The Broccoli Bhagavadgita

64  2016-08-29 by chargersfan3421


This is just as coherent as the actual podcast.

Who ever makes these is either a genius, or massively autistic ..either way, they're amazing

His names AncientDirtbag, I can only assume he knows he's being a silly billy

Confirmed silly billy.

Ahhh shit! How do I know it's da real AncientDirtbag?

And how'd you find this thread?

The self-transforming machine elves led me here.

Do you listen to O&A or ever come here? Those Sourdough Boys vids were all the rage around here when they were discovered/posted.

Digging deeper into your catalogue, we discovered genius works like Jerry.

How do I know you aren't this guy?

Yeah once in a while. Casual O&A fan. If there's a comic on that I like I will give it a listen. I'm glad my videos made their way to you guys.

And that IS me! That's my other YouTube channel for hockey vids that I haven't updated in a few years. Promise.

Cool to know. Do you ever read here, the shit slinging at Opie and the rest of the gang, etc.?

Do you think Rogan is as goofy and boring as your videos portray or do you just like messing with (editing) anything in that way?

I'm interviewing you, now.

Ah man I don't know about the shit slinging really.

I actually love Rogan, and Duncan, and I love the JRE podcast. Been listening regularly for a few years. I don't make these to try to make them look bad, it's all just for fun, and because they provide ample material to work with.

Ah, I see. Though your videos are funny, in general, they are especially hilarious to the people here that don't like Rogan, Duncan, or Tom Papa because it just makes them look like goofballs.

Your editing style is funny, regardless. That Jerry video was a big hit as well, there are a lot of Seinfeld fans here.

Consider yourself part of da family, we enjoy your stuff. And feel free to link new vids here in the future, eh?

Man thank you so much I really appreciate that. I will!

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Check out the rest of his videos.
They're all great.

The way he cuts Joe's coughs or other random noises over people talking is hilarious. Make's Rogan look like the worst host ever

It's the awkward glances and pauses... so well done

The silent, exchanging glances at the end of this one was great

Imagine what he could do with Opie

Opie would take it personally too, as he should.

Bravo to the creator.

I hate what the JRE has become

There was a point when it wasn't a homoerotic pile of metaphysical mumbo-jumbo that induces cringes and douche chills?

It seems like there was, but maybe not

Duncan used to be one of my favorite guests. I remember listening to the two of them talking about wolves and laughing my ass off in public. This was probably six years ago.

They've just been repeating themselves since then.

Mysticism, yeah?

I cant stand duncan. Hes playing a character, most of the things he says is pseudo intellectual bullshit.

fucking advertisement for cannabis prohibition

I love the retarded google searches in these

AncientDirtbag videos are the best videos on Youtube.

Its always great to see people talk about Science when they know nothing above a 7th grade level in terms of Science and Math.

If you think Joe Rogan and his guest are bad, try reading the comments on the youtube channel. They are arguing whether or not plants can feel pain.

"They did a study showing plants feel pain."

That's it. No more information than that. Well guys it looks like Joe Rogan knows his shit. Plants do feel pain. They did a study and it proved it.

My plants feel pain every time they see an interracial couple.

Thank god you live in Sweden.

When he starts talking about "The most enormous bears...", It kills me every time.

The second sourdough boys is even better.

The link is the second one, lol.

has joe addressed these videos? they are so fucking good. if he admits that they're funny he wins points in my book

I can't see him getting offended by these.

>Plants are, for the most part, less violent than animals.

>Turtles don't have a normal human body.

>The animals that only eat meat are the scary ones.

Good job retards

The Great Outdoors.

I never understood the hatred towards Joe Rogan. Now I get it.

Fucking great.

I fucking love these videos. I wasn't sure at first if this could be as good as the sourdough boys one but Rogan comes up with just enough retarded horseshit to keep it fresh.

Out of all this ridiculous shit though, the unbelievable part is when Duncan gets offended by a gun gesture. What a little douche.

Is the gun gesture thing not taken out of context though? I could swear he was sarcastically mocking someone who would say that.

Ya heard what I said Trav?".?

As hacky as it is just edit someone to make them look retarded, I still can't help but laugh my balls off

Yeah once in a while. Casual O&A fan. If there's a comic on that I like I will give it a listen. I'm glad my videos made their way to you guys.

And that IS me! That's my other YouTube channel for hockey vids that I haven't updated in a few years. Promise.

Man thank you so much I really appreciate that. I will!

The second sourdough boys is even better.