tssss hey look it's Kelsey Shoe-mur or sumthin.

0  2016-08-27 by Ant_Sucks


He better be hitting that, and I don't mean how ol'Cumia does it

Shoe shopping with a chick that would never fuck him. He really is the non threatening gay friend.

This muthafucka taught metzger how to cuck

There's nothing wrong with being friends with a girl.

And I go shoe shopping with my buddies all the time, lots of guys do it.

Just admit it you're bent.

Friend zone faggot

wait wait.... How about Amy-bootmur?

Wazzat? leave da jokes to da pros ya fawkin cawksucka

aw goddamnit.

This muthafucka taught metzger how to cuck

There's nothing wrong with being friends with a girl.

And I go shoe shopping with my buddies all the time, lots of guys do it.