r/opieandanthony: Cesspool of Hatred

8  2016-09-01 by [deleted]


I got so excited thinking The Young Turks were declaring war with us..

Cenk's about as easy to trigger as Brother Joe, that giant frothing ham boy.

well we found our September

"Get off the internet you fat fucks!"

Fucking Turk swine. They destroy der Fatherland.

As thick as roaches on the ground in my beautiful Berlin, they are.

This is Redban level of production.

I'd say closer to Keith the cop.

I am speechless at the autism


This was way more pointless than I hoped from the screenshot.

Please, seek help

Do you think Ana has to suck Cenk's little turkish dick at the start of every work day to keep her job or just once a week?


She's probably also using meth. Or so I would assume. As I said in another thread she's probably had to have multiple abortions from Cenk knocking her up. He commits Armenian genocide monthly. But that is all just speculation.

He commits Armenian genocide monthly.

And denies it, as per usual.

Or has a cold....A cocaine cold!

I bet cenk has that douchey gentlemen attitude like " no, i would never ask a woman to suck my dick, it's misogynistic."

In public yes, but in private he's probably like, "Okay you Armenian cunt, get over here and put that mouth to better use than you do on my shitty web show."

You know how many times I get drunk and say "nigger" and I don't make the god damn list? A lot. For fucks sake. "Nigger" cunt jew. I'm triggered and hammered.

That idiot needs to sit that sexy ass and tits on my face. I bet Cenk would be down.


Ana owes me a blow job.

subreddit r/opieandanthony full of racists, homophobes, misogynists openly admitting their hatred

Well, yeah...

, following in the footsteps of their leader General Adolf Cumia...

WAIT what? What the fuck? HEY DIPSHIT have you not read any of the fucking posts on here? What a fucking moron.

Damn thought it was going to be about the sub I got so excited

It only just dawned on me that Ant actually called a black women a nigger in public.

Fuck you for making me think this was worth while. Ana Kasparian is fucking gorgeous, it was worth while.

she really is hot as hell, I used to watch that shit to get some news before they went totally super left (cenk used to be more center, even republican at one point), Ana is still fine after all these years

He commits Armenian genocide monthly.

And denies it, as per usual.