Bill Burr tells off a feminist "web person" and somehow fights the urge to hit her nodding, sarcastic face

67  2016-08-29 by NortheastPhilly


"I'm an entrepreneur..."

Are ya?

"Yes absolutely [I have a brain]"

"Yes, it's very successful"


"my parents are very proud"


"How'd your parents die?"


^ Faggots


Id be shocked if she could even spell it

Or venerate it. Uhuru

let's face it, the "-neur" part is a hurdle we all have to cross

I had to write "it" instead of writing the word out because the compose message box in my reddit is fun app was covering up his message. I dont know how to spell it either lol

That means she has a blog. Who doesn't have a blog these days.

Me. I dont commit all of my atrocious thoughts to print with my name on it. Thats why I'm here, with a horseshoe anonymous username

The reason women don't "start their own shit" is because outside of a small minority, women don't support other women. They don't give a shit. Like, a big thing is about how few women directors there are. Women are 50% of the population. If it's so important, when a broad directs a movie, then show the fuck up. If women are funnier than men, show up at their comedy shows. Comedy clubs would book mostly women if there was any kind of real movement to suppprt female comics. There are comedy clubs that are thriving that mostly books black acts cuz black people show up. That's it

Women don't want to win they want a winner

Women generally don't appreciate or care about creativity and artistic productions. Look at female music 'fans' (edit: of musicians and rock stars) during the 50s and 60s, when traditional femininity was still the norm. Howling and giggling, screaming in lust, it's all about how cute and swoon-worthy the star is. They get excited not over how moving the music is or how impressive the craftsmanship in lyrics, performance, and mixing, but over how that music gives the man status and how enthralling it is to potentially be associated with that status.

Women like merchandise. Merchandise is there movies & music

When referring to an entire gender, you would appear perhaps slightly more credible if citing examples not referring to pubescent girls (over 50 years ago).

The "swooning" girls you refer to, are not unlike young boys discovering porn and deciding to explore their genitals with an unprecedented frenzy. That particular phase is mainly about sexual discovery.

Your cynical view of women suggests you are either still in junior high (possibly in the 60s), or have only dealt with some very special TLC-worthy cases that haven't evolved past puberty.

In fact, in any artistic university courses I've attended the vast majority of students are women. Of course I'd have to be an idiot to assume that means men are less creative.

what the fuck is somebody like you doing in a place like this

Why are you here? I'm guessing you're a fan of comedy. As am I.

The guy I responded to did not appear to be making any effort at comedy, so I assumed he was simply misguided.

Perhaps he was joking. But if so, his execution is horrible.

Wow, you are funny.

Well...she's certainly living up to her name.

No seriously, what the fuck are you doing here

Well look what we have here. Good luck, lady.

US population is about 320 million. If half of that is women then there are 160 million women. If just half of them went to see the 4 cunts in Ghostbusters then it would have taken in 720 million dollars based on an average ticket price of 9 dollars. But it only took in 1/6th of that.

So women can't even support each other to further the feminist agenda. Bitches be hatin.

& 100% of the audience that saw Ghostbusters weren't women. I can't find the statistics but even the biggest chick flicks usually get 40% men (men like movies more)

Thanks--that's some grade A mansplaining.

Don't be dismissive. Contribute, stupid.

I was joking, cunt.

Well next time try and be funny kiddo.

aaaaand you go and ruin your righteous stance with female slurs. fail.

that DID contribute, stupid.

That all implies that women directors, comedians etc make stuff which primarily appeals to women.

I agree completely if you apply that to women's sports, but art isn't supposed to be gender or race centric. Women shouldn't support women comics just because they're women.

The fact that women doing anything is still a statement for some reason, means that they can make the mistake of trying to address that directly and in doing so pigeon hole themselves as a 'woman comic'. To be fair a lot of women comics don't do that, but bloggers and the media keep trying to do it for them.


youre saying women shouldn't support women just because they are woman. I'm saying they should if women seriously gave a fuck about succeeding. And occasionally there are blogger-types that do but it is such a tiny amount of people who are like that. But I'm being logical. If women made it a point to just support any art made by a woman just because they are women, in a year it would be equal. It's too much money

Bill is the best living stand-up and his "gold digging whores" bit is my favorite in the history of comedy, but he turns this off around/about women selectively. Like Norton talking mad shit with his buddies and then being submissive to Lindy West, Bill will go off on women regularly while patting Schumer on the ass and letting his wife go Feminist/BLM on his podcast without check on a regular basis.

Bill's the man, but he's like a guy with an impressive KO reel of knocking out guys smaller than him. I dont doubt he'd rock heavyweights if he chose to go after them...and I'd lay my money down to see it.

Like Norton talking mad shit with his buddies and then being submissive to Lindy West, Bill will go off on women regularly while patting Schumer on the ass and letting his wife go Feminist/BLM on his podcast without check on a regular basis.

I largely interpreted this as both guys know they're limited in a political debate and they don't want to take their shots against someone who's much more into what they're talking about.

I wish I could see it the same way, but I have seen Norton try to out-Alpha people like Henry Rollins and Jesse Ventura (needlessly) while buckling to Schumer and Lindy West.

Like "American Sniper" Chris Kyle, Norton usually cucks out for people like that (even when he's wrong), but if "challenged" (with Ventura it was putting his hand on his shoulder and reminding him that he never served), he is happy to use his verbal skills and bully pulpit to turn the show into the back table of the Cellar.

He turns it on and off like a switch, and it seems to have little to no parallel with "knowing when he was beat".

What are you talking about? Needlessly? In both situations, he was only calling out someone for displaying some safe, average, tryhard, obnoxious way of talking down to someone else, pretending to be all knowing. He was bothered by it and both times were entertaining to listen to. It's funny to hear someone argue back with celebrities who expect to always be handed the win.

Yes it is...and Rollins IS a male Feminist and Ventura DOES believe in chemtrails.

So....are we "calling it how we see it with brutal truth" or are we sucking tranny dick, bowing down to Lindy West, excusing Schumer's blatant thieving, and biting his tongue through half of the shit Opie says? We know what Rollins and Ventura believe partly because of their wide reach and outspoken views. Then we heard them on OandA and got to see Jimmy act like a guy who got a letter in Debate Club who knew he could talk shit (with style) to "meat heads" on the football team because his mom was going to have her station wagon parked out front and running after school. They were GUESTS on the show...they were being "polite" also. Jimmy IS a pencil neck and the only "service" he has ever been in has been under Mistress Lola. He SHOULD BE a throne sniffing little quim (like he was around Chris Kyle....again, needlessly). Kyle was ultimately wrong with what he was saying and Ventura was victorious legally/publicly. I wonder where you stood on that one. Most of OandA joined Jimmy in riding Kyle's jock....and dismissing "the fighter, the governor, the Navy Seal" (I love Ant's Ventura impression still).

Jimmy believes that he was an alcoholic after a couple of keggers in high school....he thinks dudes with dicks are sexy....and he thinks Amy Schumer had a bunch of cases of parallel thinking. Jesse Ventura (who has had multiple government jobs) thinks the government is lying to you. Chemtrail Aids Rain or not....Im going with Ventura on this one.

Yes, Jim is a total Amy Schumer defending liar who is lying about his cartoon money, and he's a pussy about drinking, drugs, food, and life. He's like a shifty nosey old woman in the body of a self-aware born loser mini-man. What does that have to do with him responding to cunty behavior on a radio show by embarrassing them in the argument? He did the same to the 9/11 truthers, but people pretend like he hadn't embarrassed those people on the air. It was funny, it doesn't matter if Jim is a hypocrite for also being a faker who is condescending and cunty himself.

You're having quite a fun time doing exactly what you say Jim did, though. Trashing him colorfully. Should we analyze your background? I don't care if he's a phony in the moment when I'm listening to an entertaining deflowering of someone who didn't think their little remarks would end up making the show that awkward and hostile.

Where do I stand on what? Whether or not Kyle lied about knocking out Jesse? Who the fuck cares about the honor of Jesse Ventura's fighting ability, except Jesse "The Insecure Male" Ventura? He had to flee to one of the crime capitals of the world run by corrupt criminal megalomaniacs, because he felt like American false flags were affecting is day to day life. If having access to a telephone is a complete negative in your mind, to the point where you relocate across national borders, I'm not sure I trust your reasoning skills.

If Kyle really did knock out Jesse, Jesse looks like a bitch - and who cares... If Kyle lied about knocking out Jesse, Jesse still looks like a fucking bitch... and suddenly most normal people care beause he's suing the guy (now dead)'s wife who was just the guy's wife...

"They..... They said I couldn't take that guy? What the FUCK? Everybody knows I would squash him with these guns. Write that in the lawsuit papers, it's history, learn it, read it, study it, or ya dooooomed tuh rahpeeeeeetit. I was a Navy SEAL and no one can hurt me in a fight. Sue her, sue everybody. We have the documents."

Kyle made money off of lies and it cost him, but not before making millions off of his "story". His wife was the beneficiary of that money from those lies (the lawsuit's now over...Ventura won in court...with witnesses). It wasnt her money and it shouldnt have been Kyle's. Ventura also said many times that he would have called off the lawsuit if Kyle just told the truth.

As for the fight, it happened in a full bar and you have never seen a police report or a cell phone vid/pic of the event. Everybody in the Seal bar would have seen it go down and known both parties, and there were witnesses on both sides, but only one side had evidence. Kyle's side couldnt even provide a pic of Ventura with a black eye or a swollen lip from the big bad punch from the tough Navy Seal who was drunk and sucker punching a guy in his 60s.

The bar it happened in is owned by Jesse's old BUDS instructor...the guy saw everything and said Kyle was lying from day one. should look for pictures of Ventura from that time and find one that looks like he was punched out by a Navy Seal. He didnt even punch Ventura, Ventura and the rest say as much, and that is why there was no hospital/police paperwork to be found from the event.

Kyle looked like a pussy for sucker punching a senior citizen....and then he looked like a pussy for LYING about punching out a senior citizen. OandA look like dipshits for talking shit about Ventura the whole time while being the main stage for Kyle's bullshit story to gain traction. They believed the conspiracy theory...Ventura told the truth...Jim would still get his ass kicked by old man Jesse if Jim wanted to press the issue. Jim is a wrongheaded cuck....Ventura is a vindicated of those has always been more excusable than the other in my world.

Holy fuck is that a whole lot of words. Ease the fuck up nigga's.

This is the exact argument that Jesse has made, that's all you're telling me. You're just repeating it. I know it, I heard it before when he was the one who said it. I've never seen a video from the bar, and it doesn't affect my point. Listen to the fucking little fun facts you're repeating directly from Jesse's mouth. "Those punks couldn't even come up with a photo of my black eye!!!!!! So see???? He never even beat me up!!!!" You are actually arguing in favor of a man suing someone because he's mad that people thought he lost a fight. You are really saying that shit, and it's because you like Jesse, I assume. Why would you repeat his side only, and actually sound like him?

The fact that even you give a shit that someone lied about punching someone else is funny, but the fact that Jesse is so insecure that he actually sued him and then his widow for not "taking it back..." It tells a lot about Jesse.

Oh, was it owned by his old BUDS instructor? So he had a man on the inside? Who gave the orders to the operatives? Can I read about this on a blog that has a photo of a lynching as the header? I don't give a shit about Kyle or his honor either, or really his widow, I care more about listening to Jesse froth at the mouth because someone out there might think that a young in shape SEAL was capable of punching him and knocking him out. It being true or false as a story does not alter Jesse's desperation in the story, to be seen as a tough man, even if it makes him look even more petty than someone who would lie about punching an old man. The fact that he tried to intimidate Norton also makes the whole story funnier.

If Jesse got knocked out he looks like a goof especially for intimidating Jim.

If Jesse didn't get knocked out he looks like a goof still for actually suing someone for it while also having tried to intimidate a human who looks like a worm (Jim)

Was Howard right in censoring O&A because they built a show trashing him? Most people get angry about that similar story, I'm curious

You cant prove there ever was a fight...neither could Kyle or his bitch wife....neither could his witnesses. I could slap your face with my limp dick and leave a mushroom stamp your boyfriend would see two weeks from now, but Kyle couldnt bruise an old man with a sucker punch.

Im not repeating Ventura's words, Im giving you the details of a concluded court case. It's all on record. You were are wrong...when you hit bottom, stop digging.

There's no digging, faggy shit talking in place of a response to what I said doesn't support your case. You're repeating Ventura's shit and ignoring that whether the story was true or not, Ventura is a fucking cunt about it and that's the only point I'm claiming. You can be the fucking stenographer herself, that doesn't change the fact that Jesse was a pussy about a story getting out that made him look bad, whether it happened or not.

A guy that Fox and Friends were treating like the Greatest American Hero tells the world that you said "I hope troops die...they deserve it" and the country believes him because they want to...they dont care for your politics. Then he says he one-shotted you in your local hangout and all of your friends just watched etc. Meanwhile, you actually work for a living, and these kind of comments can cost you millions....

What would you do...."be a man" and keep your mouth shut?

Im defending the Chemtrail guy with the liberal professor pony tail because that's where the truth lies. You can make it about whatever you want, but this was about Jim Norton and people like you buying into shit that's RIDICULOUS while denying the shit that is easy to find online through a simple Google search (the facts of the Ventura case...Schumer's joke theft...etc).

Im admitting that my guy is flawed, but Im also maintaining that you shouldnt be so proud of being led to the wrong side of history/the argument because of blind allegiance to political leanings when a Google search shows you the truth. Ventura was vindicated...and Jimmy was/you were wrong. Schumer's a joke thief....Jimmy was wrong. That was my point. The fact that people like you only double down when they are obviously wrong is what allows The Worm to cuck out with impunity. Call out Ventura all you want, but we all know that Olivia Munn runs all over when she is in-studio. Dont check a woman! Wait and talk shit the next day.

Again...I'll go with Henry and Jesse over these embarrassments to masculinity any day. If Jim wants to blow a guy in a skirt....I'll look the other way. But if he wants to act tough...and like the "defender of truth", then he should be encouraged by his fanboys to be a bit more consistent (or right for that matter) in his crusade.

Henry Rollins and Jesse Ventura are dumb guys though, intellectually the chances of either of them squashing anyone is almost nothing.

Edit: lol people getting angry at me saying those two are dumb, what delicate little flowers. ma man heroes

Henry Rollins is a world traveller, published author, DJ, singer, spoken word artist, and TV host.

Jesse Ventura was a Navy Seal predecessor and the Governor of Minnesota. He's hosted TV shows, internet shows, and was a professional entertainer for years.

Jimmy is a mid level stand up who has blown every chance he's had to be anything more. The last thing funny or smart that has come out of his mouth has been Rich Vos and Colin Quinn's dicks.

you know how to turn a phrase kind sir. Kudos on your last few posts.

Jesse Ventura thinks chemtrails are raining AIDS down onto people and moved to Mexico to avoid them, he's a complete fucking joke

Henry Rollins is a stupid ex rocker, male feminist who wants to do stand up but isn't funny so he just does spoken word instead

Jesse Ventura was a Navy Seal predecessor and the Governor of Minnesota. He's hosted TV shows, internet shows, and was a professional entertainer for years.

You don't need to be smart to do any of those. Hell, it's a detriment for a few of them.

I didnt make those comments to say Ventura was a genius, I said that as a comparison to Jim Norton. The other poster said guys like Henry Rollins and Jesse Ventura are dumb people. I would wager that their life experiences and on-the-job knowledge alone trumps anything that Jimmy brings to the table.

Besides fawkin pedo voices n shit.

I think that's key. Comedians might write material about politics and bullshit about it with other comedians. But if they were invited to a debate by Steven Crowder, they'd get shit on because that is what he does for a living and takes it very serious.

Bill is the best living stand-up


It's easy to say my answer is wrong, much harder for you to produce the right answer for the rest of the class to fact check, I see.

It's a toss-up between Dave Chappelle and Michael Richards, but Bill is definitely up there.

Shit...I didnt even think of Michael Richards. I stand corrected.

easy, norm macdonald

Norm's as funny as just about anybody, but I am not as high on his stand-up.

I wont say you're wrong though...Norm's great.

norm's (one and only) standup special is fucking amazing and norm macdonald live is the funniest show ive seen in a decade. burr is a confused idiot who is merely entertaining

Ugh, this fucking chick...
Just nods in agreement while he's shooting down her rhetorical question because she's too vapid to have her own opinions in real-time. She's so nervous in front of the big comedian she completely forgot she had an agenda.

Yeah and once she realised she was experiencing something profound she just looked at the camera like a dummy rather than acknowledge and appreciate the moment.

I think that she thought he was going one way with his response, the whole, "these men you're talking about need to shut up" while he was really saying that these cunts need to stop waiting around for approval and just make it happen.

She defaulted to nodding creepily at the camera because, despite standing right in front of him and hearing every word, she had no idea what was going on.

She's the one who made a video about the cake stomp. I remember because I commented on her YT video saying she looked like a manic creep and she replied to me on here, so I felt bad and proven right at the same time

Naturally the first thing out of her mouth after he says 'of course they can be funny' is "BUT there are some people out there who...." You got a fuckin answer that was pro woman and still have to move on, instantly, to the next whine. Every time. If there was one bigot out of 7 billion people on Earth they'd still act like monumentally oppressed victims. Never ends, never will. Dumb cunts.

Actually, the first thing out of her mouth was "I KNOW."

What a great interviewer. Ask a rhetorical question passive aggressively and then when you get the expected response, snap back at them with an "I KNOW." Show those angry little boymen.

I'm not sure if you guys know...but she is an entrepreneur and a web person.

Does she venerate the house wife, though?

The worst thing this sub ever did was turn on Burr when he didn't support Anthony after he was fired.

"We were wrong bill, and you; you were right."

Billy always talks the good talk until Nia comes around trampling over common sense and he tends to concede to her.

Try to be reasonable here. You can't constantly disagree with your significant other and hope to have a good relationship. Every once in awhile you just have to acquiesce. It's also a sign of respect to accept their viewpoint as being valid, even if you may not agree.

Now some vapid cunt interviewer is a different story.

I'm sure even Bonnie and Vos off-air don't constantly disagree and bicker.

You must be some sort of fancy lad with that kind of talk.

Fancy talk, fancy talk for a whore!


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No you're right, no relationship is completely one sided.

I just think it's funny that....he's married to someone on the same tier as this hole. Literally. His wife is a D-List "Dear White People" internet person.

her looking into the camera made me so uncomfortable

She didn't even know what the hell was happening. You can tells she thought he was on her side at first

So she had a chance to interview Bill Burr, and she used that opportunity to make a point to completely random and nameless people on the internet.....

fuckin love Billy.

I don't think I could've been as sarcastic and maddening as that stupid chick if I was trying to do an "off-putting annoying guy" character, that was something to really marvel at.


I know you didnt mean to but reading that opieism took 36 hours off my life

If this was 15 years ago, there would be nothing left of her. Burr would have demolished that question.

Who the fuck is this retard anyway?

Bill Burr

He says, create your own shit, and that's Huffington Post and all those SJW nightmare websites. CNN and MSNBC are the same thing. Maybe most chicks actually do their own things, and it's not just right in my face, but this liberal horseshit is almost unavoidable. I'm almost trying now to keep it away from me, but then they are like here is Ghostbusters with all women, here is Oceans 11 with all women, etc. I think I'm going to turn on a Packers vs Patriots football game and everyone is going to be a woman, because for half the season they must use female players. Can men just be left alone from these crazy chicks.

Edit: Patrice says it, they don't want their own shit, they want your shit. That basically summarizes what is going on in the "Western World." It would be a picture of a white guy holding the bridge of his nose, right between the eyes, and just wanting to be left alone. Here's a video of your post.

Forgot Burr said it too, I thought it was Patrice, I'm not pretending I made it up.

I'm just upset that hes married to an n person


The reason people think women aren't funny are because "angry young men" on the internet say so. It's def not rooted in fact, whatsoever.

Black people aren't better at basketball than white people.

I enjoy how she is nodding her head in fierce agreement before realizing that Bill is actually talking to her. Then it slowly dies down...

Okay, I'll take some downvotes for the team, but she wasn't really being all that cunty here.

She asked a stupid loaded question.

To fair that's what they all do, she just wants to be part of it.

Thats a dumb excuse that 10 year olds use. But its what everyone is doing.

I don't think it's an excuse, the point is that she's harmless because she's like a little girl playing blogger dress up.

come to the KHA-Bareeeet

Bill Burr is about a paper bag skin worth of protection from turning this rhetoric towards white racial awareness and preservation. It's barely a retooling of what he's doing with women.

Regarding Burr supporters: you realize his rabid, forced anti-racism is a coverup for his shame at how racist his private thoughts and instincts are, right? You realize he applies this logic you hear him hurl at women to other races just as easily and readily, right? His efforts to prove his non-racism reflect the depth of his private, genuine racism. Louis CK does the exact, identical thing. He attacks women with the gusto that the standard bigot can only give to women and minorities, but cuts short of going after minorities because that's gauche. That'll hurt your career and social life. If you believe their anti-racist moralizing you're being hoodwinked. And you may as well be a self-identifying cuck while you're at it.

Regarding the downvotes: How many mulattos, mestizos, and general People of Color are really on this sub?

So you're a Person of Color butthurt by these comments enough to downvote it. (Why? Just accept white people don't want to live near you and are only forced to by federal laws. That every white girl you lust after has a father you will have to confront who will despise you and feel that his daughter let down the family for dating you. Just incorporate it into your world and accept it like a man.

That, or a typical racist white guy O&A listener who fashionably pretends not to be because it gives you a moral thrill to feel holier-than-Anthony about. You're probably an Opie racist - acts neutral, has "black friends", but walks the other way when you see 3 or more black youths on the other end of a darkened street. Looks at large groups of blacks in neighborhoods as a problem. Sees a black party in a restaurant or group in a movie theather and groans because you know the loudness will ruin the experience. Patrice liked Anthony because he was open about it. Creeps like yourselves are Opie tier.


maybe because he's an adult and not some angsty autist from this subreddit?

You found a spelling mistake. You must be really smart.

good work, pointing it out totally discredits the point I was making. you must be smart.

You didn't have a point, silly.

He has a dilemna, his successful angle seems to be this character of a straight-talking Irish Catholic working class No-PC, no fags, social conservatives sorta average Joe.

But he isn't. He is far closer to a Hollywood liberal type, a PC apologist, maybe a 'blue dog democrat' at best.

So I don't know what he can do. Hes a kind of walking contradiction. Thing is "don't bullshit about who you fauking are bro" and yet he is doing that for career success.

So he's a nuanced human being? Shocker.

So he's a nuanced human being?

No, he isn't.

He's without nuance when it comes to his dull Hollywood leftist world view and he's without nuance in his 'straightforward say-it-like-it-is' character.

A kingdom divided against itself cannot stand. I told Burr that before he decided to sell out his heritage, his values and his church for cigars with Jerry.


He's just a straight talkin Irish Catholic workin' class Hollywood Jew liberal like his East Coast 'paddys day' fightin drinkin buddy Fitz dog.

They should meet up with ole Boston southie waurking class Altar boy Dana Gould and do a show. The Workin Class Irish boys tour. Where they go off on Political Correctness being 'fuckin cool bro' and 'just cuz someone transgendered don't mean nuthin to me' and 'Christians are vile shit' and then donate a percentage to Black Lives Matter.

Cuckold Sellout Tour (for Climate Awareness): Bill Burr, Greg Fitzsimmons, Dana Gould and totally equal time to 3 female comedians who's 'chugging cock' jokes were written by Jewish men.

Err.. I suppose there's that to consider

Like Norton talking mad shit with his buddies and then being submissive to Lindy West, Bill will go off on women regularly while patting Schumer on the ass and letting his wife go Feminist/BLM on his podcast without check on a regular basis.

I largely interpreted this as both guys know they're limited in a political debate and they don't want to take their shots against someone who's much more into what they're talking about.

Bill is the best living stand-up


Bill Burr