What in the fuck is samcro?

0  2016-08-31 by Bloodyshitassrip


Sons of Anarchy Motorcycle Club Redwood Original. Watch your back.

Give me an example of how you would use the term.....please puddin?

I am in SAMCRO and I drill holes into men's bathroom stalls for a living

and receive child saliva deposited into my mouth

I don't know, it's from Sons of Anarchy the TV show but I could never get past one episode.

Agreed, never saw a whole one. Just like 5-10 minutes a couple times when other people were watching it, and really into it. Just couldn't do it. Ahh, what the hell do I know?


I was always a little uncomfortable with the BroJoe hate, but that is a fucking abomination.

This is worse than paying neighborhood kids to spit in his mouth for sexual reasons IMO

Its the name of the fictional motorcycle gang from the TV show Sons Of Anarchy of which Joe is a member.