
513  2016-08-31 by fish_flower


slow clap

Increased speed of clap and rising to my feet

it's an honor to serve you gentlemen

You should tweet this and sit back while Amys army of feminists attack the shit out of you

I have 6 followers most of which are fake hot teens, I'm twitter garbage

/u/cbanks420lol ?

he's retired from the amy shit tho, as was I to be until I saw this pic

you're invaluable

I don't want to get suspended again though. :(

Ah well, it's worth it for the laugh.

It certainly is!

Ted Sheckler's big bitch emporium!

w/e you're probably shadow banned anyway


This comment has been overwritten by this open source script to protect this user's privacy. Gregg Opie Cake Stomp Shock Jock Hughes would rather dox his ex fans than face up to his wife's past with Bam Margera. YOUR MOMS BOX

u/cbanks420lol will tweet that shit.. That nigga crazy

This was the first post that made me cackle out loud like a retard in a long ass time. Hell, I like you, you can come over to my house and fuck my sister.



Wow am i the only ass who got douche chills from these guys...Excellent post btw friend.

It's an honor to Schumer jokes off her instagram comments? Congratulations faggot, you are on par with her untalented bitch ass.

nah I was first and I'm willing to take a polygraph

hooting and/or hollering

ME: Dammit I was gonna say that! Ah well it's fine... No no you got it...


Well.. we're not gonna do better than that! Lets go to break E-Rock

Vurry good

fucking amazing.



AmY ScHuMeR LoOkS LiKe a HuMaN

Fucking exceptional. Pack it up folks.

I'm super (into eating entire boxes of sugary) cereal you guys!

her stylist must be Kevin Smith.

Can we get this to the front page?

not in our current political climate

This is the kind of joke that deserves gold, if we weren't such cheap fucks.

It's not about affording it, its about paying for Reddit. Reddit doesn't exist because the people who run it are interesting, Reddit exists because of the users.

This is the greatest.

Fawkin home run cawksucka, take us out to break ya fat piece of shit

I photograph well

Keep repeating it Amy, I'm sure that'll make it come true.

It's almost deliberate, almost as if she knows she's veritably porcine.

Someone give this man gold and a blowjob

That bear was alright, he'd be having none of her fucking nonsense.

Sidebar pic plz

They're even standing in the right order for fucks sake

line of the day....lineoftheday....

Just came here to say....Bravo sir.


Has this joke been made on her page? I'm sure her feminist cunt fans will see the humor in this.

Just commenting to be a part of history

Fuckin' hell, that is good.

You clever bastard. Bravo.

Take a bow sir

But which one weighs more?


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Yes, good one.

Amy just cant help her self. No matter where she goes, or what she does, she can't stop stealing.

242 upvotes, 46 replies but only one direct 'manbearpig' reply to Big Amy's instagram. You guys suck.

What's the point? So she can ignore it and block it or just reply with the usual "You guys must be so sad to attack someone you don't know" bullshit?

Keep tearing her down mentally. Stangel her.


to be honest wit ya x59

She is turning into Nick Swardson

She's becoming funny? I doubt it.

She a little Krang from teenage mutant hero turtles about her

Nice circus tent she's wearing


I suppose the rumors are true. Man-Bear-Pig really is half pig, half man-bear.

In all seriousness, this is hilarious, and that title is genius.

Parallel thinking huh?

Double chinz cawksucka!

I'm so cereal, it's real!!

Didn't see it coming, actually laughed out loud. Flawless victory, sir.


that was insanely funny bro!

Put some socks on you smelly foot twat!

i heard mrs piggy is playing amy in the new biopic

The Opster's tits just get bigger and bigger.




Well.. we're not gonna do better than that! Lets go to break E-Rock

It certainly is!

w/e you're probably shadow banned anyway


This comment has been overwritten by this open source script to protect this user's privacy. Gregg Opie Cake Stomp Shock Jock Hughes would rather dox his ex fans than face up to his wife's past with Bam Margera. YOUR MOMS BOX