You all dream of The Purge so you can take out all the people you don't like every year. But for me..

18  2016-08-31 by Mr702law

I want the Purge so I can sit at home and wait for someone to kill me.


then its a win-win situation

A great man once said "You only have to kick in the door and the whole rotten structure will come crashing down."

Though he was talking about something different.

Hitler did nothing wrong.

Why dont u binge or sumpthin

I dream of the purge so that I can start flashing again

Seems like you're already doing this.

Is it wrong to think an apocalyptic scenario would be a wonderful thing? An event that weeds out the worthless on this earth? It's survival of the fittest, but that go's for mentally as well as physically. All the stupid, fat, worthless fucks would be gone. If you're not smart enough or willing to work hard, you wouldn't be welcome in any survivor community. So that would leave nothing but decent regular dudes, and the hotter chicks. Let's be honest, you're not going to risk your ass to save the 3's and 4's. "You shouldn't go out there... ok, I told her not to"

It wouldn't be like The Purge, it would be like Crossed. If for 12 hours there's no police, army, or really anyone monitoring crime that is carte blanche for terrorists, cartels, anarchists, or whoever to literally knock out power grids or detonate nuclear devices throughout the country. They have all year to plan for those 12 hours, so unless there's months of additional surveillance on these groups leading up to it you could see one thousand Muslims blowing up every dam, nuclear facility, and hospital they can get their hands on while gangs engage in ethnic cleansing. That's why I think it would end up looking more like The Road, just this grey dead wasteland full of insane people.

But more to your point:

All the stupid, fat, worthless fucks would be gone. If you're not smart enough or willing to work hard, you wouldn't be welcome in any survivor community.

It doesn't guarantee the survival of the fittest, it guarantees survival of the sociopathic since survival makes everyone start talking like Donald Rumsfeld; everyone's going to talk about preemptive strikes and known unknowns. As Bill Burr said, you're only growing food for the biggest guy on the block. Your life wouldn't be about making shoes or hammering iron, it would be about waking up every day wondering "is today the day we get invaded by another town and I watch my family get raped and murdered in front of me?"

I want one because I want to smear shit creme on my face in public

I used to think so, then I watched The Road. I would be killed instantly (by me).

Oh, I pretty much assume I will die in these scenarios. It's not some grandiose idea where I'm the king. I just assume it's the best possible scenario for the world