Isn't the Roslyn Strangler's sentencing on 8/30?

6  2016-08-30 by dejavu4thedead

Today should have felt like Christmas Eve.


I don't believe the Moroccan Manhandler is actually being sentenced. The way it usually works when one takes a deal involving some type of treatment (as I believe is the case with tranthony), is that the sentencing date acts as the date by which the criminal must have entered into treatment. If the person has entered into treatment by that date then there is no sentencing. Peckahz.

No, this is a cattle call. In New York State, the last Tuesday of the month is reserved for the appearance of the defendant and continuation of his or her case for up to 90 more days. This is a criminal docket management tool that allows the judge to supervise the defendant's progress and conformity with the bail requirements, such as treatment, staying away from the victim, restitution, and avoiding D&A, etc. With the prosecutor's consent, the goal of this continued supervision is the dismissal of charges if the court is satisfied with the defendant's behavior, rehabilitation and peckah.


No one will be satisfied with that.

Jesus fuck, here we go with the

"One Lawyer Says This/One Lawyer Says That" horseshit again ....

Don't confuse me with a lawyer. I just made that shit up. I don't even live in the state.

i look forward to seeing justice delivered... this is a day for American values

"Have a nice day Mr. Cumia. Please don't let me see you ever again."= JUSTICE

I concur! I mean, quite frankly, I don't feel I'm in a safe, bully-free zone in my community for both myself & my family. And until such time as this non-inclusive, homophobic, mysoginist is removed from our midst, it is then and only then that I will return to supportingothersvaluesinameaningfulwa ....

It's better to be surprised when you wake up in the mornin. At least that's what I....AIDS!

Anthony is finally learning that the justice system works against individuals of color like himself.

I love how we all keep a calendar of the Marrakesh Pederast's court dates.