Who does this sub hate more Joe or Opie?

16  2016-08-30 by aspiewhojokes


Hands down, Joe.

Opie has at least a few redeeming qualities: one of them, despite how little any of us want to admit it, is being responsible for the creation of O&A

Joe has literally no redeeming qualities and his lies about being even a thousandth responsible for O&A are just that: shameless lies

It really is hard to completely write-off the fact that despite all his exhaustively documented flaws, Opie is still the reason there was ever a show to begin with. Whereas I couldn't concede something redeeming about Brother Joe if I tried.

Yeah but you can just ignore Brother Joe, Opie ruined too much of my favorite show. I will always hate him more.

Yep, I wouldn't have a clue what that dork was up to if all the autists on here didn't constantly post his "60 year old Long Island guy" ramblings.

Then you're plain out fucking stupid.

You know what this show was to me? Entertainment.

You know what I hear when I listen to 99% of the old eps? 2004? 2010? 2013? Don't fucking matter. I hear Opie. I don't hear dumb ass Joe except for his bi-annual desperation phoner to sell tickets to his fucking stupid Long Island trash retard cover band.

I hear Opie. Ruining bits. Making it about himself. Putting his own personal layer of shit over years and years of funny.

Joe's a fucking faggot don't get me wrong, but you're seeking out his shit if you're reading it. There's a billion fucking Joes out there, 50 something douchebags with ponytails, hitting on 17 year olds at state fairs. Yuck, but who gives a shit.

There's just one Opie. And you can't get away from him.

I agree, Joe was on the show what like 20 times?

Opie ruins classic moments of funny people.

After reading this I have to say you've changed my mind. I now hate Bro Joe the most, followed closely by breadmoccasin, then Opie.

Joe is a pathetic creep, at least Opie makes his own money.

Joe has never been a success at anything he's ever done and is always trying to get 2 or 3 fans to campaign for him as if he has a personal army of thousands.

Opie has been the main guy on one of the most successful radio partnerships for over 20 years, earned millions of dollars and knows we all hate him.

Joe seems to work at being hateable and deserves that hate a lot more than Opie, but god I hate Opie.

Joe, at least Opie has been a part of something entertaining.

Part of, or adjacent to?

Well said

You didn't hear? If it wasn't for Joe Anthony would have never met Opie and O&A would have never happened.

That's the rub though. He's tainted so much that would otherwise have been good or great, I could never hate anyone more.

Opie's contributed hundreds of hours of dogshit to my life. Joe maybe the 1 or 2 cumulative hours it took to read all his social media idiocy. Easy choice for me.

I hate Joe more. Opie actually worked for a living. Whether he's good at his job is an entirely different conversation but Joe is a lazy, racist, piece of shit human.

Opie has never had a real job. I doubt he's ever "worked" more than 30 hours in a week and he's almost 60.

I didn't say he was much better you dope. It's not like I'm given a much better choice. It's between Opie and Joe. I'll still pick Opie. He might have the easiest job in the world but its still better than living off your brothers success.

Didn't Joe work construction for years before Ant made it big in his late 30s?

I'm not saying I prefer him to Joe I'm saying it's laughable to say Opie is better because he works hard. Opie is the luckiest man in show business.

Nah mostly stole ivory from his work place.

Yeah Joe was a piece of shit employee that talked about how he stole from the company. I even said Opie had an easy job. To you pay attention at all?



Joe - definitely.

Joe is such a bigger piece of shit , at least opie is funny at his sad attempts at comedy, brother joe is just a racist cocky piece of shit

Ehh. I have less respect for poor attempts at humor than poor attempts at racism.

That's like having to rent your slaves....

Opie worked for years to get to where he got. Something Joe has never even attempted

So is probably half of Long Island. Opie is a unique kind of hateable that is unmatched imo

Opie should be kicked off the air...Joe should be exterminated

Definitely Brother Joe. I'd be surprised to know if he even knows how to put his socks on.

Opie for me. Always Opie.

Same. Joe's just a pesky loser. Opie ruins shit I otherwise enjoy.

I legitimately hate SAMCRO "Bro" Joseph Cumia, Jr. more than anyone else on the fucking planet. He's so... god, it's being unkind to simpletons and retardates when you use the word 'stupid' to describe him. He's so SHALLOW, maybe that's the word. Never voted in his life, but BOY OH BOY IS DONALD J. TRUMP GOING TO FIX HIS LIFE! Gonna make America GREAT again! Because it's not currently the place in the world where you can leech off your younger brother and abdicate responsibility for your daughter to troll online while paying children to spit in your mouth for the reasons of sexual gratification. God. What a fucking buffoon, baboon, bitch-faced little fucking cunt.

Anthony, let it go,you promised mom.

joe derosa

I like Joey Roses :(

I know everyone on this sub might disagree with us, but goddamn he might be the worst out of everyone.


I have to go with Opie. I don't "hate" Joe because Joe is a worthless nothing. He's a joke. Trolling him isn't the same as trolling anyone else from the O&A universe, because Joe isn't even a person.

I can't think of a single likable thing about Joe. Opie at least stumbled upon other talent.

Joe is a talented guitarist and is an enormous loser. Opie has no discernible talent at all and is a multi millionaire.

I don't hate Joe. I pity him.

Playing U2 songs doesn't make you a talented guitarist. 90% of it is pedals.

He played in that Journey band too. Those solos are not easy. I find his pro-Trump stuff silly, and I think he's sorely mistaken that people care about his opinion, and the "There wouldn't be any O&A without me" comment was just sad... but he is a good guitar player.

Source: worked very hard to become a mediocre guitar player.

With all the decades of free time he's had with no job and mooching off his baby brother he should be the next Joe Satriani. It makes him even worse that he's only able to reach Journey solo level.

Just practicing a lot doesn't make you a good guitarist. Loads of people play games all the time but still suck.

If you find the videos on YouTube of Joe playing various stuff you'll see he's quite a skilled player. I've practiced for years and I don't think I'll ever get as good as Joe. I'm not saying he's a guitar god, just that he's quite good and there's a skill ceiling for most players.

Opie is a cunt.

Joe can be ignored easier, I hate Opie more than anyone, no contest

Without a doubt Opie and its not even close. Opie deserves to be where Joe is, and Joe is right where he should be. Plus that lumpy titted POS ruins a potential good show just by his presence and has far more power than he ever should have got.

absolutely opie. he killed the show

I think Anthony killed the show actually



Brojob is a contemptible piece of shit, but it's easy to forget he exists.

Opie's cuntishness infects thousands of hours of the show and once you realise just how bad he is, it's almost impossible to block him out.

Opie is so bad that Jim and Sam in the Mornings now sounds like the real show.

opie sucks, joe rosa is vermin

Brother Joe DeRosa?

SAMCRO BroJoe DeRosa, Jr.

… will be sitting in on tomorrow's show with Mark Normcdonald and Sam Robert Kelly.

I fucking hate him

I dont hate derosa i just hate his horrific laugh and face

Joe. There aren't many good things to say about either one, except at least Opie has a job and supports himself and his family. Joe is a leech who is really no better than some ghetto queen that lives off of welfare. Only difference is his gummit checks are signed by his brother

Big Amy


Joe and then the fat Stangel

I have no idea why we even pay any attention to Joe.



Joe. Opie may be retarded, grating, and unlikable, but at least he has a work ethic. Joe is all of those things while mooching off of society.

I don't have hate in my heart.


Opie is the worst person to ever live. Hitler had more redeeming qualities.


These days Joe only really gets this subs attention when he posts something idiotic on Facebook. However when that does happen, the outpouring of sheer hatred towards him is like a tsunami. That shows just how hateable he is.

So, everyday then

Joe is a parasite. All he does is take. For fuck's sake, he makes his living from being in a fucking cover band.





Joe all day err day

Brother Joe. An ignorant, arrogant douchbag who's been allowed to live in perpetual adolescence thanks to his shock jock brother.

Joe has contributed nothing and is a complete leech. Opie is a faggot but at least he has a job making his own money and has contributed to some funny shit.

Dude I fucking hate Joe


Joe is awful...at least I've gotten years of enjoyment out of O&A

He played in that Journey band too. Those solos are not easy. I find his pro-Trump stuff silly, and I think he's sorely mistaken that people care about his opinion, and the "There wouldn't be any O&A without me" comment was just sad... but he is a good guitar player.

Source: worked very hard to become a mediocre guitar player.