Hey gang, I'm on drugs and need a movie suggestion.

3  2016-08-28 by JoeCumiaSr



What sort of drugs? It makes a difference

How you watching a movie? Netflix? Hulu? Torrents?

All that shit besdies Hulu

"All that shit" being a total of two things

What do you like? What types of genres? Some of your favorite movies now.

Martyrs, The Shiging, Mulholland Dr

Id recommend Alien, Fargo, Goodfellas and Taxi Driver.

I watch a lot of movies but don't want to be a hipster faggot and list some more obscure films.

I definitely recommend American Movie though.


Check out these:

The Descent

It Follows

The Thing

Cannibal Holocaust



Near Dark

Killer Klowns From Outerspace

Tucker and Dale vs Evil

Maniac Cop

Critters 1-4

Dead Next Door (filmed where I grew up and went to school)

any of the Leprechaun movies

The Stuff


They Live


Zombie 2

Day of the Dead

Maniac (remake)

Return of the Living Dead

What an odd list

It's like he copied a shitty imdb horror recommendation list.

yeah I'm sure C.H.U.D. is good...

C.H.U.D. is the shit

Whiplash Niggah. Jk Simmons is the shit

Krampus massively stunk....and how does anyone just unironically recommend Basket Case without at least mentioning how silly the premise is?

I love cheesy monster/ horror movies. Basketcase is up there as one of the worst movies ever but it's so silly, it's good. I love it.

Krampus is the first movie I've seen in theaters since the second X Files movie. I thought it was great. I wish it would've had some gore, Dead Alive gore levels would've been hilarious. I also thought the ending of that movie was great! Felt like watching a new Tales From The Crpyt movie.

You didn't go to the movies for 7 years? That's pretty fuckin crazy to me. I probably go every 2 months

You thought the "it was all a dream" ending to a really shitty and underwhelming movie was great? Lol that was the standard of laughably bad for me and the few friends I usually see movies with...untll we saw The Conjuring 2.....and that brought shit to another level.

I liked how the ending of the movie wasn't a happy ending. And it wasn't "all a dream". You think the kid just dreamt all that shit up? Did we watch the same movie?

well we tapped out around the time the dumb gingerbread man attacked them from the chimey...googled and at the time it said it was just all a dream...re-googled it and I guess it was all a dream but it was also a St. Elsewhere situation where it all took place in a snowglobe? Either way just a super shitty movie.

I liked it for what it was, a monster movie. Just sucks that the majority of horror movies now, and the last 10 years, are mostly just gay ghost or possession movies with jump scares. Krampus got me excited because it was a monster movie with comedic elements and it was holiday themed. Sounded like a shitty movie, Leprechaun, that would be fun.

That sucks you didn't like it but I really enjoyed it and would definitely pay to see another horror movie take a risk like Krampus did.

Lol when did you see the monster? We had to shut it off about 3/5ths of the way through after it was consistently terrible and the scariest thing was a christmas tree orniment come to life or whatever it was...I love monster/horror movies too but yeah its all been gay ghost shit thats just stupid the past several years...idk I seem to get more enjoyment out of disliking bad movies(Conjuring 2/Suicide Squad) than I do out of liking them at this point. I guess what I saw of Krampus was enough or me personally to laugh at it, but maybe not enough to call it among the worst of the worst.



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A Scanner Darkly is fun while high.

I just watched that new Mel Gibson joint.

Nothing groundbreaking, but well done.

Grizzled Mel Gibson fucking rules.

American History X, Birth of a Nation, Imperium, The Eternal Jew

Jump out a window, you can fly.


What drug are you on, estrogen? Blow is a great movie if you haven't seen it.


And weed


I watched that movie on acid and I'm convinced it's backwards.


Why would you recommend a movie you've never seen?

he got aids

Hopefully not for much longer.



Your mother is always good.


Are you in a nice neighborhood?

Is there a nice park to visit?

Doing mushrooms at home isn't the best.

Never liked mushrooms, always thought the visuals were a bit drab compared to lsd/2cx/25i

Best day of my life.

Well then youre better off falling into a youtube hole of weird things like guys into real dolls and shit

Shrooms? Just close your eyes.

You'll have all the movies you want.

Don't watch movies on shrooms, go listen to some primus

Fuck Primus! Listen to Primus instead.

Primus sucks

Is blow worth watching?? Im coked the fuck up right now

  1. Lucky 2. Yes, it's a great movie.

Im only doing coke cause im out of speed until the 3rd. Its weird but i prefer snorting ritalin to snorting coke, plus its insanely cheap by comparison

I'm watching The Prestige on YouTube now


It's an important social commentary on rape culture.

Possession (1981) Andrzej Żuławski

Possession 1981

shit nigga u serious


old ass movie

it's awesome dude. check out the trailer on youtube

That trailer was terrible lol

Lol I looked it up out of curiousity and yeah it was...how could someone reccommend that lol


Try "Pontypool." It's on Netlfix. Very odd, disturbing and excellent. Give it a go and report back.

Whiplash. Jk Simmons reminds me of Sgt Hartman from Full Metal Jacket in this one. really good.

Trainspotting is dope. Could always fall back on Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas. Second favorite thing Johnny Depp has done behind beating up his mouthy wife.

Gremlins 2

Fury Road is a lot of fun.

I dont have a movie suggestion but you can torrent some Eric Andre and every episode of Aqua Teen from thepiratebay. Thats shits great on mushrooms/acid.

why ruin your buzz doing somethings wasteful, go listen to the latest episode of #OpieRadio

edit: I stammer when I type

Requiem for a Dream

Crystal fairy and the magical cactus

Random good Canadian movie about kids in juvy hall: Dog Pound

If you can get through annoying subtitles for a REALLY good movie: City of God

If youre looking for that last push to kill yourself: the appropriately titled Suicide Squad

City of God is one of my all time favs

Oh yeah I think if it was in English it'd be a Goodfellas level classic...some other lesser known good Netlflix shit is Creep, which someone disagreed with me on here before but I thought it was an awesome ow budget found footage movie with a really tight creepy story, Wrong Cops is a hilariously absurd smart comedy, and the first V/H/S is pretty well known but worth seeing if you havent. Also Tim & Eric's Billion Dollar Movie if you havent seen it is fun to watch.

The August Underground trilogy.

Lame shit gore

All that shit besdies Hulu

And weed

Don't watch movies on shrooms, go listen to some primus

Are you in a nice neighborhood?

Is there a nice park to visit?

Doing mushrooms at home isn't the best.

It's like he copied a shitty imdb horror recommendation list.

Well then youre better off falling into a youtube hole of weird things like guys into real dolls and shit

Shrooms? Just close your eyes.

You'll have all the movies you want.