Don't worry guys, he'll be back. Ant needs to take a much need vacation.

2  2016-08-29 by RBuddCumia


I honestly forgot Anthony did a show..

In this retarded little subterranean world, he's dreary-nutjobbed himself into an afterthought.

That takes some doing.

Anty Kaufman, he only fights women and there are a lot of rumors he's still alive.

"... you. And you."

At least he's realistic about the size of his audience these days.

I feel bad for the people who are paying 7 dollars a month and actually hoping to watch a new, great show everyday.

Listen Live hasn't worked for a week.


Anthony will be on the Long Island Expressway all next week picking up the garbaggggg.oof

He has a court appearance tomorrow.

Speculate. Speculate.

Coming back on a Tuesday, like he starts work at 9AM.

*needed I know i am a cunt.

You used "need" twice anyway, there's no wriggling your way out of this one, pal

Fair enough

I don't think the judge will take too kindly to Anthony's flippant, cocksure attitude that he won't be in the hoosegow on September 6.