I've been thinking about this quite a bit recently, you know what is even worse than Samcro Joe having kids spit in his mouth for sexual reasons?

0  2016-08-31 by IheartAmySchumer

He's a goddamm racist!


It's always the shittiest people/least likely to actually be white people bragging about being white. Not many sexy blonde-haired blue-eyed Swedish people need to point out how awesome white people are. They're too busy fucking other sexy white people. It's guys like Joe and Anthony (and Hitler), who worry about their own ancestry and looks, and they are so afraid of some "inferior race" is gonna come in and take their women. It's nothing but insecurity. It's really pretty sad.

Did a black guy you had to fold laundry with in prison turn you soft?

No, jail is actually the perfect equalizer (except for there's way more black people there per capita, must be racism, not personal choices). You get to see the shittiest white people too. It certainly didn't inspire me to say "white people are awesome". A white guy, who was a "spice" addict I spent 4 months in jail with got out, stole wife-beaters from Walmart the next day and came back. Acted like it was society's fault he was a piece of shit. Was willing to accept no blame for being a dirt-bag.

6'3" blonde haired and blue eyed, and I can confirm; not racist.

Can you blame him? He was tired of all the grape soda and Cheetos saliva.

I mean....it's like I can deal with the fact that he has proclivities akin to Albert Fish but a fucking RACIST?!?!?

I hope he is murdered by a roving pack of skinheads!