I created a lil' Urban Dictionary entry for Brother Joe since Mr Cumia has become such a fan of the site

62  2016-08-30 by chrb13


The one dislike is from Brother Joe.

What's worse; one of likes is from Anth.

the 1 dislike makes this 10 times funnier

It's two now, he forced one of his bandmates to downvote too.

Pokemon Joe: Nintendo's new augmented reality game where players must roam their neighborhood collecting saliva from all 150 nearby children.

I think we're gonna need some more definitions of this word because it's so nuanced and versatile.

I sure wouldn't mind starting my day by being reminded of how productive a member of society I am by drinking my morning Joe out of this Brother Joe coffee mug.

If you all really want to piss him off you should resubmit all of his words slightly change the definition and have everyone upvote those. It'll really play into the, he just has haters issues

tbh this has probably run its course now. Joe's pinball-sized brain pings from one subject to another very quickly. He's back to promoting his shitty cover bands now.

It was fun while it lasted though.


9411 likes and 18 dislikes. Those are some amazing numbers!

I know. I should feel proud but instead I just feel empty.

Get a job, you minority fuck.

I like this one better:

Brother Joe One who is exceptional in the sport of the mud wrestling, due to the fact of having four eyes from the glasses he's wearing. Tim- Where is Brother Joe? Bert- He is probably just mud wrestling.

Mckenzie- My cousin is competing tonight! Tom- Where? Mckenzie- At the National Mud Wrestling Tournament!

he's a mud wrestler lol

That was bad. You suck

Lol you think I wrote that? I thought it was funny cause it was stupid as fuck