So many people have been saying this, but the ONLY way it appears on the front page of The Huffington Post, is when the author is a black democrat.

9  2016-08-28 by Lil_Teddy_Sheckler


This may be off topic, but I'll be so happy if Hillary Clinton has a stroke onstage at the first debate.

Not me, my prayers and thoughts would be with her family. Especially Bill.


Hamsterdam would have fixed all their problems, damn police! SNIFFF...s the wine

I love you too

So if I'm white can I publish a paper on smug black people? The people who keep fucking up my commute with their protests about something happening in another fucking country?

As it turns out, political correctness is just white people trying to feel good about themselves. And nothing makes them feel better than helping someone they feel is naturally inferior.

Liberals are just as racist as their conservative grandfathers.

That said, who gives a fuck about Huffington Post besides white bitches and other different, more whitewashed bitches? Or people on my Facebook feed that share any like-generating headline they possibly can. Besides, I don't need to hear anymore fucking white people say this, because it's just more phony self-flagellation for the sake of inflating their ever-WASP sized ego. Fuck everybody that ever lived.

wait, Sherrod is black?

if you read the article she misses it by a MILE ... she is trying to analyse the hypocrisy of white liberals : she chalks the problem up to them not helping black people enough ... this is embarrassing

"The Culture of the Uppity Negro" by Hillary Clinton.

They say they feel black peoples’ pain because they took a trip to Africa to help the disadvantaged, but are unwilling to go to a black neighborhood in the City in which they live.

Uh, well.. of course not, because actual African people aren't living in a place where mainstream media is constantly trying to start a race war.

Wow that article fell apart in the second half

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