I know nobody pays any attention to Anthony anymore but in case you wondered - the irrelevant old man still spends his days endlessly ranting about politics on Twitter.

0  2016-09-01 by LindaSpringwood


You'd think this woman-beating, tranny-fucking, balding midget would even be bored of this shit himself by now. Much like his retarded leech of a brother though, he thinks it's imperative that the world hears his every thought on politics and race.


Just to point out the painfully obvious contradiction and awful condition of one way conversations and social media Ant believes the government is going to take all of his guns if Hilary is elected and will yell at you if you say "that could never happen," but doesn't want to hear about the clear parallels between Trump's nationalism and Hitler's because obviously "that could never happen."

Ever heard of Godwin's law?

It doesn't make it a less valid comparison.

I don't take political advice from a man who was arrested for domestic violence and is probably illegally holding onto some guns.

If you're spending any of your time defending either of those pieces of shit you're a fucking idiot.

Part of the reason no one pays attaention is because we've all been blocked.

Dassamyboy,He's ANTHONY,ANTHONY.

What a fool

Would you say this is, just a reminder?

That plague joke fuckin killed

Sometimes I'll get that feeling of being reminded of an old friend almost. I forget that his name was in the show. He's become irrelevant to the only sub that talks about him. What a sad ending for an even more sad man.

Its been a while since we've talked about this guy. Glad to see that NCY studio is paying off!

Politics is a soap opera designed to make dumb people feel smart, so of course the cumias are so heavily invested in it. All you have to do is turn on the tv and feel emotions, no thought required... the tv does your thinking for you. They are reactionary fools that have never had a genuine idea of their own.

I quit that shit like a bad habit a while back, don't even bother with the news anymore, also never use facebook either. Much happier experience throughout the day

At least he's still funny right, guys?