Fuck Rich Vos. "don't make fun of me, you're fans not friends"

23  2016-08-28 by fish_flower

holy shit, what an absolute fucking faggot

no one is a fan of rich vos, rich vos is the guy you go see when your wife is hard up for a night out so you go to antonio's pasta shack for dinner & a show because there's nothing good playing at the movies.

listen to this garbage set "people in retail are stupid" https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cQI5nQSCFZk

fuck that guy, the only thing he ever brought to the o&a show was how much of a retard he is, the guys trying to get him to say the dumbest shit they could and his lisp.


It's weird seeing these great ball busters turning into sensitive faggots, it's like they sorta know that they are becoming irrelevant and can't take the heat any more.

Yeah, its like they're all turning into Joe DeRosa.

Twitter is the worst thing to ever happen to c-list comedians

Rich "2003 Mercedes" Vos

Rich "$2,000 Rolex" Vos

Rich "3 bedroom condo in Jersey" Vos

Oh boy. That was dumb, Rich. Now we know you're here.

He's the only one of the group I thought probably didn't read here. Thanks for confirming, Vos. You moron.

His user password is comic615


He changed it. Slightly... Wink wink nudge nudge.

this was confirmed months ago tho he already admit he started lurking this sub

Acknowledging our existence is a terrible idea.

Haha mullens' reply. That dude is my favorite

I drove here in a 2003 Mercedes, you drove here in a Hyundai! See this watch? I paid 3k for This watch from some guy who was hard up for drug money.

It's a top of the line Rolexsh


Cool. We're talking about Rich Vos here, though. He literally said his $3,000 Rolex was top of the line.

Nope. Only complete faggots wear watches in 2016.


At least Bonnie knows what she'll be worth in the near future

Haha I had no idea I was blocked by Vos until clicking that link just now.

I have no idea if I ever did anything to deserve it, or how many years ago it must have been (since I don't actually use Twitter anymore).

chuckle hut

Vos blocked me for criticising Sherrod in a tweet he was tagged in. Hes a queer.


Apparently, a reddit comment constitutes a "bit" in Rich's eyes.

Vos is bragging about a $33,000 used car. He's one of these dumb fucks that buys a Mercedes with no frills just because its a Mercedes, when he could've bought a brand new non-luxury name vehicle that was fully loaded.

Said Mercedes just purchased in 2016

no one is a fan of rich vos

Why don't you say that to his face tonight at the Omaha Funny Bone? Tickets are still available at the door.

Of course they are.

Nice try Rich

he was on Def Comedy Jam for 4 minutes in 1976, show some respect

Show shome reshpect, okay?

all the great comics list their credits and net worth as a comeback when arguing with someone.

Listing your net worth based on a watch and a car is pretty lame. Both have resale value for shit. A "$13,000" Rolex would likely only fetch 5k if you had to sell it.

Fuck all of you, he has a point. Do you really think if they brought random comic on the show for the first time and he started ripping on Vos like his friends do it wouldn't be weird? Vos owes a lot to the show and he definitely recognizes that, that's why he refused to say anything during the feud.

I would really hate for this place to turn on Vos, it's not like he's sucking Amy off on Twitter for a role in a new film.

Too late for that. We ripped him apart during Bonnie's meltdown with Pat Dixon. And then those two idiots had a deleted podcast where rich says how Pat is a nobody and how dare he say that to Bonnie. Rich walked out of that shit right after Bonnie.

The fucks he supposed to do? Bonnie for sure should be getting shit but he's on her side by default for some bullshit reason I'm sure she established.

Yeah you're right about that

IMO the whole Bonnie thing wasn't that big of a deal, it was all fun and Bonnie was kind of embarrassed when she came back on the show later. The turning point where it got real ugly, was when Dixon out of nowhere started to attack Vos, without any humor.

People around here get so fucking butthurt when people suggest that being shit on by professionals you respect and thousands of anonymous trolls isn't the same thing.


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This might actually be his one redeeming quality in all of this. He hasn't been a kiss ass to Pig Amy. Just for that I'm still all in with the Vos...for now

Not only is he not a kiss ass, he and Bonnie made jokes about her joke stealing. Something no one else did.


I agree. Since when did we all turn on Vos? The guy makes a point.

Vos stock is way down

He's dodging us!

Vos gave up his password to everything live on the air, I shall forever love that dipshit.

For once I actually don't know where we're at with the Rich Vos.

Anyone who shows this sub any attention, instantly loses. He fucked up.

I like him, I think you're just a Grumpy Gus.

In his defense, it's hard to tell the difference when you've never had either.

The best part is that Colin retweeted Vos' tirade

I dont see them, I think youre loying

Maybe an employee will venerate his coffee

You are misusing venerate. I had to google it myself. It means show respect.

it means to be proud of your boy

His retarded flaws are a big part of why he's popular and why we like him in the first place.

He is insecure about his shit career relative to his incredibly long time in the business.

I'll never get over that pic someone posted of the sad apartment complex in that nowhere New Jersey town where Rich and Bonnie live.

A civilian shouldn't be subjected to such horrors.

Dave Attell couldn't out-funny the pointless, pitiful tragedy of that pic.

I can't imagine driving back to that garden of heavy, defeated sighs after playing a gig at a local Italian restaurant to 17 people (counting waitstaff) for $68 and a meal.

You nailed the Rich Vos experience 1000%, my friend! lol

Fuck that mushed-mouth kike.

How the fuck has Vos not killed himself? 30 plus years as a comic and still playing shitty clubs.

He looks at his sister-in-law and feels better about himself.


Or he doesn't like strangers giving him shit?

Yeah but he's in the spotlight as they say

Comes with the territory. It sucks I'm sure, but it's just how it is.

Vos' schtick whether he likes it or not is "he's a hacky comic, and needs his balls busted." I think he's dumb for not embracing that and alienating his fans. It's what makes him love-able and memorable, it's like his thing. No one really means it, everyone knows he's talented. He's shooting himself in the foot for being an old fucking miserable crab like this.

Why do you have to insult the mentally retarded?

This shouldn't be hard to understand. Friends bust balls with friends all the time. You don't want to hear that shit from strangers. I see where Rich is coming from. Having unfunny dorks think they're part of the show and trying to goof on you with lame jokes every day on Twitter must get old fast.

Lol, somebody got blocked and isn't happy about it

Spare Vos. He's earned it

His anger at the fans(or not fans, whatever) is hilarious. Dont let it really get to you.

you're out of line, and i'm sure Vos would beat you with a bat if he was able to grasp it with his tiny fingers

Why did you block me on twitter for saying Trump isn't racist? Your wife just control every aspect of your career?

"You're not friends"


"You're fans"

Oh sweet Rich.


I have no problem with famous people blocking anyone on Twitter. No idea why they bother with that shit in the first place

We just got a grown man to say "don't make fun of me".

We are. Stop trying to pretend you're more.


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Surprised Vos can take time from smashing Bonnie's retard sisters head off the head board as Bonnie watches like the cunt she is.


"Ramone, get your nose out of Alana mcfarlane's shit hole and help me find a proper place to bury this genetic deficiency she's related to."


He's always been like that. When it comes to consistency, Rich Vos is literally the same person for the past decade.

And out of all these years, he would respond with that or something that sounds like that because of one thing: you bombed horribly trying to make fun of him.

We know he's not funny. He's funny because he's funny at not being funny. That's the dumb joke, and you took it seriously.

rich may be a cringeworthy dolt but the dude has also made me legitimately laugh a few times when i wasn't expecting it. give the retarded midget more credit.

Unlike opie he actually repeatedly states that it's only some bags of shit from reddit that are loathsome and terrible. Seems like a fair and balanced take to me

Vos wouldn't know the difference because he has neither.

What a twat, especially when she said making fun of mentally disabled people isn't funny. Oh wait that was her wife. Either way the two of them should realize how hacky a show about "two married people that can't stand eachother but never divorce" is. That's like some 1950s wally cleaver stupid bullshit dressed up with bad teeth and curse words.

Oh shut the fuck up, He's been living his dream for the past 50 years he's been in comedy. Hot wife, good friends, enough money. What are you doing with your life dickhead? Eat another hot pocket and waste another day

Hot wife


Keep pretending you wouldn't fuck Bonnie

bonnie is a 10/10 in the world where rich vos still looks like this

when did I say I wouldn't fuck her

I would absolutely not fuck bonnie

You're a liar

Im into 4'11 tiny white girls and giant fat-ish black girls, not a whole lot in between

He's been living his dream for the past 50 years he's been in comedy.

He's a mediocre comic stuck in the New Jersey chuckle hut. He's literally below a cum-subsisting progeria child in terms of fame, wealth and talent.

Ahhh that's pretty funny, the stereotypical hot pocket eating fat fuck living in a basement. Rich doesn't care that you backed him up here. He probably thinks the same for everyone on there. Like who gives a fuck if he gets made fun of? He's a comedian, that's his job. I never knew living the dream started at sucking dick for Coke in short shorts while riding around in a bike?

You are misusing venerate. I had to google it myself. It means show respect.

The fucks he supposed to do? Bonnie for sure should be getting shit but he's on her side by default for some bullshit reason I'm sure she established.

IMO the whole Bonnie thing wasn't that big of a deal, it was all fun and Bonnie was kind of embarrassed when she came back on the show later. The turning point where it got real ugly, was when Dixon out of nowhere started to attack Vos, without any humor.

He looks at his sister-in-law and feels better about himself.
