implication. He came right out and said it. That was an explication.

I'm an assholecation

Dat dont make no fuckin sense!

He couldn't be more right. His interviews with Linklater, Herzog and specially the PT Anderson one were amazing. I do not find him an interesting guy whatsoever, but he seems to do his research when he has big guests as the aforementioned.

the worst thing about him is how he constantly creates drama with other comedians (louis ck, tim and eric, jon stewart, eric andre) and almost brags about his borderline personality disorder

then he tries to extract the same bullshit from his guests

He was obsessed with Lorne Michaels to the point that Lorne pretty much said yes to get him to stop and just laid back and enjoyed it

Couldn't agree more. He's the epitome of the downfall of standup comedy. A sanctimonious, fake intellectual, SJW asshole. There's only a handful of comics anymore who aren't completely insufferable shitheads.

Stanhope and CQ?


I find him annoying because he seems to have issues with everyone. Anytime he has a comedian on they spend half the episode hashing out all their problems and most of the time it's because Maron is an overly sensitive faggot that overreacted.

That's the best part of the show. You want the opposite listen to Pete Holmes who just LOVES everyone to pieces. Yuck.

What about neither and just be fucking funny or learn to give a good interview. I don't give a shit about your 25 year old comedy store drama.

Some people find it entertaining. Relax. Not everyting can achieve the level of comedic genius of the cellar crowd bustin' bawls like real men.

Some people find Amy Schumer entertaining. What's your point?

They do not.

I guess my point is i just don't get worked up about what other people like or don't like.

Then you're in the wrong fucking sub.

You just not listen to Jocktober back in the day?

Then you're in the wrong fucking sub.

Yeah, believe me I know that. I hardly check in here anymore. I used to be a very regular poster here. I was actually a big fan of the show going way back to NEW and I used to think this sub was funny as hell but it's just become this repetitive axe grinding whine-fest about "SJW" comedians. As comedy genius Jim Norton would say 'We get it.'

I'd rather listen to the entire 730 episodes of WTF in one sitting than have to listen to five minutes of anything opie anthony or jim are doing in 2016.

Well you shut him up

Oooh! Counterpoint!

Pete Holmes' podcast is 100x better than Maron's, though. I actually like Pete after I got over his dandy voice.

The shoehorned Jesus bit on Tough Crowd is one of the worst things I have ever seen. And Patrice shooting him down is fantastic

Ha ha "Jesus looks like a session drummer." Holy shit that is funny.

Damn, Jackie Mason was holding his own too for being an old fuck.

his best moment was getting smashed on TCWCQ

Patrice yelling at him to shut up during his jesus story?

I wouldn't give a shit about his SJW opinions if he wasn't so stultifyingly dull. Patton Oswalt is a liberal dude, but he doesn't put me to sleep every time he talks.

In fairness, interviews in general are dull, so it's a lose/lose.

Well serial killers often have charisma

Serial killer interviews fucking rule

I don't really care much for Patton "The Self-Widower" Oswalt's politics, but I do think doing what he did took balls.



When Marc Maron started to get big I didn't even realize he used to be a comedian. I thought he was just some NPR guy.

I thought Marin was an excellent example of a neurotic washed up fame whore before he started the podcast, now he's some sort of poster child for the less talented who relentlessly clung on to pursuing fame.

I think he's the greatest indicator of the massive population of 25-50 year old white men in this country who think they're cool and progressive and hip but are just shitty unfunny fags.

That's literally his only audience, community college professors and dudes with ponytails.


His interviews really suck. He gets excited like a fucking groupie. "So you did this? Wow!And how did that change you?"Even in a room with Neil Young he's the one that is bone chillingly awkward.

He tries to be deep and "quirky smart self-hating jew" or whatever but hes just cringeworthy, not deep or smart at all. and definitely not funny. His FX show was surprisingly entertaining at times but him as a person is just straight cringe.

IFC, not FX

I followed him on twitter and for several days my timeline was filled with every fucking banal thought that went through his self-important head. EVERY SINGLE thing in his life, no matter how inconsequential (ie; what to have for lunch.....and why) is a tweet. When I finally hit the "unfollow" button and I kept getting his timeline I jokingly asked no one in particular why I was still being punished. All of a sudden I get several very incsensed tweets from Maron about how few followers I have, why I dont have a podcast and because I dont I shouldnt comment on his (I never even mentioned his podcast) and on and on. Last tweet was "heres your last want me to block you or not!?"

Afterward I got residual hate tweets from his fanbase which seem to be made up of middle aged women hoping to get a shot at being noticed by him. Meh. Fucking twats all around.

Sounds like he Metzger'd the shit out of you.

You might be happy to know that IFC cancelled plans for a season 5 of Maron.

it wasn't even his show to begin with it was louie's show...he just swapped in podcasting in LA for standup in NYC

Louie's show was Seinfeld's show?

As far as I know, Sienfeld invented the "comedian opens and closes each episode with standup" formula, but I wasn't refering to the framework, I was refering to premise. Other than Louie being a comedian and bookending each show with standup there is nothing in common.

Louie is about a selfhating, middle aged, divorced, loser comedian.

Maron is about a selfhating, middle aged, divorced, loser comedian.

I honeslty don't even know which came out first, but they are carbon copies, down to their titular names and the same comedian friend cameo's.

edit: titular names

Louie's last name is Szekely

He's a self-obsessed ass. Most addicts are. And even as they clean their life up, they don't escape that root self obsession. I absolutely loathe how he spends the first 20 minutes of his podcast talking about his dull personal life. It's never funny or insightful.

It's bookended by the end where he noodles on his guitar like he's goddamn Les Paul and we should all witness the glory of his post-midlife crisis. I feel like other than the actual interviews, the beginning and end parts are solely to impress women. He reminds me of an older Joe DeRosa.

And don't forget his special was called "Thinky Pain".

"Thinky Pain"

Christ, I thought you were auto corrected.

He's always sucked. I've only watched his show once, his interview with Will Ferell. Just because I like Will Ferell. But the most douchey thing he did was to Gavin. Gavin went on his show a couple years ago. Right before he got fired for writing an article about trannies. So Maron refused to release Gavin's episode because of what he said about trannies.

He confronted Rogan about him having Gavin McInnes on his show. Apparently Rogan didn't get Maron's memo outlining who he can and can't have on his show.

Never could stand this fucking douche. He's literally, along with kindler and Silverman, people I'd define as douches.

Trump is a piece of shit BTW. He's not wrong on that. But one thing I do credit Trump on is he speaks his mind. Fuck him, but that's quite refreshing these days.

His podcast , is it even classified as comedy? I don't think he even makes jokes.

That's President Trump to you pal.

All Hail!

I'm not your pal, buddy

I don't have any buddies, friend.

(((Maron))) (((Kindler))) (((Silverman))), OY VEY! I'm noticing a theme here.


They are all lib tard annoying assholes

Well there is one more word you can put in there. I think that is the one he was insinuating to.

Strike, hike, spike...?




Another rambling, kissass Jew.

I liked him better when he hated himself.

Look at what that cunt did to Gavin mcinnes's interview, blacklisted it cause Gavin destroyed his arguments, but claimed it was because he came out as " transphobic " fuck mark maron that shitty beta male unfunny shit.

Here's something creepy about Maron:

He clearly idolizes Frank Zappa - his entire look is a copy of Zappa's look. (The clothes, the haircut, the moustache.) He even took it so far as interviewing one of Zappa's kids, and banging another.

He fucked Dweezil Zappa?

No he got pegged by Moon Unit.

Ooh, pegging is something special altogether. Wow.

I'd like to see a list of interviewees he's fucked.

He's bragged about banging Moon Unit Zappa and Margaret Cho.

But did he blow Obama?

To be fair, Cho kind of railroaded him with that on stage.

I also can't stand him, The only thing that gives me hope is that most thing pass. I hope this whole sjw/fem/craziness just goes away after awhile.

One can hope can't he?

That's been my hope since 1992 and it's only intensified exponentially.

A celebrity dies? Crocodile tears while he talks about how important they were to him.

God damn this is so true. The episode about Robin Williams death was full of the fakest tears I've ever heard.

You don't think a guy was genuinely sad about the suicide of a person he'd spoken to at great length and admired the work of?

I mean it was pretty fucked up. When I heard about it, I just kept imagining Robin Williams hanging there, with his hairy ass arms, and shit and piss puddled in his pants.

Im so hard rn

Why did this come up, was he on an opie or jim related show recently or is this just a random bitch-sesh.

It's never an improper time to call Maron a feeble old Jew faggot.

They replayed his appearance on O&J that described the Obama podcast on Thursday or so.

I hate him, but he is not C-list. As far as comedians go, he's about as big as they get. His own show, spots on other shows, his podcast got the fucking president on it among other big guests that still couldn't motivate me to listen to that shit.

He may be an awful comedian, but as far as comedians go that unfunny cunt is an a-lister whether we like it or not.

The worm "likes" him because of what the guy could potentially do for the wormy bastard. Or maybe he just has awful taste, he does like a lot of shitty things. The worm can be funny when not being sanctimonious but he isn't the guy to go to for recommendations on anything unless you want to hear about the new Gene Simmons or Ozzy projects.

Worm prolly doesn't listen to his shit

Even though I dont care to watch porn with two guys fucking, I recognize it has an audience.

Maron toured with Kinison. A lot. If people think Robert DeNiro is just the guy in the Fokker movies, I cant disagree with that. Still, there is a lot that happened before the Fokker movies that many Americans (even Methodists) know and respect DeNiro for.

If my 17 year old cousin thinks DeNiro is a shithead because he's in all of these lame movies nowadays, it is hard to say that he's wrong....but he's wrong. Ozzy wasnt always a doddering old woman...if he was, he wouldnt have had a show where we got to see he is now a doddering old woman.

I appreciate both DeNiro and Ozzy's older works, but couldn't give a fuck about anything they've done in the last 20 years.


That doesnt mean that Deniro and Ozzy werent bad motherfuckers! It is important not to let Fokkers and dog shit make you forget about Taxi Driver and Iron Man. We can forgive the young men who grew up with nothing but the bad shit for thinking that they were probably always confused sell-outs, but we know that not to be the case.

He interviewed Patrice once. It was funny, but, only because of Patrice

he acts like he's some sort of comic prophet and is completely bitter that he's not famous


He really was basically competing with Jon Stewart, to be the liberal talk show host. Jonathan Stuart Leibowitz got The Daily Show, and now Marc Maron has made his come back in being a pioneer in podcasting. He got the president to come to his garage and do a podcast around a year ago, because he is just the stereotypical liberal talk show host.

I love that Stewart won't even acknowledge him.

Whazzat? You don't like his passive aggressive arrogant behavior?

He's a notorious dickhead. He used to go up on stage and just bash opening acts and comedians that were new to the scene.

S2 of his show was really good, despite the intermittent presence of (((kindler)))

Maron isn't funny, but he's a great interviewer. When he has people on his show, he's great at getting memorable stories out of them. Compare that to Adam Carolla, who steamrolls over every single guest, or Jim Norton, who turns every conversation into a discussion about trannies.

Maron also comes prepared; he frequently has questions that keep the discussion moving, he doesn't phone it in the way that Anthony Cumia does.

TLDR: shitty comedian, good interviewer

Nah, you know you're a boring interviewer when a president is willing to come on your show.

But yeah, jim and Anthony suck at interviewing.

"Marc Maron's dream is to clone himself so that he can have a show where he talks to himself about himself" -Based Greg Giraldo on Tough Crowd

He's an older, hate-filled version of Chris Hardwick.

I think that's the general consensus around here.

Coke broke his brain

Hated him since Tough Crowd.

He's a Passive agreesive bitch

They type of guy you always see with an Asian girlfriend

the type you see with the older/ugly asian girlffriend... not the one with the hot asian spinner.


I can't blame him for needing to monetize and make a living. The problem is that he sells a seat for an episode. A producer or someone coming out with a new album or movie. Okay, that's fine. Those can be interesting even if they are safe.

The problem seems to be when he decides to overcompensate and the next two episodes are the OP's aforementioned hip stupid obscure punk band that really innovated the whole 'Ska-gnarly-post punk era'.

So its really a week of not much. Maybe the paid thing isn't bad even though the guy paid to be a guest. (or the studio did I suppose) but ya. There will be no gritty anything or interesting anyone.

What the fuck are you babbling about?

The past 10 episodes:

Laura Albert & Jeff Feuerzeig - filmmakers

Robert Kelly - Foodist (and sometimes comic)

Gad Elmaleh - Comic and actor

Alan Alda - actor

Kristen Wiig - actress

Werner Herzog - director

Lauren Lupkis - actress

Seth Meyers - actor, comic, talk show host

Eric Andre - Comic

Rosanne Barr - obvious

Where are the "obscure punk bands" in that list? That's just the last 10 guests. I went back 30 guests or so - no punk bands. The only one I havent heard is the latest one, and the rest were really good, especially Kristen Wiig and Alan Alda. I just skip the first 20 minutes. He's gotten some great interviews this year, it's why I bother to download it.

It's fine if you don't like him, just don't listen, but don't fucking make shit up and accuse him of doing things he doesn't.

Where are the "obscure punk bands" in that list? That's just the last 10 guests.

Hi stupid. Nobody told you it was the last 10 episodes.

It's fine if you don't like him, just don't listen, but don't fucking make shit up and accuse him of doing things he doesn't.

No he really does do this. As I fucking taught you he fucking started doing this when he fucking well started fucking monetizing the show with 'paid seats' around 2015.

This is why when you don't look at the last 10 episodes but look at the big pictures you see (repeatedly over and over) a 'paying guest' (which aren't always bad) and then followed up (or sandwiched between) some artsy obscure guests who you don't recognize by name.

"obscure punk bands" in that list?

I know you are a bit fucking thick but I was communicating to you, a bit humorously, artsy, obscure guests. Some are various musicians you've never heard of, some obscure but cult-followy artists, and now since you don't know fucking shit here is a fucking list about the fucking mistake you made fucking fucking:

So there you fucking go and if you don't fucking like it then dont' fucking read it but don't go making fucking denials you can't fucking back up aiiiiright?

Just shut the fuck up, wannabe keyboard tough guy. You made shit up, you got called out for it, shut the fuck up.

Go tilt your fedora menacingly at someone else, twat.

Just shut the fuck up, wannabe keyboard tough guy.

You wanna get even fucking tougher by fucking using your keyboard to write more fucking tough sounding fucking things and order people to shut the fuck up using your keyboard huhhh?

You made shit up, you got called out for it,

You fucked up on that false accusation before and got your fucking bluff handed to you on a silver fucking platter up your ass when I rammed the facts in your fucking face. I was fucking right and you were fucking bluffing so shut your fucking cockhole of a mouth you little cunt.

Go tilt your fedora menacingly at someone else,

I fucking own you bitch now apologize or shut the fuck up and sit down with your dumb fat boyfriend, neckbeard, uphill gardener wimp.


I used my to donate money to WTF before you were old enough to use your gay dad's internet account 10 episodes ago. fuck cunt fucker.

Blah blah blah. Neckbeard says what?

Blah blah blah. Neckbeard says what?

Fucking well says Shut the fuck up cunt and get new references (neckbeard, fedora.. because that's who complains about obscure bands and unknown artists you dumb fucking moron lol).

Now go put on your 'Cosplay' outfit cuntfuck

I'm ambivalent to Marc.

On the one hand, i think he's funny and on the other i think he spoils his funniness by being a Bill Maher type douche.

I seriously dont understand why comedians box themselves in by getting involved with politics and choosing a side. All you end up doing is alienating half the audience.

He's hit or miss for me, though I've always discounted him unfairly because I think WTF is such a lazy, hack name for his podcast.

his main claim to fame is being sam kinison's butt boy for a time. Big whoop, you were a sycophant for a psychotic dwarf. He must be proud

Is nobody going to call out this idiot for saying "holy than thou"?

Follow him on twitter. He will keep you up to date on the cook vinyl he buys at yard sales.

West coast Kindler holla

I found him very mawkish and actually pretty creepy when he talked about some disaster or person dying, I forget what. It was something quite big, i think a school shooting and he went a bit OTT on the sentimentality before trying to rally people. He said something like "man this shit will not stand man", and I turned it off.


Someone needs to put up the compilation of Maron eating on O&A that was fudging hilarious

I don't find him funny but I respect that he found a way to make money and be relevant.

You mean by being a Jew with Jewy connections?

He's just a typical lib cuck. No substance or actual stances. He's like Opie but with less success in raqio.


I hate Marc too but ofc you had to make it political, yeah we know the conservative comedians are da best, fuck of with that libcuck shit

Nick dipaolo blows the doors off of Maron in terms of comedy so yea it's actually right.

Marc is a liberal faggot who is unfunny

Yeah I agree Dipaolo is much better, see I don't have to be in love with their personality politically to enjoy a good comic. I think it's shitty how the industry held him back due to his opinions. He really is a great comic.

1 example. Welp, that's that proven, then.

he is definitely as awful as described but to liken him to opie is a bit harsh. he has a personality and a presence unlike opie who defends claims that he has no talent by parroting the same 'i steer the show' cop out


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He was funnier when he was an unapologetic asshole.


His shitty accent and clear stupidity are both vomit inducing.


He's a decent interviewer, but his comedy is garbage. I saw one of his standups a long time ago and thought it was decent. But the more I listened to his podcast and heard his standup the more I realized how unfunny he is.

He's an incredibly neurotic self-obsessed dude.

Lock the gates!

yeah he is annoying, but he's not a philistine so I can forgive him for it...

His show is great. His "stand up"... meh.

I like Marc because i see my own self loathing and angst in him. Its an acquired taste.

"shitty 90s alternative musicians"

I hope you weren't talking about Gene Ween. That's the one good interview that unfunny fuck has ever conducted.

I like him but his self righteousness can certainly be off putting. When he has a good guest, he's a great interviewer. The Bob Kelly interview this week was the best I'd heard on there in a long time, and I'm not even particularly a fan of Bob's.

But more often than not, he has interminably boring guests no one gives a shit about. He's desperately trying to be NPR, which he's admitted many times he's a huge fan of and it's "all that he listens to."

Grown tired? If you don't like him why were you listening to so much of his stuff? I get that this sub exists because something we used to love turned into something else, but there was none of that in your post. Or maybe you should publish your own version of Norton's book, I think it was called "Fuck you, you stink."

Personally I've agreed with everything he's said except the amy stuff, she's full of shit and so is he with that one. And yes some monologues are irritating, the ones that feel so "me me me" I personally fucking hate. The guest list on WTF has never been great, sure he'll have a couple great comics, artists, and Hollywood people on in one year but they're scattered between the same person on 3 or 4 shows or people no one really knows or gives a flying fuck about. (And 15 minutes of ads? Thats an over exaggeration) Maron could do so much better but why he holds himself back who knows.

Strike, hike, spike...?

Sounds like he Metzger'd the shit out of you.

He was obsessed with Lorne Michaels to the point that Lorne pretty much said yes to get him to stop and just laid back and enjoyed it

As far as I know, Sienfeld invented the "comedian opens and closes each episode with standup" formula, but I wasn't refering to the framework, I was refering to premise. Other than Louie being a comedian and bookending each show with standup there is nothing in common.

Louie is about a selfhating, middle aged, divorced, loser comedian.

Maron is about a selfhating, middle aged, divorced, loser comedian.

I honeslty don't even know which came out first, but they are carbon copies, down to their titular names and the same comedian friend cameo's.

edit: titular names

Ooh, pegging is something special altogether. Wow.