Andrew Dice Clay, OnA, Louis CK, Shane Smith, Amy Schumer, Dana White/Joe Rogan, what are them some other coattails has Morton rode?

0  2016-08-29 by Hunter_Cumia

miller, CQ, Kevin Smith, Jay Leno, Greg Gutfeld, Ricky Gervais


he rode pretty good don' it?

he sure did, now hes trying to attach himself to seth lol

CQ (who rides Jerry Seinfeld)

Kevin Smith, Jay Leno, Greg Gutfeld, Ricky Gervais.

wow i missed so many

I'm all in with the bit but Leno surely doesn't count?

He pretty much ripped off Burr's idea of doing a cartoon, look how that turned out. I watched F is for Family recently and it was very good, and funny. I bet Jimmy thought "Hey! I could do that..." . He needs to update his stand up style like Lou did, it's the worms only real shot at longevity. I wanna love Yimmy, but he makes it so damn hard.

He could be incredible if his standup wasn't a personification of a one-track mind. I personally still laugh at his tranny or gay references because it seems authentic. But if he broadened his material, being one of the quickest and visceral comics I've ever heard, Jimmy could skyrocket.

Might be too late for him now but his quick wit is and has always been his ticket to fame. He just hasn't been able to utilize it in a mainstream way. For example, he was always hilarious on talk shows like the Tonight Show.

But that's the problem, his material that used to be "edgy" (hookers, trannies) doesn't shock many people these days. It's hack, and because he doesn't go out and experience life outside of the comedy club/Sirius/his apt or hotel he will never get new material.

Yeah that's a good point. I like his jokes like that because it's usually misdirection, which he's good at. To someone seeing him for the first time though, it might not even look like misdirection, it probably looks disjointed and faux-shocking.

Sad thing of it is, he will probably die before he ever wakes the fuck up and taps into that great potential...god, we sound gay as fuck.

Unfortunately, probably true.

god, we sound gay as fuck.

No argument here. After the laughs that some of these guys have given me though, I genuinely wish them the best. Especially Jimmy, no comedian has made me laugh like him, I don't think I could ever turn on him or hate him.

I sound like a chick talking about the greatest dick she ever had.

Mike tyson