How many of you cunts were on wackbag/

6  2016-09-01 by felchandbelch

Every time I hear somebody call o&a or r&f from one of these boards, I can't believe how god damn faggy and serious they are compared to this place.

Were these places just a giant ball-washing orgy, or were they toxic like this sub?

I'm gay.


Jim's first HBO special I suggested was not well made or indicative of what a good standup he was and Wackbag acted like I had goose stepped through a kitten hospital. They were turrrrrrrrible.

I feel bad enough being here.

tussletussle69 from Wackbag, then FBA when the schism happened.

There were factions. The ballwashers were in constant competition with the toxic group. The toxic group has clearly won out, because if there's no collective show, there's nobody to ballwash, because we figured out that separately they're shit.

I just went over to wackbag and was shocked to see its still in use. Had a look at fba too, and it's the same 3 guys posting. They were even bitching about this sub.

This place is way more entertaining than those two shit-holes.

Then fat joker from the rest of the Internet. I seriously think you could have improved suicide squad. Love ya miss ya

Cesar Romero's corpse would've improved Suicide Squad, to be fair.

They were just a bunch of kiss-ass ballwashers, the whole lot.

I was "SallieTomato".

The pests were so fucking gay. That Doug out Doug especially. The way he'd pretend he was leading an army into battle was the gayest fucking shit I've ever heard.

POWs (AKA the Pests Out West) was also extremely gay and embarrasing

The whole faggot bunch of 'em. Maybe 7 or 8 who

posted there dozens of times a day every day.

And any criticism against Trant, Tits or Worm would get you

jumped on by the ballwashers or threatened with banning by a mod.

I believe it's Dugout Doug, sweetie.

Id downvote you but its bad enough you have to admit you are "SallieTomato". eeyyysh.

Do you know who SallieTomato is?

Is that not obvious?

I .... I don't know.

Got permabanned from WB­. You guys are FAR more toxic and enjoyable than those dickbags.


I'm still on Wackbag, but it really isn't about O or A anymore. I hate LiddyRules.

It stopped being about either of them years ago. I've been on the site since 2004, and have (probably) less than 20 posts about the show.

Do you hate LiddyRules, too?

You know me, I love everyone.

I posted on FBA. Even got in with the attack on Ferrall. Grrrrr

HowcanIbethemanwhenyouretheman shake it uuuuuup!

I used to go to Wackbag often. They were ALL-IN with the show until around 2012-2013, when Opie started to refer to it as "that hater site".

FBA was fun and the the General Bam meltdown/explosion happened and then it was weird.

The message board Saturday sit down with Ronnie B was really entertaining though. MFLC vs HTG vs Anthony vs WB.

Jeeze, I never even heard of that. Link, please?

I'm not even sure if it exists on YouTube but I'll look. You used to be able to download it on but I think at least the downloads are all gone.

It took the show to die for me to want to talk about it days were weird. I feel old now.

Yeah, branching out into robotics. Weird ....

lurked on them all, was too embarrassed to join that crew but I got over my embarrassment and jumped on the panera bread bandwagon here.

Most of the ones that went to the boards and said that they hated them are lying sacks of shit. Ball-washers all around, myself included.

There were a lot of boards, and during the time it was a lot of fun. There was still a lot of hate and peckas posting, but targets were much like what we do to everyone - minus O,A, & J. They were all given their jabs, but for the most part it was accepted. And some of the photoshop shit was hilarious. A few in particular started to go after Ant when he became a complete lunatic and was fucking a raccoon faced twat.

FBA and other sites started to fall apart as the show did.

There were a LOT of boards, way more than listed. Most didn't last very long.

Struff is still a fan and doing what he does. FTBFBA dudes are probably here and feel like they've been vindicated for their hate of the guys that started long ago. They were way before /u/opiesucks


Doesn't mean we don't love ya, cocksucka

I wasn't but it sounds like it was awful.

there were so many sites at one time, ted sheckler opened a fanboard emporium, but it was shut down by the feds.

i used to read boards, but only rarely posted. I feel like there was official/unofficial board before wackbag that had closed down. anyone remember that one?

I think that was the one on Foundry, maybe?

now that i've thought about it, i think i am thinking of

i dont recall foundry having a messageboard

Cesar Romero's corpse would've improved Suicide Squad, to be fair.