Bobo's First Pitch

23  2016-08-30 by pfgposter


that was waaaay worse than I thought it ever could be

Yeah but she's a girl and has redeeming qualities, like being very fuckable and independently wealthy.

And what did I expect? His close fisted straight legged walk is that of a true serial killer.

I imagine him trying to stab someone but completely missing and falling over.

Jesus Christ bobo you watch enough baseball you can't just mimic what they do with a little retard strength??

It's like he's never seen someone pitch!

Ironic considering his team has several great pitchers.

Looks like LHP Lenny Dykstra in his prime.

I was buh-locked!!!!

The non-athletic types that like baseball are usually brainiac nerds like Ken Burns and George Will. Bobo is neither smart nor an athlete. Why does he like baseball??

He feels closer to his father, who took him to game(s) before he died when Daniel was a young boy.


Good God.

Somehow i expected more...why the fuck would i expect anything else?


Holy shit, Bobo doesn't deserve even the paltry scarred dick he has.

Somebody listened to The Horse Cock and Sam show.

Is he retarded or something?

give him a break he didn't have a dad to have catch with

In Bobo's defense, he's a catcher, not a pitcher.

His brother always finds the zone

I love the sound just after he throws it :)

Better than Bababooey.

The Vikings are looking for a QB. Bobo should get his agent to look into it.

good god what a fucking retard. and i mean that in the nicest way possible.

If he was self aware at all he would have tucked that head down and done the retard stiff arm run off the field before the ball crossed the plate. Instead he stopped to pose for picture time.

I hated Bobo segments. At least Vos could defend himself.



I'm fucking dying here! I thought that the link was some undersized Down Syndrome kid from the Special Olympics being allowed on the field. The pitch kind of mentally confirmed this suspicion, but then I see his face! Ahahahahahaha!

Dave Dravecky can throw a better pitch than this left-handed.

If only he had long blonde hair he could be the retarded Noah Syndergaard.

My roof has a better pitch than he does.

I'll see myself out.

Dat nigga retarded

LOL!!! look at him put his right foot forward way before he even starts to throw it...he has the worst form I'm ever seen, so awkward...

It's like he's never seen someone pitch!