Bobo reading Colin Quinn's tweets at the thanksgiving table to a captivated audience

13  2016-08-31 by TheShitHoldingKid



That dude in the foreground - is that what Bobo would have looked like if all of his chromosomes had lined up properly? He's like not-retarded Bobo.

I'm sure after 30 years they don't even hear him anymore.

Do you guys think Collin feels pride knowing his tweets interrupted an otherwise quaint family dinner?

1:00 Bobo's uncle or whatever displays the only reasonable reaction to the situation

How embarrassing, even for a retard


this is a repost

Damn I thought there was a thing that used to pop up if you linked to a video that has been posted before.

Bobo has some nice digs.

Probably at a relatives house

Lookin' sharp, Bobo

Get that babbling retard back to the broom closet.

This hurts to watch