Colin is a rebel

0  2016-08-27 by Lil_Teddy_Sheckler


But isn't he only "half a nigger", as Opie put it?

And then he said his white half raises his status to 4/5ths of a person.

yeah but take opies rules about tattoos into account.

as man, if they cover more than 30% of your body, your an honorary coon.

as a woman if you have a tattoo, youre a cunt and most likely a worthless female journalist who's too dull to write about anything worthwhile

what an impotent protest

lol, this was the big story of the day. The only way this faggot can get publicity is shit like this cause his fucking qb skills sure as shit ain't making it. I predict he will not be the starting qb and maybe traded or released.

I hope he gets pulled over in Dallas and makes a furtive gesture toward his waistband.

Nah nigga, this nigga is woke. Kap's a good guy.

Why yall niggas hatin on the breh. He hates the flag, it's understandable. This country has stomped on his people for centuries. Do u actually expect him to love niggas who oppress him

That being said, his parents are pieces of shit. Of the lowest kind.

u/xaway3 It wasn't impotent. it mobilized many POC to stand up against this country. They might end up taking it back.

I am a native born citizen of this county and neither I nor my family ever "stomped on his people." For fuck sake, my "people" were in Germany stomping other people, but not "his people."

this sounds like something a child would do. If I was his teammate I would be so pissed, now every interview they have to answer the "what do you think of Colin not standing" fucking question. For someone trying to get the starting quarterback job back he's not doing himself any favors. Fuck this faggot. He will be third string qb by mid season.

It's good that his teammates will be asked that. People need to say whether they like that flag or not. Millions of Americans hate that flag

He was adopted and raised by white people and he still believes in this institutionalised racism shit?