where we at with the judging people by the content of their character and not by the color of their skin?

16  2016-08-28 by cuntcumia


N person


Yes, but if the content of character is dictated by the color of skin, then it's like a cheat code.

Anthony is black on the inside and on the outside.

i only judge people by the size of their man-tits.

When Opie was asked this question he simply answered 'nigger'.

I am not a fan of Opie, he is too soft on spics, but I love his courage in warning us about niggers and his admiration for ISIS despite the stigma that would give to a famous radio personality of his caliber.

He has been doing this since he was 18, love or hate him, he knows his way around a microphone.

Suck on a tailpipe you cis-gendered breeder.

Sounds like something a white cracker would do

somewhere between niggertown and the ghetto


Martin Luther Dingbat or somethin toss FAWKIN home run Chipperson

ive never done it personally


Sounds like we are taking a lot of steps to come to the same conclusion.


To quote the great Ron Bennington : I never judge people based on the color of their skin, I only judge people based on nose size.

True story: I used to work several years ago around or in the education field, college. Fairly well mixed btw. My position required me to be a part of security as well (watching and recording surveillance video for evidence). I can tell you that 100% of all criminal issues I dealt with over the years there were related to black people exclusively - vandalism, stolen property, fighting, etc. Only one time did I review tape for someone who wasn't African American, and it was because they thought they lost a check somewhere which they were paying to the school for tuition.

Other than that one time, which wasnt criminal at all, 100% of the criminal activity was caused by African Americans. Kind of speaks for itself

Who wants to know and why?

