Weekly SJW "comedian": Megan MacKay

12  2016-08-30 by TangerineReam

Female Ernest Borgnine MEGAN MACKAY, ripping on a guy who was honest about not seeing a movie that was going to bomb because it was going to bomb: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KXohVvSUed4&ab_channel=MeganMacKay

And here's a video she made about a movie that did WAY better than the movie she wanted to succeed, ripping on the much-hyped supporting male lead because I'm sure she was triggered somehow: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BJGByVBP3dg&ab_channel=MeganMacKay

"Comedy, Politics, Feminism, Puppies"

PS: if anyone knows how to archive these links so they’re not directly giving her clicks...


I like how in the second video she wrote the state of her bathroom scales on her forehead

I guess my response to this would be "we know".

We know there are tons of SJW dummies out there who fully believe in their bullshit. We know a lot of them aren't what we call "attractive". They all follow the same line of thinking that because someone came up with a new definition of "racism", white men are the only subclass of humanity that deserve to hear mean things said about them.

If I wanted to see SJWs spouting live SJW opinions, I'd head on over to shitredditsays. If I wanted to see extreme SJW opinions that border on hilarious, I'd head to tumblrinaction. I don't need exposure to some entitled cunt from Portland regurgitating SJW philosophy no more than I need some dude on the bus trying to get me to give my life to Jesus.

As such, seeing an SJW review Ghostbusters and Suicide Squad, even with a cringey Joker cosplay - so what? Now I'm supposed to make the same tired jokes about her, so she can get wind of it and make more tired jokes about us? We find new ways to call her fat, she finds new ways to imply we all have small penises and live with our parents?

this is merely making the odd even; these frumps already bash male or non-SJW comedians on their own private fb group, so if they get to do that, we should be able to bash those fb group members on here. Also, if nothing else; its a nice little Jocktober appetizer until Harry. You don't have to only bash them on this sub, if you know what I'm saying. There are links included in the description....

A lot of them are just miserable, insecure people underneath it all. They never got positive attention from the cute boys, so they manifest that into misandry and are more than happy to subscribe to a "white men are bad because reasons" lifestyle as willingly as nazis subscribed to a "jews are bad because reasons" lifestyle. Attacking them just further pushes their internal belief that they're victims and evil white men are after them.

As for being outraged at private facebook groups that attack male comedians? My god, who would have thought that females would ever say mean things behind someone's back when socializing with their ilk? It's kind of a bitch move to go "oh yeah well WE'RE gonna form a group and say mean things about YOU!" If they do something relevant and someone makes a thread - they'll get their abuse. This is just a random SJW making youtube videos that get under 5,000 views. The best thing to do is just ignore her, like all the other men that have ignored her and her "opinions" instead of giving her the attention she so desperately craves.

I'm not saying to throw around the usual language of "you're fat" etc. The non-sequiturs and random, pointless brutality of Jocktober is what I used to love about it. Which is what I hope people try to do here. They'll have their opinions and vigor whether you say anything against them or not, or whether someone pays attention to them or not; they've doubled-down too much to turn back now. So you might as well have some fun with it, because they certainly are. They get what they consider to be "mouth-breathing nerds" all the time as trolls...but they've never experienced O&A fans.

Also: I have a couple of sources who can point me towards the comedians in the ACTUAL aforementioned FB group. Might feature them in the following weeks...

If I wanted to see SJWs spouting live SJW opinions, I'd head on over to shitredditsays. If I wanted to see extreme SJW opinions that border on hilarious, I'd head to tumblrinaction. I don't need exposure to some entitled cunt from Portland regurgitating SJW philosophy no more than I need some dude on the bus trying to get me to give my life to Jesus.

I like the - InAction subs but I don't want this to turn into /r/ComedyInAction.

She talks about nerds having little dicks, bitch should be happy if she gets any dick , she's so fucking busted. Shes probably a dyke anyway

Please don't sully the memory of Ernest Borgnine by comparing him to this frumpalump. She looks more like Alex Jones anyway.

I don't know what you guys are bitching about. I think Mike Bocchetti is looking good in these videos.

She looks like a kiwi

This is a great weekly thread. Should jocktober these cunnies.

Holy fuck, yeah. Bully Squad '16, who down?

I'd pay good money to watch a negro gentleman bludgeon her to death with a ball peen hammer.

Can we get a claw hammer, lot more bloody.

comedy, politics, feminism, puppies

I want the world to fall into a dystopia just to see these people get raped and eaten.

This should be a regular thing.

Update: Did you guys get the comment section of the first video taken down? It was available, and now its not.

OK it's back. Hopefully, not for long...

I thought about what to post as a response for like five minutes, then went with "Lol, you're fat".

I felt bad for it because in the first video because I thought from the lack of all expression and complete mumbling that she had bell's palsy.

Then I saw the second video where she managed to shift her eyebrows into another position, so I guess she's just an out-to-lunch dolt.


Usually I think pretty women can't be funny, but this proves that ugly ones can't be funny either

Why is she dressed as Louie Anderson in the first video?

Less than 10,000 views for both videos combined. Why are we talking about this/who gives a shit.

Nobody gives a fuck so why should we

Just a little Jocktober appetizer before the Stangel show

It never gets old when you guys but "comedian" in quotes because it's like ha ha so called comedian right!

*put "comedian" in quotes

You're right about that.

I couldnt agree more when it comes to actual stand ups...but comedy youtube pages like Jenna Marbles and whatever this was...I guess its appropriate.

That's the thing. They're not actually comedians, whattaya gonna do? Maybe we should get """ """s to signify SJW comedians like the ((( )))'s for merchants.

Just a little Jocktober appetizer before the Stangel show