Jim Breuer should be the last person to cringe at someone else's music

50  2016-09-01 by mayomayomayomayomayo


I'll take that whores shitty old music any day over Jims humiliating garbage. IM A COOL DAAAD DVV DVVVVV I LOVE MAH KIIIDS DVV DVVVV FAWK YEA DVV DVV.

Fawk yeah, dith guy's music is awsum. Hevvy guitar

so hevvy only satan could liftt it



I think his album makes him a less fit parent than Britney, who went insane on crystal meth and held her kids hostage in a bathroom while nude.

Going after the tough targets like Britney Spears. Who is next on Breuer's hit list, those hip young 98 Degrees boys?

Breuer Bashes Backstreet Boys. Alliteration alone would be fabulous dumpster fire beef.

I can't watch the video now, but I'm certain whatever he said was done leaning forward with loud, forced, staccato laughter.

Holy shit, the cringe was too much.

I am suddenly embarrassed to have Amon Amarth playing in my other window.

Ugh, that brand new denim vest that's spotless and clean. What a fucking herb this guy is.

Oh my. Do you think he wishes Metallica would ask him to open for them?

To be fair it would be hard not to cringe hearing that guy straining to hit those notes. Jim's music is embarrassingly bad, but an off key voice straining to hit high notes is a different type of cringe all together.

I really don't think you can comment on his 'embarrassing music' his voice is great and the music coming from the band is great they are a well structured and obviously put a lot of hard work into it, its like going back to the hair metal days, when someone like breuer can pull of a Sebastian Bach impersonation and its spot on then you have to admire his talent.

I have nothing against his love of "metal" but when he says "metal" he really means "metal that was popular thirty years ago when I was young". His album is terrible, pure unadulterated butt-rock and his whole "I love to rock out when my wife and kids aren't around lest I offend them" bit is lamer than my grandmom's bad hip.

Grown men that still like metal are lost in a teenage time warp

What in your opinion is cool for grown men to listen to?

Metal is made for teenage angst & anger. I loved it from 12-17, but then you (hopefully) become less angry and move on. Today I love jazz, classical, some top 40, etc. Metal now just seems so "no one understands me man!".

You sound like someone who didn't listen to metal. Was your collection full of Ratt and Winger? Or was it Disturbed and Drowning Pool?

Or Korn and Limp Bizkit?

AC/DC, Dio, etc.

that's buttrock, not metal.

Also any top40 trash is way way worse to listen to as an adult. That shit is designed for 12 year old girls fam.

You just sound like a big ol' gay.

AC/DC is arena rock, like Zeppelin or The Who. Butt rock didn't come around until the 90's, faggot.

Aw come on. Ariana Grande shaking her ass and fat Meghan Trainor talking about how all of the guys want to fuck her but she won't let them no no no! has a lot of depth to it.

You seem to know a lot about it

I do know a lot about many different types of music. I don't live in a vacuum. Which is how I know you are projecting your feelings of inferiority through the lens of what music you like. I wonder what happened to you as a child to make you see the world this way.

I just feel like metal is a douchey thing when you are a grown man, my opinion. But if you are still into it more power to you.

To me a great song is a great song, doesn't matter if it's rap, top 40, country, alternative, classical etc. Don't really get hung up on a certain type.

You're contradicting yourself. You sound like a very confused young man. I hope you find peace some day. God bless.

No contradiction, you just didn't absorb what I said.

You seem to be an angry little man Boardroom.

Sure I did. You literally dismissed all of metal music, even though your understanding of metal never went beyond cock rock. And then you said that a great song is a great song, no matter the genre. You don't get hung up on a certain type...even though you ranted about how "metal" is for angry children. That's a contradiction.

Again, you are projecting. You also made this strange correlation between men who like metal and men who wear jerseys all around and are obsessed with team sports...which are pretty much polar opposites in every regard.

So that leads me to believe that this stems from some personal issue with you as an individual. It has little to do with metal music. But it is a trigger for you that brings up some sort of personal issue that was locked away long ago when you were a child and you've never dealt with it. I look forward to your response.

We have different opinions, and that's ok. Enjoy your Thursday Boardroom.

I said some Top 40, not all. Not going to apologize for having diverse music tastes.

Go be angry at someone else, Maaaaaaaaaan!

You're projecting.

"I like Fall Out Boy, not that Drake gay colored music shit!"

This is one of the douchiest comments I've read in this sub. And obviously, that says a lot.

Metal encompasses a huge range of genres and sounds now, not just over the top 80s heavy metal or angsty black metal. There's blackgaze, Japanese sludge metal, and experimental, ambient drone metal.

I'm not personally a fan of the stuff that Jimmy and Breuer are still infatuated with—I find it cheesy and very dated, but that's just my opinion—but at this point "metal" is really just a descriptor of certain musical techniques and instrumental effects rather than of lyrical tone.

"Don't Call Japanese Hardcore Jap Core." - Anal Cunt

"Hitler was a sensitive man".

Any point you may have had was just torpedoed by your own gayness.

What jazz and classical do you like?

Metal is for closet homosexuals. They want to act tough to compensate and cover up their extreme desire to take loads in the shitter.

They are also the guys older than 30 that wear their team's jersey and are athlete worshiping jock-sniffers.

I've said it from day 1: Jim Breuer is the worst. He's not funny and his stories range from untrue to unfunny

Edit: dvv dvv peckahs

Im sure he loves Opie videotaping him without his knowledge, then putting him on the spot so that he looks like a complete asshole if the guy happens to see this. At-mentions him and everything. Nice, jag off.

Breuer was funny as the goat man and during the stories about taking care of his decrepit dad. Other than that he's a snooze fest.

It's "Goat Boy," not "The Goat Man," even though that made me laugh way harder than it should have.

Boy did I pull an Opie on that one.


It would have been awesome if instead of playing that audio, they played his shitty Santa Claus song, and just bashed him about how fucking cringe-inducing it is.

The metal in me sucks ass. It's almost as bad as Florentines podcast.