Joseph Cumia has now been infatuated with Urban Dictionary for 7 hours

62  2016-08-30 by IHateSherrod


Here is one of his responses. We're not getting to him at all.

They're proud of themselves when I react in any way. So I don't

But you just did, Joe. You just did.

is his facebook locked so you cannot comment on his posts?


Anyone and everyone can and should respond

You'll have your comment deleted and be blocked almost immediately but it'll be worth it. If any of you peckas are gonna comment then maybe you'd be good enough to show him the Brother Joe entry.

Here's the Urban Dictionary definition of Brother Joe :

A person who is devoid of talent or charm and therefore must rely on a close family member (usually a younger brother) to provide them with sustenance, shelter and attention.

Wow I didn't realize until recently what a Brother Joe I've become. It's time to get my life together and stop being such a loser.

about | flag for glitch | Summon: urbanbot, what is something?

126 upvotes, 1 downvote.

Good work, peckahs.

Im glad Samcro Joe got to submit his vote on this

I like the 1 downvote better than 0 downvotes.

Its funny because it probably is him too


"child spit" nice. nice.

Sounds like Leech Joe wants more gigs cancelled. Since we don't affect him or his life.

These are the words of someone who doesn't react.

The irony of that post is delicious. Poor old man Joe...just doesn't get it.

He actually refers to himself outside the O&A world as Brother Joe?

not surprising. his entire identity, career, family, and life, are all tied to being a relative of a C-level celebrity. Its all he has.

C-level? Well aren't you a generous boy

his arrest made headlines. it got is name out there.

No no hes D level my friend

oh, i get it.

if THIS is the accomplishment he is most proud of today, then I guess its time to suck start that 9mm before Obama takes it from him.

It's good to see he's finally found a career path.

If his family weren't dumb shithead Cumias, they'd be completely embarrassed.

how is his wife not drinking herself to death out of embarrassment right now? I am sure all of her friends husbands are spending their days at work, making a living, and contributing to society and their families on the weekends when not working...meanwhile Joe is at home broadening his Urban Dictionary footprint and blasting anti Hillary posts all day, everyday.

You know he's hoping Trump will see him and beg for his shitty band to play at the inauguration.

just when brother joe was starting to sneak off the radar

I would have figured urban dictionary sounded too black for this lumpy old fuck.

the more time he spends on the internet 'schoolin libs' and not raising his kids, the better off for the kids.

You're doing god's work here today, IHateSherrod. You really are.

He used to just call the show and talk about band stuff and plug gigs. Thats was fine. Why did he start thinking we would care about his opinions?

It was in lieu of getting a job. Leeching takes a major psychological toll on the leecher. As pitiful as this sounds, Joe was looking to fill his dignity and self-esteem-void by trying to become an online pundit/social commentator/wit.

I can't wait to see what he's going to do to try to repair the damage from this retarded abortion of an endeavor.

Probably steroids.

It could be anything but the one thing that's completely obvious he should do: hop offline and get a job.


Yes, published in the same way as reddit has published this comment. Holy fuck what a retard.

I know 'Erasist' is probably meant to be derogatory but I know several people who would happily identify as that if they knew the word.

Joe is so two thousand and late. Sad!


Surely it would be up:down ratios.

I love how he puts "published" as if it's some sort of achievement.

people....stop it. you're giving him the impression that people care about him enough to "hate" him

Why does that massive faggot shoehorn his political agenda into a UD related post?

well it was fun...until that made it slightly sad


Vos plugging a gig was occasionally funny (intentionally).

Hahaha!! This is hilarious! I am slightly obsessed with Brother Joe and his asinine ramblings. I want to make sure this sub never forgets what a douche canoe he is.

Oh yeah, I usually just find it boring but this "Joe and his words" thing on Urban Dictionary is pretty hilarious...what a fucking idiot he is lol

how is his wife not drinking herself to death out of embarrassment right now? I am sure all of her friends husbands are spending their days at work, making a living, and contributing to society and their families on the weekends when not working...meanwhile Joe is at home broadening his Urban Dictionary footprint and blasting anti Hillary posts all day, everyday.

C-level? Well aren't you a generous boy

Its funny because it probably is him too