Joseph Cumia is calling on his white pride followers to up vote his stupid urban dictionary word. He means business.

71  2016-08-30 by IHateSherrod


He just posted this. How long until you think he notices?

This is beautiful.

He's since posted 2 new updates. He actually thinks the reason that his definition isn't no.1 is because there's a "liberal moderator over there" who's rigging the votes.

Reminder: This is a full-grown man with children and the focus of his day is getting a word he made up combining Hillary Clinton and diarrhea upvoted on Urban Dictionary. He literally has the mind of a 13 year old.

Holy liberal. He should definitely say liberal some more. If he says liberal some more, everyone would be sure that he's definitely not a filthy liberal. Liberal.

I pointed out to him on FB that there's no liberal agenda and the #1 definition has been upvoted simply because people don't like him and find it funny. I was blocked and had my comment removed in less than 30 seconds.

The Brothers Cumia sure do like their safe spaces.

You triggered him.

He is so much more sucessful than you.

I bet his brother gives more money to him than your brother gives you.


He's tired and cranky and probably hasn't had his Sanka yet. Cut the old fella some slack.

I love how if you think either cumia is wrong you're a liberal. Because every non liberal thinks these guys are on point politically and hilarious with their social commentary.

Dumb shit that unemployed leeches end up doing with all their free time.

If he was smart, he could be using politics to manipulate his trump supporting followers (does he have any?) into voting his definition up to make it seem like he isn't simply being cyberbullied.

IF he was smart.

There are no words to adequately describe how much I hate this guy. He is the worst combination of horribly dumb yet supremely confident. I want terrible things to happen to him.

But if something bad happens to him, you might be....

Guilty by Association!

Dvv dvv faaaawk yeah

This guy is just astonishingly dumb.


It's tragic that he thinks UD has some kind of review board who reject unworthy submissions.

What a fucking dummy. There have been literally thousands of definitions that say like "What Dave does to his dad's anus" going back at least 15 years.

Joe literally has nothing but free time now

He's always been a man of leisure.


It must be exhausting to be the lone sane voice in a world gone mad. Carry that torch, you hero!

thank god hes willing to carry the burden for all of us.

We're all thinkin it, he's sayin it!

I just googled the word he claims to have created and found this,

For those who don't want to click the link it's a post from 8 years ago about Hillary deciding to drop out of the democratic nomination.

So Joe is plagiarizing a word that has been in circulation for at least 8 years. What a sad, unemployed, leeching, lazy, worthless piece of fucking shit. Everything he does is stolen. He plays other bands music badly. He wears fake biker attire he saw on a TV show and he takes money from his brother and then claims to be a success.

Pity this man my friends.

Didn't he already do that when he plagiarized "Gonna 'Lectrocute OJ?"

Some great points, friend.

Joe Cumia thinks his jokes are hillarreah, but they are not.

His horseshit social media presence means so much to him. It must be a few days before his welfare and hes stuck home with no money.

I hate Hillary but I'd vote for her just to piss Joe off

Same. I wish we could somehow bait the dumb cunt back here so we could torture him some more.

Why do you hate her?

Because she lies repeatedly, she's phony, she's a sociopath, she cheats to get what she wants. She gets funding in sickening amounts from an all manner of shady people

She stayed in a sham marriage of political convenience with a creep who was an unrepentant philanderer who made a fool of her at best and a rapist and repeated sexual harasser at worse and yet makes herself out to be this pillar of feminism.

Also, her policy and platform shifts with the wind. And she's a crook.

Vote Hillary!! or don't. She wins.

It truly doesn't matter, this election is set in stone already. Republicans decided they wanted to go straight for the fascist imbecile who lies about his wealth and is now embezzling every red penny he can from the campaign for himself and his family. It's pretty sickening that they fell for it, too, but Trump's voters (the primary voters, that is) are complete fucking losers of the lowest order. They're Bible-thumpers, they're racists, they're homophobes, they're retards, they're POOR and voting against their own fucking interests, they're all on welfare and claim that GUBMINT NEVER GAVE ME NUTHIN', et cetera. It's pretty disgusting and I'm glad we'll have a lesser evil in November to put behind us for 8 years, just like Obama ended up being. It's a shame, too, because we could've had an actual progressive win and skate right through to the White House, but the DNC and cunts like DWS rigged the game because they couldn't win fair.

Republicans decided they wanted to go straight for the fascist

You do know that fascism doesnt just mean "people on the other side of the political divide" right? Ignorantly repeating ad nauseam person x is a fascist doesnt make him one.

The term fascist becomes more & more watered down with idealogues on both the left & right lobbying it around so lazily.

now embezzling every red penny he can from the campaign for himself....we could've had an actual progressive win and skate right through to the White House

Bernie was a clearer cut example of a campaigner shaking down his impressionable followers for millions this election cycle. He was also the biggest spineless worm this season seeing how easily he cowed into selling out & cowed into bending the knee for Hillary.

hahahahahaha, well, you're wrong and retarded. So there's that again. Not surprised.


In the case of Republicans? Religion. They've been lied to all their lives and are being told by the pathetic pedophile leaders of their gay-ass churches that shit like school prayer and gay marriage and all are what matter more than legally being allowed a fucking union to fight for your wages, or having universal healthcare so you don't go bankrupt because of cancer, or having your taxes be fair. The rich have the most disposable income by the very merit of having more of it. So it totally makes sense that they're taxed at a LOWER rate than the middle class is, oh yeah.


Who the everlocing fuck is a non-white and thinks the REPUBLICANS are their guy?


Hahahahaha. No. Quite the opposite, because I'm a non-rich fucker and a non-bigoted person and any number of things more than I am a WHITE PERSON. In fact, I'd say it's quite racist to think in the way that you are.


No, society considers me DEFAULT. It's when you AREN'T white that you're categorized negatively; not that you're categorized POSITIVELY for being the majority.




I can't lose is the thing, because I'm right. What I can do is acknowledge the person I'm arguing with is inferior to me in every way and spit a farting sound in their direction to indicate my knowledge of that fact. How the fuck am I supposed to talk to you like you're a human being when you've proven you clearly aren't one?


I'm sorry, I forgot I'm talking to someone whose sole purpose is to confuse others into thinking he's someone more important than himself. And I've seen exactly zero of the... 'state-run' media since 2008. So yeah, I'm totally brainwashed, MAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAN

When she's elected we all lose, she represents everything wrong with politics.

Trump is awful too, they're both bad, but Hillary is malicious.

Hillary will attempt an invasion of Iran. She will overthrow Assad in Syria and leave a puppet Turkish dictatorship in control of the northwest/Damascus with a FARC-style jihadist insurgency running wild the east. The drone war in the Sinai and Libya will recommence and terrorist attacks on US soil will increase as a result of her aggressive militarism against local liberation movements. She's going to escalate the Ukrainian conflict into overt war posturing with Russia itself. Not to be overly dramatic about that last issue, but these days our biggest fear is a terrorist group detonating a nuclear device in one of our cities; to restart the cold war with Russia, an enemy that literally has thousands of nuclear weapons pointed our direction is pure lunacy.

She's owned by so many awful foreign interests that it is almost inconceivable that any other candidate could cause more human death than she will in her upcoming 8 years. Neocons like Paul Wolfowitz don't need a Trump in the running to be able to support a candidate like Clinton, they align on pretty much every topic in US foreign policy regardless.

And she has a vagina.


This guy just does not know when to pick his battles. He's about 0 for 10 by now.

only 10?

This week.

I remember being 13 and being proud of zingers that I created

This. He stumbled into a faintly clever pun and is desperately hoping it will catch on so he can claim credit for it down the road. In the meantime, he's gonna beat it like a redheaded shock jock. Hillarreah mugs and TV shirts to follow.

Theres nothing clever about it.

He's losing his shit, deleting comments and then answering to the people he's deleted.

lol it was my comment he deleted and then responded to. I love the fact that he's begging his followers to upvote his submission on UD yet at the same time pretending he doesn't care about people downvoting it. We really have reeled the big retard in today.

I'm so happy to be a part of this.

lol me too. This has been the best day on this sub for a looong time. I was getting so bored of all the Schumer/Lesile Jones/fake Opie shit that's been dominating this place for the last couple of weeks.

You can always rely on good ol' Bro Joe to provide some fresh entertainment.

I cannot stand the man... And our computers are down at work. What better way to pass the time?

Catch of the day!

As dumb as Joe is he has made me laugh more than ant in 2016


he used to be a shock jock on siriusxm radio but he died of irrelevancy in 2015

Holy shit the urban dictionary thing is funny. I love when Joe reacts!

I wonder what Joe's IQ is. I don't think he's literally retarded, but he is impressively stupid. Maybe like 82?

Dear God we cannot stand by and let Joe determine the next US president like that.

Joe should just stop posting on social media. The only people that read it are us, and we use it against him.

Here's the Urban Dictionary definition of cumiahrrea :

the milky doo doo substance that c omes out of the anus after someone one cums in said anus,also known as fagiahrrea.

i came in her trash hole and she had cumiahrrea all night.

about | flag for glitch | Summon: urbanbot, what is something?

He's so stupid.

The way he posts it's like "hillarhea" is the only good idea he's ever had. He thinks it'll be a viral sensation. He probably already bought (with Anthony's money)

A senior citizen spending his time on Urban Dictionary...

Isnt this guy that has little kids spit in his mouth?

OpieRadio should take notes cause this! is a real coffee mug.

Getting a phrase into Urban Dictionary will definitely "crush the libtards." Everybody knows that's the key.

I'd rather he get it into Urban Discipline. The Biohazard album.

Did he just discover this old ass website?

Joe must enjoy this. All he has to do is stop talking about this sub and we'll get bored and go away. He just can't help himself.

I have been having a really bad day/week/year/life - and I just want you good people to know that seeing that we hijacked ole Joe's Urban Dictionary made my day. Thanks.

This place has made me laugh on the worst fucking days

This is a 60 year old man, I feel sorry for his mother.

joe cumia making america great again one urban dictionary word at a time

Maybe we can do a contest on the best Joseph Cumia memed Urban Dictionary word and then make them all happen.

He does not possess enough upvotes.

thank god hes willing to carry the burden for all of us.

And she has a vagina.
