Poor lil' Jimmy. At 3:28 you can see the exact moment his heart breaks

18  2016-08-28 by LindaSpringwood


Fat Jimmy doesn't look good either

Just going to the gem. Going to the gem and eating batter!

Thin Jimmy doesn't look much better

I think any body type combined with those awful involuntary face twitches is bound to not look good.

But more importantly huhu...but more importantly huhu...but more importantly...Ant wait huhu...but more importantly...but more importantly

What, you don't think the Opester added to the humor of the situation?

What a great show that was

seriously though, i shouldnt feel bad when i see jim twitch the same way i feel bad when i see kids with muscle dystrophy. Ill i can help but think to my self is "aww poor little guy"

I never though I'd say this, but Roland actually has a funny line at the end.

4:00 - what the fuck kind of camera is that person using that they're getting a quality picture two inches away from the books

he was getting a shot of jims face with the books at the bottom, take a photography class ya fucking bum

How about a time stamp next time, mmmkay?

The 3 minutes of context is important you slut.