does anyone find it mildly interesting that piggy never does any stand-up during any of her appearances? I haven't seen any clips from her new special either. It makes me think it's horrendous and I am kinda looking forward to its release so you assholes can tear it apart.

4  2016-08-29 by fish_flower

7 comments This set from Conan 2011 says it all. She bombs back to back even when the crowd has been fluffed beforehand. I don't think she polishes her sets at small clubs most weeknights like Chris Rock did before he recorded "Bring the pain". She barely makes an effort by telling joke-book grade material, and it shows. Low connection to the audience because female comics have told these jokes for years.

She climbed so high because women find her likeable and her "controversial" political statements are in line with other tribe members and libtard college graduates.

She tried to fast track her comedy career by going on last comic standing despite only having done standup for a few years. Now she's finally being recognized as an unfunny fraud.

upon further investigation

she tells this story:

as her closer (as seen here at her MSG show):

I just assumed it is because now she cannot physically stand for longer than 4 seconds at a time. Because of the fat and all.

I found it mildly amusing how casual you called her piggy

I think she's going to take a page from Mark Normand's book, which he won't mind because Tucker Max wrote a couple more.

Tucker Max didn't just fire his head joke writer.